chapter 2

it was a good day is a good day, now time to find the one that killed Mr Hunter, two people were talking about him calling him a coward and traitor to his country that was not true, he was turn on by brothers and arms, they are pointing out the blame At me, " they point the blame at my dad, all he was trying to do was served his country, this is fucking unbelievable! cried out Andrea, it is he wasn't asking for to be betrayed on by a fellow brother in arms, we need answers about what happened that day.

So as we got done eating we all went home, unfortunately for Xavier who stumbles into all filled with rattlesnakes, for running his mouth about Mr. Hunter Andrea father, is about to have an untimely death, this time of year we get hit hard with the rattlesnakes, So as he was walking down the alley heading home, he stops by the sound of rattles. It was dark out he didn't see where he was going and step on one and got bitten, so he keeps walking down the alley, got he bitten more snakes, as venom racing through his body, he has shortness of breath,

he starts to rapidly sweat like crazy, his pair of vision, making like he seem dizzy, he hit the ground and shaking badly from the venom, he starts to foam from the mouth, and he finally dies on the street, death by a rattlesnake, so we throw him in a pit of raccoons where they starting to biting him all over, Xavier is slowly dying from both, I would love to get some of there venom. As the sun comes up over the mountains and the curfew is still on, but the town is back to normal again. Lacey is at the station, " cap, we got a body. he told her, don't look at us

we have been in our hotel room all night, thinking and sleeping, so they pulled up at the alley.

" What is this, he asked. " rattlesnakes, it real bad this time, the coroner said. " this is the badest time of the year for snakes, will curfew back on go make the announcement, they got in the car and head up the road."( we have an infection if you have dog and cat doors locked them, make sure that your windows again this is not a drill, the curfew is back on, ) said. Lacey, as they went up the

Road. it is now midnight, and Carlita is out late shopping, and we were out, too. So I got out of the car and stick her in the neck, and she fell in our arms and we put her in the car and head down to the abandoned hospital,

We pulled up at the abandoned building. and carrying her inside of the hospital and tie arms around the pole, and we pick up the bats, she opened her eyes.

" who are you let me go, said. Carlita, " let you go she said, I said.

" You know my dad is a hero and him


was betrayed by one of his ones! yelled out Andrea, " what are you talking about? she denies it, we can keep doing this all day, so he hit her on the elbows breaking them, making them points the other way, she cries in pain. I kneel down in front of her, " this is one of the dirtiness towns, filled with secret, especially you.

Keeping your brother secret, we made her walked across hot coals and broke the glass. has her feet mt is ge5ing burn and cuts on them, she mustered to say out her of mouth, " it wasn't his fault I begged him not to go and get up! he is a free sick man. she cried out, We chain her back to the chair, " all this could be avoided if you as his sister took some responsibility in putting him physic ward so he can get the proper help! she hit her so hard with a two by four on the leg, that it broke,

" What kind of a sister are you. know that he wasn't fit servers his country, but you let him go anyway! so this is on you, I broke her other leg with the two by four, that must of her like crazy, she starts crazy in pain, " tell us where is your brother at? Asked. Andrea, she looks at us with her blurred eyes with tears and fear. I pulled out my knife and hand it to Andrea, " he is not worth dying for Carlita, not only he betrayed his brothers in arms but his country too, what is his name,

I told her, hey, I try to be nice here! don't look at me like I scum bag, so Andrea cut off one of her fingers, and blood flush out. she screams in pain. That looks like it really hurts,

" address where can we find him at? Asked

Andrea, " we make this quick, stop holding back you think he cares about you to come to give himself up? no, he won't. I told her, she was about to move another finger when she speaks out, " His name his Edward cried out. Edward it? " I sorry I tried to stop him I tried to make him go I did my best for him, I don't know where he is or live at we haven't seen each other in years, try his best friend David, she cried out, " then it David is, where can he be

located at? Asked. Andrea, " he has a fish shop in town. He knows where he is at. Said, Carlita, I walked out and call Lacy on the burner cell, " (what you found out from her?) Asked. Lacy, " ( her brother's name is Joey she doesn't know how to found him but his best friend Mark does, what you want us to do with her?) I asked,

