"Don't worry, Wu Xiang's ethical values are the strongest out of all the people that I know of. He wouldn't betray his own beliefs for personal gain. Nor would he take advantage of our friendship or our work environment to get closer to me romantically speaking, you know what I mean as well. He's not touchy and he's respectful towards me. And you trust me too, do you not? Both of you are my guy friends. Don't cater to malicious ideas." Her voice was laced with too much unease.

"I trust you, Sola. Come on. You don't have to be defensive." He cajoled her with a softer tone.

 She sighed. "I'm just worried that you'll think of problematic scenarios inside your head. I'm telling you, don't. Okay?"

Only an hour had passed since the start of her working hours but she already felt drained. "Guangxi." She called out when he seemed to be hesitating at the other end of the line.