For once, the thought of believing the rumor about the place being haunted crossed his mind and spooked him, nearly believing it all together.

But he came again at that same spot in the library the next day. And slept and read, like usual.

And came again the next day, as if the apparition did not happen at all.

Until one day…

He saw the same exact familiar silhouette against the bookshelves. It wasn't that difficult to recognize, since the girl whom he had mistaken as a ghost, had unconventional pink highlights.

It was in the same reference section in the library where ghosts were believed to reside in.

At the sight, he scowled, thinking, "Who in their right mind will color their hair pink?"

Right off the bat, he started to dislike this person. For the sole reason of her preference in hair color.

"What is she doing in my place in the library?" Being territorial, he would want to keep the place for himself.