"( kill her, I don't care, where does this person work at, I swing by later to get rid of the evidence,) asked. Lacey, " (fish shop we meet you up there, ) we hang up on each other and I walked back in, give her the signal to slit her throat, " you should spill early we would let you live, as for your brother that is an entirely different story, so she grabs Her head and jerks it back, and slit her throat all the way across her neck, and blood poured out, we walked out of the warehouse and left. heading back to the hotel, after work Lacy head down to the warehouse to clean up the evidence and dead body, after the finished she head home, we got two information her brother name and his best friend name, we all decide to go the fish shop tomorrow morning, enough for one night, As the day was coming up in the sky and the night was going down, Mark is starting the early morning. and opening up his fish shop, so he walked into the store to bet up, over in the over in the next town of the windy city, Karly couldn't face the fact that she lost her job, family, and home do to her problems of being hooked on drugs, so she took a large number of drugs and died from a drug from an overdose of drugs, someone called it when Lacey. just got there and unlock the door to walk in, she got back in the car in left, " I could use a coffee, said. Lucy, she called us as we walked out of the door. " (morning, ) I said, "(yeah, tell me about it. By the way, guys a good job and getting her to spell, ) said. Lacey. " (thanks when being tortured you can't take any more, ) we got in the car and left. " ( where you guys heading off to?) "( to the fish shop, ) I said,

" (wait for me, I will be on my way in a few minutes.) said, Lacey. "(we will see you soon, ) Said, Andrea. so we hang up the burner phone, she pulls up to them. the coroner is there. " what do we have here? Asked. Lacy, " Karly Carter ex news reporter, answered one of the coroners. " drug overdose. said another one, so we pulled up at the fish shop and wait for Lacy to come, dirt and snakes all this town ever going to have, working at a small-town pharmacy is not cutting it now. But if I want out I would leave a long time ago, Little promise that I made to my mother before she died,

Suddenly, she pulled up behind us. We got out of the car and walked up to her, how do we play this out ? I asked. " We get answers if he doesn't give us what we want you do your thing and I cover it up, answered, Lacey. So we walked inside the stone, and up to the counter. " Can interest you in some Seafood we just got in this morning some Groupers? Asked. David, no, but you can answer some questions for us, can you? Asked. Lacey,"

Sure what are you looking for today? He asked, your best friend, Edward where can I find him at these days? Asked. Andrea, why you want with him for? Asked. David. " We do the asking and you do the answering, I told him. " Just want to talk with him, found out what happened that night, could you help me with that? Asked. Lacey, he hasn't been here and I haven't seen him in weeks. Oh, he is lying through his teeth, okay then think for your time. She walked out of the shop. So I grab him by his head as we drag him to the back of the shop,

And I stuck him with a numbing drug, we put her in the truck and and down to the pig farm which is halfway out of the town, Lacey followed behind us, we pulled up at the pig farm, we pulled her out of the car trunk and we cut his legs, arms, and head off. Then we throw him into the pig pens, which they start to eat him. " you know he did not where he is at right. I said, I may know someone who know where he is at, said. Andrea, and I will look him up on this web and call you in the morning, said. Lacey, death by pigs, you can't make this stuff up.

So we left the pig farm and head back to the town. As the night sky is slowing going down in the sky, Krystal running off the road at a high rate of speed and goes over an embankment, and she gets through from the car through the windshield and landed eighty feet from the car and in a pile, Then 2 weeks later a person hiking through the woods with their dog comes across an awful sickening smell and the dog goes towards it when the hiker sees the decomposing body they go back to their vehicle and drive to the nearest house and call 911 to report what they just discovered.

Everyone showed up at the scene, so Lacey had to tell her parents that they find her body, and she is gone. Her mother screamed out and pain, and her father fell to the ground and cried. Telling harest to a family is the hardest job that anyone who is a cop have to do, so after she finished telling that their daughter is dead, she calls us and told us to safe him for last that she found out on her desk Jay, he is

going to a call about a gas leak at a house on the outer part of the city, we pull up behind his truck and walked up to him. He stops what he was doing,

" You Zack said. Lacey, " yeah I kind of in the middle of a gas leak. Said. Jay, I know but, you make a statement that you haven't no reason at all, because you don't even know, now tell me why would you do that? Asked. Lacey, he didn't say anything to us and got back to work, so the leak got worst. so Andrea flick a match to unite the gas leak, and he ends up dying from gas explosion, This is an accident, he dies by trying to fix the gas leak,

" What now he didn't spill, I asked. " To the hotel to talk with Edward ask why mrs. Hunter was banned from the town, i said. Andrea. " Not today, guys tomorrow, I got paper work to file and a town to run before the major get on my back, said. Lacey, I understand that, I have to clock in at work. The major knows more than the people do. Lacey left, and we pulled up at my job, what are you thinking of Rhonda. Asked, Andrea. She knows me well when I get deep in thoughts I go quiet, nothing really I get it from my father my mom told me.

