chapter 3

This what you get from being a two-bit backstabbing bitch! So I stick another needle in her with a highly exclusive drug. She starts to foaming from her mouth, and her eyes roll back into her head. After her brain is bleeding out, she picks up a sirloin knife in repeating stabbing her in her vitals spots, she losing a lot of blood, but we not done yet so I give her a drug to keep her alive and awake. " you are not going to ruin my fun you bitch. I going to give you the full lesson of why they call me the torture killer, and why they call her doctor's death. Said, Andrea. " they said the most powerful danger is nightshade and venom mix together is very dangerous and very deadly. Ejection of cimical you die in peace, but you will not share in that peace, you are going to suffer for the vote, I said.

Andrea picks up a switch-blade and starts to stabbing her on her chest and stomach and ribbing big slashes in her. She is a serious pain, she wiped the blood off of the knives, she is shaking in pain. "It wasn't that bad, do you want something for the pain? Asked, Andrea. I smirked at that. " Will I don't have any aspire If that what you want, we laughed out, what I don't and that was so funny too, so I walked up with a needle filled with Ketamine...paralyzing serum, she couldn't move a muscle, I pulled out the strange. And walked away, Andrea pulled out mushy and walked up to her and smile, "

The torturing is only beginning, you are going to be in a lot of pain, I drug her again to keep her awake. " Maybe you stop thinking that you are better than everyone, that you can't do no, wrong. You are not faithful to your boyfriend, you an alcoholic, you are the lazy boss to your employees, the world hates you, they can't stand your ass. Instead of Mrs. Hunter being banned from the town maybe they should run you out of the town of all the dirt you have done, crack where, yeah I know of that too. I told her, Andrea put jumper cables on her, then to a car battery and cut it on, she begins to elocution her, that you can smell her skin cooking from it, I crossed my arms, she starts to shake from it. " your turn, said. Andrea. I pick up another needle fill with Delaudin cut with heroin, I stick it in her, " since you into the crack you should really enjoy this whore, I pulled out the needle, she is lemon a drug high trip, I love my job, Andrea picks up a spiked bat with rusted nails in it, she hit her in the torso over and over again, I dare you to vote against her! She was my mother bitch! She is constantly losing blood and slipping in and out of consciousness from the pain, " we are the jackals of the night and you and everyone in this city our prey. I give her another needle to keep her awake and a needle lace with nitroglycerin to stop the bleeding. The drugging and beating is just the very beginning. She going to suffer for all of her dirt she did, " thank you for stopping the bleeding. Said, Andrea. " you are welcome, she tries to speak but couldn't, she torch her whole body with the blow torch. Not only she has been drugged, stabbed repeatedly, hit with a bat full of rusted nails, shock by a car battery with jumper cables, now burn crispy by a blow torch. Life is good ain't? But not for her. She starts to shake from it, grinding her teeth, closing her eyes. Tears poured down her face, she has no feelings in her whole body. You look like you in some pain, did your high ware off, then she hit her in the back with a two by four hard. That she breaks her back, it is 5:00 am I was safety the venom shade that I made out of nightshade and rattlesnakes venom mix together I call demon shade, I stick it in her neck, as its race through her body attacks her vital organs, You look like you in some pain, did your high ware off, then she hit her in the back with a two by four hard. That she breaks her back, it is 5:00 am I was safety the venom shade that I made out of nightshade and rattlesnakes venom mix together I call lemon shade, I stick it in her neck, as its race through her body attacks her vital organs, Andrea continues to torture her. Then we tie nails scales, saws everything on the ropes, as we put her at the wall, Andrea swing it at her, it cut her to pieces and stab her all over her body, she falls to the ground. She's trying to crawl away, we take a sledgehammer to her back hitting her over again, she spits out blood. We are breaking a sweat, he put her back in the chair and tie her up. She starts hitting her with the big brass knuckles in her stomach, what she ever did to you huh, she didn't know you and you never know her!? Asked Andrea. Daisy is in serious pain, I give her another shot to numb her up. This is like a happy hour for her, you know what is really sad that you all killed her by tossing her out on the street with nowhere to go! I punched her in the face hard and broke her nose, damn that hurt like hell, what your head made out of bricks. " You okay Rhode? Asked. Andrea, her freakish head hurt my hand. I told her,

