"Get ready for it! Get ready for it!" Xue Guangxi excitedly led his nephew and niece inside his flat at Unit 2301, each of the twins' chubby paws was tightly secured in his grip. Both kids' eyes were tied with a blindfold. They squealed as they entered their uncle's abode. 

Xue Guangxi picked up the twins after their classes one Friday. For the weekend, these three would be spending more time with each other. It a good setup since Kang Sola had been out on field work most of the time. The twins were already feeling her absence.

As they stopped their little saunter, Xue Guangxi proceeded in taking off each of the blindfolds with a strict instruction, "Close your eyes first, okay? You'll open your eyes on my count. No cheating! Cheaters go to hell!"

Another set of angelic squeals from the seven-year-olds filed the room.

"Ready. On my count. On three, alright? Chen Lingtian, Chen Lihua. One."


