"Next month? I'm afraid the timeline would not work out…"

"I see. That's unfortunate, then. Let me see if I can invite someone from my agency instead. Can I get your business card?" She smiled enthusiastically. Her intervention would have already been a huge help to XG Corp.

"Sure, here it is!" He passed on his business card clipped using two hands with full respect, "Please do give me a call whatever the news is. Thank you Miss… Ling'er…"

"No problem!" She alternately gazed at the two fine gentlemen in front of him, noting that Xue Minhe had gotten silent.

Now that she had bestowed some attention on him again, he spoke, "Enough of the work-related talk. Let's chat about more pleasant things, shall we?"


Having accomplished his goal with Mss Liu Ling, Xue Guangxi could now rest his worries aside. He stayed for a bit longer than expected and chatted good-naturedly with his brother and with his new friend, Liu Ling.