"Oh, but I did see you today, Ms. Gao." Her eyes sparkled with mischief and amusement.

Kang sola could not believe her luck at all. She who did not even join the hunt ends up winning the chase. She wasn't entirely superstitious but somehow she felt like some sort of a divine intervention tugged the string of fate. 'Unbelievable.'

And now, it seemed to her that she's had the upper hand, and got the leverage to turn the tables both for her career and for this woman's future.

Would she truly drag a person down to hell?

"It's a blank check. Take it and keep your silence." The A-list actress, Miss Gao Jun lifted her chin haughtily.

"I don't need a blank check." The corner of Kang Sola's lips curled upward in a wider grin. It was as cryptic as Mona Lisa's smile. This Gao Jun must have thought that Kang Sola was just like the myriads of reporters at the middle of the normal curve who would be enticed by a hefty sum.

Not Kang Sola, though. Tsk. Tsk.