"I know your Uncle Guangxi. Wouldn't you ask me about him too?" The man repeated as he walked closer to the food table. 

"But we don't know you…" Chen Lihua trailed on in response to the man's claim.

"Let's not talk to him, Lihua. We shouldn't talk to strangers." Chen Lingtian reminded her.


"HAHAHAHAHA." The man roared in laughter. He found the two kids so amusing. "Bright kids. Who taught you that? Your Uncle Guangxi or your Aunt Sola? That's not entirely false or wrong. Let me see."

He extended his hand for a handshake, first to Chen Lingtian then to Chen Lihua. "I'm your Uncle's friend and workmate. We go to the same office every single day. Yang Haoran is the name."

The two kids shook his hand lightly with lots of reservations.

"Nice to meet you, Sir." The little boy politely greeted. "I'm Chen Lingtian and she's my twin sister, Chen Lihua."

"Pleasure is mine."