She picks her up in punched her hard in the stomach, this is going to be a long night, how many drugs do you have? Asked. Andrea, a lot of supplies of different drugs, I said. " Dose her up I want her to suffer. Said, Andrea. " On it, I said. So I give her a shot of the lace, she screamed and cried in pain. " No one can hear you, and you going to suffer more than that, tell us how much he paid you to vote against it. She hit her hard in the face giving Daisy a black eye, it's already 5:00 am, we still have a full night ahead. Lacey pulled up to the abandoned farmhouse, nothing, he didn't pay me anything, he promises that he wouldn't close down the windy dined. Said, Daisy,

It's too bad for you that you won't get to live long enough to see that happening, Andrea picks up her pairing knife and stab her over, and over, and over, and over again, she is slowly bleeding from the inside. " You are no better than the rest of them. She pushed the knife deeper inside her, then she pulls it out, Daisy fells on the floor bleeding out. We packed up and clean up walk out à Lacey walked up to us. " It is a while before she dies, said. Andrea, she on a short wave link from all the drugs she took, we find her like that. I said drugs are very bad for you got to know that right Lacy, said, Andrea. " You got that tight, and that is the way I am going to call it in, drug overdose, said. Lacey, finally, Daisy dies from the drugs and her wounds, you get out of here, you shouldn't be here right now. Said, Lacey, so we got in the car and left. She walked start covering up everything and making look like a drug deal gone wrong, out and call for the back. They came and carry her body away, I tell you I can make some serious money, we pull up at the hotel, and walked inside the room, just relax for the rest of the morning watching television, after Lacy cleared up the barn, she came by the hotel, she knocked on the door, I opened it for her. She walked inside and closed the door behind her, Samantha is done, Edward is done, Xavier is done, Calvin is done, and now Daisy is done. I crossed out the names off the list that we took care of. " So who is next, asked. Andrea, ". Judy is the one who also voted, and she is sleeping with the mayor. Said, Lacey, then this is special torture, I think we skin her like a fillet of fish. Said, Andrea. " Huh don't tell me, do what you have to do tomorrow morning guys, for now, keep a low profile and stay off the radar. She told us, We will don't worry, I said. She left and when to patrol the city. It is a quiet day in Windy City. And at the mansion where the mayor is, Judy and Jay, are waiting on Mayor James Banks. " did you heard about the sudden death going on here? Asked. Jay, "I don't need to hear that, where is he!? Said, Judy. " someone is killing people, that does freak you out!? Asked. Jay, " will you shut up about it! snapped out Judy, she is scared to death and ready to skip dodge. to be. scare or not, to be scared that is the question. finally the mayor walkout with the board of menstruation, " we get that vote sir, said the man, " you know we will, said. James.

" what you two are doing here, " did you hear 👂 what happened to Samantha, Edward, Calvin, and Xavier, it's not safe James! said, Jay, " yeah all of the random accidents what are you panicked about Jay, no one knows about the votes,

Said, James. " random James people are dying, all we know one of us is next ➡️. someone knows what we did. said, Judy. " we need to leave 🍂 town now James, said. Jay, " tell me who knows? no one we are not going anywhere, this is my town. Windy City belongs to me, said. James. " you both need to go home and get some rest, so they left out the mansion and went home, it was eight clocks and already dark outside, Judy was cutting the light off, " let's get our answers. I said we got out of the car and broke into her house. has she walked into the room to changed

her clothes for bed, as she turns around I drugged her a knockout rag, she fights back, by. elbow me in my stomach, and slamming me hard. against a wall until I let her go. " that all you got bitch! you going to break in my home and drug me with a rag, that is wicked, I love a challenge, I got up off the ground and take my jacket off, ". no, I more than wicked slut. I am pretty damn awesome, that little MMA lesson from Nicholas is not going to save you. I told her, so we start to fight each other, as Andrea stand by and watched us, she hit the ground hard. " my girl is a black belt in material arts, said, Andrea. " get up on your feet I just getting warm up. she's got and we went at it again, not bad, I kick her ass decent they throw her through the wall. she was cutting and bruises all over her face, after beating the shit out of her, she gives up fighting me. "

