"No, I'm good. Thanks." He rubbed the side of his neck, seemingly hesitant to end their mini conversation. He wanted to ask something. "Uhm…"

"Hmm? Yes, Sir?" 

"N-Nothing. Thanks." 

"Alrighty! Have a good day!" She left in high spirits. Somehow some of her good vibes rubbed onto him. He found himself smiling behind his face mask.

Right, he still had his black face mask on, covering half of his face. The girl did not return to his table even when his chicken parmigiana came. Another staff – a young lad – served it instead. 

'Looks like the person getting the orders is different from the person who serves it.' He pulled his black mask down and inhaled the good food in front of him. After his meal, he lingered further but decided to just leave her alone.

At night, he lied awake, thinking the disparity of social classes between him and the rest of the world. Seeing that girl in her part-time work was such an eye-opener for him.