" the mayor knows more then any people, I told her. " I fix something up see you later on. I said, I got out of the car and walked inside of the door. She drive off, it was a busy day and evening, this town holds dirt of what we have done, or what we did. at the office Lacey is filing paper work and looking over the Stroller case file, " someone did something to her car, she just wouldn't drive off of the cliff. she pick up the phone and call forensic examiner and ask is there any drugs or alcohol in her system. he told her there was none found in her body, she was clean, this is mind bubbling, why would she turn the corner instead of driving off the cliff. she put down accident, driving to fast. " something is still off and doesn't fit. she said to herself, so they call it a night and went. it was already half pass twelve, so at the lab I got the vil of truth drug made. "(is everything done?) Asked. Andrea, "(Lacey said she meet us there, I on my way. ) said, Andrea. "("(See you soon girl, ) I said. We hang up our phones. Lacey left the office, as she pulled up at the lab and I walked out and got in the car. And we left, this will make him spill everything that he knows what happened and did that. We pulled up at the hotel and walked inside the hotel, Lacey knocked on the door. " Who is it, asked. Edward, the cops I want to ask you some questions, said. Lacey, so he opened the door and, we plunge in the door. I stick him in the neck. " There is no way out for you, but before you are going to tell us who banned mrs. Hunter fromthe town, it is already kicking in, he sat down holding his neck, " I don'tknow it was all voted on, Lacey pulls out her taser and hands it to Andrea, she tasered him. He screams out, has his flesh is burning flesh from the taser,

whose vote out with it? Tell me now! She punches him hard in the face breaking his nose, blood shots out from his nose. " the mayors, he wanted a clean city, the mayor kick her out is that what you are telling us!? I said, the mayor I k we it, that fast greasy pig, he is no better than any body, the much turn he has done! thst jus pissed me off, so I constantly hit and hit him, taking my wrath out on him, after I pour gasoline all over him two cans, he voted to have her kicked out, that he doesn't deserve to live! either! We walked out, and she threw a lite match back in the door, he got up screaming in pain as he was caught on fire. We got in the cars and left, Lscey stayed behind and call the firefighters to come put out the fire. after she clean up the evidence of us ever being there,

they put out the fires and left, she followed behind them. After finding out that the mayor is the one that voted to kicked Gina out of Windy city, we decided it was time we went home for the night, and to get some sleep. I can tell she wants to know some answers to all her questions she has. Like who came in the middle of her grandparents marriage, what was the real reason for her mother being banned from the town and so many more questions. So as the night went on and things had gotten quiet it was time to start finding answers. I was in my lab in my house mixing up a vial of Botulism toxin as it is the deadliest substance known to man. Some of the factors are it blocks acetylcholine receptors paralyzing its victim's until basically choking you to death. With a vial botulism you would need an antitoxin to try and control it or cure it. I extended my hand in bio chemistry and biohazard so to speak. I put the vials into the padded case, locked it and put it in a safe place and decided it was time to go to bed as I had a long day ahead if me tomorrow. Andrea is thinking about her grandparents and wondering who could of did anything to such a sweet couple who didn't bother anyone. Mark had received a phone call saying that numerous customers had called and complained that they had no cable. Mark was working on the cable lines tonight trying to get the unsatisfied customers satisfied with getting them reconnected to the cable services. He forgot his gloves in his work truck and he touched the cables and he got the worst shock of his life and with him having a pace maker it caused his heart to go into major overdrive and have a major instant heart attack. so they take his fried body way in the ambiance, Back at the office Lacey look up who was actually in the voting pole, in it is an long list of people in voted, lot of them

Then are dead, three is not, and those meaning three is on the voting pole, so Lacey sat back with her arms crossed think what does a hotel owner Samantha Ewing really kick her out, not for her boyfriend daughter to have a room, but she was told to voted against her and kicked her out of the same day. " Could be true Gina asked to have a few days off and maybe a rise in celery. Why would you vote against someone that you were helping? And what does mayor James Rose have the people voted to ban her from the down, you are dirty politician Rose unless she saw and know your dirt.

