"Here's for you." Su Jingjing another box of pre-packed food to one of their refugees. She smiled warmly at the recipients of food that the Chens donated.

"Miss Su, are we done yet?" Chen Lingtian asked politely by Su Jingjing's side. The boy tugged at the hem of her clothing. 

"Soon, why? Are you hungry? You can start eating. I'll finish distributing the food."

Chen Lingtian and Chen Lihua also handed some of the prepacked food boxes to the residents of Su Jingjing's women-and-children shelter.

The twins were there in compliance with their community service. They had to complete sixteen hours in total to be completed in a month.

Kang Sola discussed the arrangement with Su Jingjing who lived in a socialized institution. The latter relayed the matter to her superiors. In turn, they discussed with the Chens and had come into an agreement with the twins' schedules and activities.