Bloody Red Humanoid Figure.

Somewhere in Black Mountain Continent.

From within a pool of red hot lava, mixed with fresh, thick flowing warm blood, spilled from the dead bodies of different people, a steaming bloody red humanoid figure emerged.

As the mixture of blood and magma bubbled. The figure—with two blood-shot eyes puffing out red gas and a body fuming with steam, was a completely naked male.

The Bloody Red Humanoid Figure stepped out of the pond of steaming blood; levitating.

His empty eyes were mechanical and devoid of any emotion. Yet, they aroused a feeling of a dark, untenable evil, death and an infinitely boundless abyss of savagery.

Once he was out of the pool of blood, the Bloody Red Humanoid Figure levorotated it's neck twice, before it spoke,

"I've been in this hell of a place for so long, thanks to this blood offering I'm finally revived.

Hump! you Lords Of The Skies, just you wait for me. I'm going to be the end of your race and the doom of your descendants."

From the way it spoke and the emotion reflected in his voice and face, it was clear he had an intense hatred for the one's it called 'Lords of The sky'.

"first, I've to find, the Source Root Plant and the Plant of Heaven And Earth, to be able to regain part of my strength. Then, I can kill those black good for nothing."

After it finished murmuring to itself, it paused, with its eyes half closed; he probed mentally, the environment around him.


Some beings, have really become extremely savage and brutal, in this world. Good for me though, If it wasn't for the fact that they massacred each other here, I guess i would never have gotten this blood offering immediately." The Bloody Red Humanoid Figure said contemplative–ly

"Hmm... Interesting, what do we have here...?" The Figure appeared to have discovered something.

The next instant, he took one step with his left leg first, then he disappeared.

In the blink of an eye he reappeared hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, from where he had been standing previously, landing first, with his left leg—if space could be heavily compressed, an observer, would notice that it was only one step he took to cover that massive distance, much like a human being taking a step to cover a distance of one meter.

Once he reappeared again, he was levitating above a vast, deserted black land. His bloody figure was covered in, and dripping red blood, as his black ankle length hair, was fluttering with the dry winds.

He stared at a spot expressionless, for a moment, then, he waved his right hand casually.


Once he waved his hand, there was a massive explosion on the ground. rays of golden-white light, from all directions, surged and attempted to quell the explosion, but the rays of golden-white light was quickly overridden and dispersed. Then the golden-white light shattered like broken glass into a million pieces.

When everything settled down, the smoke from the explosion was quickly blown away by a sudden surge of extreme wind. Then the area, was visible again.

A gigantic ditch, thousands of meter deep was revealed. Completely dark at the innermost parts, the hole was thousands of meter wide.


From withing the darkness of the crater, a human figure flew out.

When the black human figure came out into the sunlight, he paused, as he locked his gaze at something or someone. After a brief moment of silence—which seemed eternally endless had passed, the black human figure advanced towards the destination of his stare.

When he took a stride forward, and covered a short distance, he came face to face with a Bloody Red Humanoid Figure.

"Who are you? Are you the one who released me?" with a pale face, the Black Human Figure asked. He took a second look around to observed the burnt and charred, broken earth, then he surmised that it was the 'strange red creature' that set him free.

"Thank you for releasing me. My name is Nri magu, and I'm the God Of War. what may I call you?" even, when this Nri Magu spoke, the sky rumbled and resonated with his voice. Yet, His face was pale, because he was gravely injured and was not at the peek of his powers. In fact he had been dying slowly.

"Hmm... The creature calls himself the 'God Of War,' what an unusual title." The Bloody Red Humanoid figure murmured aloud ignoring the 'God of War's courtesy. And mocked with a sarcastic tone, he obviously didn't take Nri Magu seriously.

"Hey, God of War... Come with me, will you."

the Bloody Red Humanoid figure said as he prepared to move to another place. The moment the Figure moved, Nri Magu, the God Of War, found himself unable to resist the command.

He was immediately pulled along, by an unusually strong force—moving behind the Bloody Red figure.

"I can see you're weak. Although it's probably because you're injured. Yet you call yourself the God Of War?

Strange!." When the Blood Red figure spoke again, he waved his hand carelessly, then a cool breeze swept passed the 'God Of War'.

Nri Magu immediately felt refreshed, as a feeling of cold, sweeps through his body, a torrent of life force and vitality flushed him.

His previously pale face, became bright and health returned to his entire being. At the moment, he was in the best state he had ever been in his life, he even believed he was stronger than before.

However, in the next moment, the Bloody Red Humanoid Figure convulsed a bit. Then, half of his bloody, red flesh started tearing away. A moment later, two Blood Red Figure stood, adjacent to each other, both were facing Nri Magu.