So she digs farther in and looks up James Rose, the mayor of Windy city. It is already half passed ten she was on the third cup of coffee, she finds what she was looking for, all of the dirt on Rose, he was paying for drugs, trafficking, and guns to criminals, in the order, they keep in as mayor of the town, a local women saw and turn him in to the police, without any evidence the chorus was a job, " a course they were Reagan So she digs farther in and looks up James Rose, the mayor of Windy city. It is already half-past ten she was on the third cup of coffee, she finds what she was looking for, all the dirt on Rose, he was paying for drugs, trafficking, and guns to criminals, in the order, they keep in as mayor of the town, a local woman saw and turn him into the police, without any evidence the chorus where jobbed, a course they were Reagan what did you do!? She called Andrea. She picked up the phone, "(yeah, what's up?) Asked, Andrea. "(You two up? ) -(for now what did you found out? Have you been up all night Lacey?) Asked, Andrea. " Rhonda you up? It's Lacey. I sat up and rubbed my face with my hands,

She still at the office, what did she find out? I said. She started telling us about the voters and the mayors, how Gina saw everything that he was doing and that why she was banned from the town, and it is more than we hope to realize that is going on about the town and the people in the town. "(really, how bad is it Lacey,) asked. Andrea, "(I can't tell you both over the phone come down to the station later, I just tell them I some questions I need to ask you'll,) said. Lacey, "(okay we be there later on. ) said, Andrea. They hang up, she prints out everything and cut her computer off, and got the paper and left. She still at the office, what

She still at the office, what did she find out? I said. She started telling us about the voters and the mayors, how Gina saw everything that he was doing and that why she was banned from the town, and it is more than we hope to realize that is going on about the town and the people in the town. "(really, how bad is it Lacey, ) asked. Andrea, "(I can't tell you both over the phone come down to the station later, I just tell them I some questions I need to ask you'll, ) said. Lacey, "(okay we be there later on. ) said, Andrea. They hang up, she prints out everything and cut her computer off, and got the paper and left. It is a busy evening, and we met up at the office, and walked inside,

She still at the office, what did she find out? I said. She started telling us about the voters and the mayors, how Gina saw everything that he was doing and that why she was banned from the town, and it is more than we hope to realize that is going on about the town and the people in the town. "(really, how bad is it Lacey,) asked. Andrea, "(I can't tell you both over the phone come down to the station later, I just tell them I some questions I need to ask you'll,) said. Lacey, "(okay we be there later on. ) said, Andrea. They hang up, she prints out everything and cut her computer off, and got the paper and left. It is a busy evening, and we met up at the office and walked inside, she shut the doors, and we sat down, we went over the papers and start plotting to kill next, Daisy name is on that list, she never like Gina. Once Daisy used to be an okay person until she became a backstabbing bitch, me I never stand her pristine ass. She definitely needs to be killed in the worst way, " Daisy is next, that is fine by me. I said, " when? Asked. Andrea,

Tonight, I deal with the cover-up, just make her suffer and pay in the worst way possible. Said, Lacey. " That is my department I have the drugs for the job. I said I have the tools for the job, she is going to feel every last bit of pain known to man, said. Andrea, he took the paper in the left of the office, I got my eye on you two don't let me catch you two doing something that you not! Said, we had to play the part, up to your cop, I said. Lacey shook her head and smiled, Andrea laughed. It was funny, so I laughed too. We left to get our gear and to wait for Daisy to leave the store.

We got everything and pulled up at the store on the road, it's getting dark now, and she just wants out of the door, I sneak up behind put core conform rag over her mouth and nose, payback is a bitch ain't freak? Oh, I going to enjoy drugging you to death, I told her. Finally, she went to sleep and we put her in the car and left, we pull plat the abandoned farmhouse, we got her out of the car take her into the barn, tie her down to a chair, I open my drug kit, I have needles all sizes, and Andrea open up her torture kit. She has everything there is to do torturing, she slowly opens her eyes. " you should be left town when you decide to, I stuck her in the next with the new drug. She starts to shake as the drug went through her body, " that is nothing that I going to do to you. She picks up a scalping knife and she starts to scalp her scalp into it show her brain. I toss her bottle of battery acid, she caught it and she opens the top in start dropping on the sensitive spots, she shooking hard. That her brain start to sweat out drops of blood, the man that looks so painful,