please no more, you are the better fighter, what do you want!? cried out Judy. " the vote tells us what he really up to and why was my mother kick out her room and banished from the town for no reason at all, said. Andrea, " he into trafficking, one night she stumbled onto the loading girls the trucks, at the towns meeting he told everyone this would bring money back into the city where business and school districts will grow, everyone believes him except for her, she told him that she was going to turn him to the cops and FBI, that would ruin everything that he gains and trying to do, so he told everyone that they need to vote in order to get rid of her, some voted against and lot vote to banish her from the town, I didn't know she has a daughter, said, Judy, " that your problem you do without asking any questions, so hee hours in the night we begin torturing her and drugging her, Andrea constantly beating in the stomach with a hammer, I pick up a needle that is filled

with a drug that can explode the heart, we shaved her head and hammer nails into her skull, blood starts to pouring from her head, so we continue on torturing her over her vote, she should vote right none of this shit wouldn't happen to her, hub yeah it because I can stand the slut, you may have the beauty but I have the brains and I am the one that makes your medicine, " give it to her now, said. Andrea, I stick her in the neck. And her heartbeats faster, all of sudden she killed over by a rapid heart attack, I wipe the needle. off and put it in her hand. " she couldn't live with what she did, I told her. " death by suicide, perfect, she called Lacy on the phone. "(hello, ) she answered the phone. " (it's done she killed herself, ) said. Andrea. "( good job guys am on my way, ) so we got off the phone and left, as they pulled up at the barn house, " how do you want to treat this captain? he asked her, " like a suicide, get the Mips down here. Lacey told him, so they got to work, they came and move the body. " this is not looking good. he said, " how so, no different than any other murder we saw these days. she told him, " true, so they pack up and left the abounded barn house, the sun went down in the sky, and there is a lite breeze out this night. when the coast is clear, no one is out looking, she came by the hotel, we let her in the room. " good job, one more to go. said, Lacey. " then it's the mayor, which we probably won't get close to. said, Andrea. " we need a way in, said. Lacey, " we need a plan to get him, but Jay is second what is the plane for him? said? Andrea. " he is unity work right he works around gas right? I said, " what do you have in mind Rhonda? asked. Lacy, make it look like a gas exploration and make it look like an accident. " after getting what we need set him on fire, mane it looks like he set himself on fire. I told him,

" Okay, that is good, get him tomorrow.

Said, Lacey. the plan is in motion. She got up in walked out of the room, so we call it a night and we went to sleep, at the mayor's office. " Judy is dead Jason, I am next. cried, Jay. " you don't know that, it could be an accident what happened to her, said. Jason" you do not know that I'm not, confess to it you got more dirt then anybody. I leaving tomorrow. said, Jay. " wait, tomorrow is the press banquet come, stop being so paranoid, he convinces him to come, the night sky turns into the morning sky. the city is life again and busy, Jay work on gas lines tonight or this morning. Doesn't matter do it? meanwhile, in the office, Lacey is filling out reports and acting like she was going over the files. when her deputies walked into the door, " morning cap. one of them said, " Morning said. Lacey, " have you been here all night?" no, just got here. grab a sack of files and let's get to work, said. Lacey, so I arrived at work, and we are pack with people who need there medicine and Andrea just start her new job at the bank today. day turn into evening and Jay is out working on a gas line, on our lunch break we, gas him and take him to the woods and tie him to the tree. he finally opens his eyes, "

the only thing that is going to help you is that you tell us why Gina was really cast out, and what the six of you have to do with it. or you can say nothing is getting torture really bad before you die, I said. "will that is not going to happen, why was my mother kicked out of the city? And try not to lie to me. Said, Andrea, " if I tell you will you let me go? Asked. Jay, " will no, you dirty so what you know, I said, " she saw that trucks full of drugs. being drive-in, said. Jay, " the mayor is in drugs? he the mayor make sense, I told him, "I told you the truth, they sponsored his candidacy, they brought up the people, said Jay, "we start to torture him, he screams out in pain from being hit with brass knuckles in his face, his whole face is swallowed up. " let's try that again, her mother was voted out by you and others over his dirt she saw? I told him. " yes, he thought it was best to get her out of the city and cover it up by saying she's has been paying her hotel bill. Samantha was in on, he said, "