Jiang Biyu was called to the school at short notice. The old lady hastily dropped everything she was doing at her shop and went straight to the school. She was informed that the twins got into a ramble again and that her granddaughter got injured.
She prayed meekly in her head, impatiently waiting for the car to reach the twins' school.
When she arrived, she saw her grandson, Chen Lingtian sat across three bigger boys. One of them was bandaged on the cheekbone.
"Xiao Lingitan!"
Gramma Chen scurried to the sullen boy. "Are you okay? Principal, sorry I'm late. Please proceed."
"We're waiting for the other guardians, Mrs. Chen. We're grateful that you could come at a short notice."
She let out a tired smile at the principal. Turning to Chen Lingtian, she asked, "Where's your sister?"
The boy shrugged his shoulders. He asked to be excused to go to the restroom. He tugged his grandmother's sleeves and asked her to accompany him.