"Big Bird." Hawk called out, waiting for instructions.

"She's just a girl. Ride along, but don't hurt her." Dan Shaoqing remarked, which was heeded by the other two.



Chen Lihua brazenly ran forth towards the group of three and with all her body's strength, she surged forward and bumped Big Bird who fell on his ass on the ground. Her shoulder ached from the contact, but the little girl disregarded the throbbing that came afterward.

"What the – "

Condescendingly, Chen Lihua pointed at the three alternately. "You! If you do something bad to Wei Rin again, you'll have to face me!"

"You? Haha. What can you do?" Standing up, He brushed off his butt all the dust that had gathered from the ground when he fell. He lurched forward, then poked Chen Lihua's forehead with a little bit of force. She swatted it aggressively, her chest rising up and down from the seething rage.