The Disabled Gods.

The two Bloody Red Humanoid figures were perfectly identical.

One of the two Identicals came forward and started talking

"I've already restored your health, and your strength should now be back to normal.

You see.

Normally, I should've killed you already, but you've said something that caught my attention. You called yourself the 'God Of War',

haha." The Identical laughed gently, then continued

"The truth is, I absolutely find that statement, falsely alarming, but still, quite intriguing. You see, I'm yet to know just how powerful you are, to bear such a title." The Identical spoke, in a yet superior manner that was too at ease and unbothered.

Meanwhile, The Identical was still completely naked, and his proper–size, bloody phallus was still cheerily hanging about itself, between his leg, dangling without a care in the world, with each motion, evident for all to witness.

"Don't bother too much, about this avatar I've made. I made him be somewhat like a surrogate. You know, to replace me in this battle. Since you're too weak to fight me instead. While it only has less than ten percent of my actual strength, you know. I advise you, not to look down on his capability, it is quite powerful when compared to your likes. That being the case, if you succeed to defeat my avatar, I might spare your life.

Moreover, I may let you know who I am."

"What!? what fight are you talking about? Why do you want to fight me uhn? Did you release me just so that you can try to intimidate me?"

Although Nri Magu's strength had been restored, and his fighting capacity was back to normal, he didn't think he could win in a fight against this Bloody Red God.

He was terrified of the being, that could restore a god's health just by waving a hand. He didn't even have the courage at all, to battle against the so-called Avatar and win.

"I never said I was going to fight you, why do you insist on fighting against me uhn!?," Slightly offended by the composed and domineering manner with which the former spoke, Nri Magu, still declined the challenge immediately.

Although he already knew that the Bloody Red God was stronger than himself, he wouldn't accept the challenge.

For God's sake, he was the famous, God of War, how could he let this Bloody Red God, bully and humiliate him like that; by declaring him weak, before nominating a surrogate Avatar, which has less than ten percent of the former's actual power, to challenge him.

He decided to retreat. He reasoned that it would be a wiser decision to keep whatever pride he had left by not fighting at all, lest he battled the Avatar and lost. That would be a truly shameful thing.


You're too funny. I mean, who could have thought a God Of War, will try to chicken out of a fight like this." The identical Bloody Red-Figure laughed out loud, then said mockingly.

"Seriously? And you are offended that I gave you a chance to live? Since I only chose my surrogate Avatar to combat you...

you Little One's of the time's, are too naive. Let me now tell you the truth.

I'm currently disabled, as I have just woken from a long tabefying slumber. if I were in full strength, My Avatar which has less than one percent of my true strength would be able to create an Avatar that has less than one percent of his strength to kill you with just a breath." The identical Bloody Red-Figure Spoke, with ever, so much composure.

"Fuck You!

Argh!.." Roaring, the God Of War, Nri Magu, felt frustrated then charged forward.

He simply couldn't take it anymore, how could he allow this strange Bloody Red God to underrate him so much. Not only did the Red God discovered his cowardly plans to retreat, but the Red God also referred to him, a 'God Of War' as Little One. He didn't even stop there but went on to say that an Avatar of his Avatar, would kill him with just one breath. Even an ant couldn't be killed with just a breath, it was just too humiliating.


Outraged, Nri Magu threw a mighty spear, condensed from the air, at the Avatar. Then, his figure flashed through space, like a black light, shooting forward.

"Haha! That's how to go! Now you're talking. Is just a shame that you're still not a match" even the bloody red, surrogate, Avatar looked down on Nri Magu's ability.

The spear, when flying close to the Avatar started burning vigorously, it grew in size as it flew, dreadfully through the air, with a terrifying speed.


Just when the spear was about to pierce the Surrogate Avatar, the Avatar flashed to the side and dodged the spear successfully, then in the blink of an eye, he hit the spear with his bare hands, Boom! shattering it into many pieces.

"What!" Nri Magu was taken aback, from shock, the spear he conjured up just now, was made by his God's Will and it was supposed to be an indestructible weapon.


However, before he could recover from the shock, a red figure flashed in front of him, and landed a mighty punch, straight to his fear-stricken, pounding chest.

He attempted to quickly avert the blow. However, it was a vain effort, because he was too close.

He had been hurriedly flying behind the spear, intending, to drive in, a final blow and sneakily assassinate the Avatar, once the spear connected with the target. Nevertheless, he was pushed back into the air like a deflated balloon and beaten down to the earth.

His figure flashed speedily, and fell into a crater, from whence, he had once come out earlier, shattering the depths and extending the already deep pit.

Some seconds later he flew out of the hole, taking deep and heavy breaths. His face was already deathly pale, yet he was determined to survive.

However, he now understood the might of the Surrogate Avatar and concluded inwardly that the Avatar, had a strength roughly equal to, or slightly superior to the mysterious God he once fought.

"What kind of a monster are you? why did I our paths have to cross!" He complained in his mind, blaming his bad luck for coming across such a powerful God. Left for him, he would have preferred to remain sealed under the earth, he was sure he would have eventually recovered, even if it took some time. It was not enough to kill a god with just a punch.

Last time when he fought Sango, once he noticed that the Mysterious God was far too strong for him, he intentionally stayed behind, lying still inside the crater he collapsed, to give the Mysterious God the impression that he was already dying.

That way, even though the Mysterious God, Sango, had sealed him under the earth, he could have waited patiently until when the seal was weakened then he could break out by himself and continue to live. But now his life was in serious danger once more and he wasn't sure if that trick would work on this Red God.