"Let's go. We will be late." He tugged her by the wrist into the building's foyer.

She resisted and retrieved her arm, "Wait. We?"

Just before they entered the building, Wu Xiang's hand dug into his leather shoulder bag and it reappeared a few seconds after now clutching a familiar lanyard attached to an identification card. "Yes. 'We'. You and… me. Because I applied to a vacant position and got in." He beamed proudly.

 "Oh. Then, congratulations." But her face fell and was saying otherwise. It was of gaping shock.

"You do not look too happy. Aren't you happy for me? We will be together at work. Again. Just like at our vlogging gig. You're almost always absent in our vlogging gigs. I'm getting more worried about you." Wu Xiang frowned in concern at her negative reaction. "I thought you'd want me to enter as well. Don't you remember, you tried to convince me to enter as well? I had been thinking about it a lot since then."