Xue Guangxi sighed as he once in a while mingled with the members of the elite circles as the Xue Second Young Master. His family had been dragging him into these parties more frequently than normal.

"Just o and let them see your face. Our parents miss you so much. If you don't want to visit them at the Xue Mansion, then at least let them see you at parties." That was what his older brother, Xue Minhe advised when they met outside in the sports complex for some bodily grind in the form of tennis.

"I can't believe they're still this strict with me – especially Father! I'm already twenty-five! You understand me, right?" During their water breaks in between tennis games, he whined to his older brother as usual. "Will they leave me alone?"

"Well, parents are gonna be parents." Xue Minhe tapped his younger brother on the shoulders. "They have already left you alone, brother. Cut the old folks some slack. Be their son once in while."