The shoot wrapped up quite nicely and all gathered for drinks afterward.

Su Jingjing had made a reservation under XG Corp. in a nearby restaurant as per Yang Haoran's instructions for the get-together and wrap-up celebration after the shoot. 

All the crew members headed there in groups and walked in awe at the elegance of the place which exuded luxury and class in every corner. The interior was everything modern.

The initial amazement, however, did not intimidate them into having the merriment of each other's company after a grueling shoot.

They had all overcome the crisis with flying colors. All that was left was the editing part. It could wait until tomorrow. At the very least, they already have the material to present to Mr. Lim and his team of critics.

For now, the XG Corp. employees that were members of the production team for the LNG account drank their hearts away as if there was no tomorrow waiting for them.