Live To Fight Another Day

While the God Of War was busy sulking and contemplating his next move, the Surrogate Avatar, Flashed again and appeared in front of him. Stunned, Nri Magu quickly gathered his strength and threw a punch at the Avatar.

"Haha!" The Avatar laughed and moved aside in time to escape the blow laced with fiery blue flames.

Unwilling to give up, Nri Magu relentlessly punched at the Avatar, who kept flashing left and right to dodge all his attacks. The one-sided attack continued to create space cracks and shockwaves.

A moment later the fight stopped. The two figures were staring at each other. While Magu's body was burning with fierce blue flames that soared high and turned the red sky crimson blue, his heart was burning with an enormous rage of frustration.

The Surrogate Avatar, however, was standing still, floating naked in the air, with his hands behind his back like some master, though it was extremely weird and funny given the fact that he was covered in blood and completely naked. However, there was a grace and an element of raw power about IT.

"Not bad, you're not as bad as I thought." The surrogate voiced "Argh! I need to fix myself, I can't believe that I couldn't even read your strength perfectly before." The Avatar was not happy with his reading of Nri Magus's strength, although, the real body of the Avatar had read Magu's level of strength, the Surrogate Avatar got all the information since it was only just a surrogate with no real consciousness.

IT paused briefly and chief over Magu

"Anyways, I've been playing with you. if that's all you can offer, then you're already dead meat." The Avatar threatened before IT made a move.

Nri Magu already knew the Avatar had not been serious with the fight all along since IT didn't make any attempt to fight back the last time. So when He saw the Avatar move to take action, He too, also decided to immediately take action.

He bit into his flesh hurriedly and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The blood bubbled into a pool and interwove like thread to form flesh and grew into a million-foot tall, solid, bloody giant burning with intense blue flames. The Giant then bit himself and repeated the action to create two more Bloody Giants, making a total of three Giants.

Taken aback the Surrogate Avatar stopped on Its track for what appears less than a millisecond then smiled and continued to rush forward.

Swiss! Swiss! Swiss!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

When the Bloody Giants attempted to slap the Surrogate Avatar, three streams of intense red lights fell out from the Avatar and headed straight for the Giants. The next moment three deafening explosions shook the whole continent, then the giants burst into flames and became bloody mist. However, Nri Magu was nowhere to be found.

"Haha! what a fool." The surrogate Avatar burst out laughter. He doubled his fingers into his palm to form a fist and punched out into the space in front of him. When he released his fingers again, he started calling them back into a fist.

Soon, from the Horizon a shady figure started to become visible, the figure was taking hefty strides to rush forward, instead, it was drawing back, the harder the step it took, the quicker it drew back and became more and more visible.

When the image of the figure became clearer, the 'God Of War' was revealed. He had been trying to escape.

Nri Magu however, stopped running when he noticed something was wrong, he felt a familiar presence. He looked around and discovered that he was at the place where he had been fighting before. He had covered millions of miles fleeing in only a few seconds only to end up back at the same place where he had started.

He looked about his shoulders and saw he was standing face to face with the Surrogate Avatar.

"What! How is this possible? How can you perform such a trick on me!?" Nri Magu was stunned with disbelief and fright and was on the verge of going crazy.

"You Imbecile, did you think you can run from me? You never cease to amaze me." At this point, the original body of the Red Bloody Humanoid figure came up to where Nri Magu and the Surrogate Avatar were standing in the sky. He had been watching the fight the whole time.

"You! you–you did this. you're to blame for this. You bastard! Tell me, what did I ever do to you to deserve this! Uh? Tell your Avatar to let me go! please! I agree, I'm not the real God Of War, It's you, You're the Original God of War! Please whatever you want, just let me go!." Nri Magu had finally voyage into insanity from fear and desperation. He was cursing, begging, and crying at the same time. At this point, one would hardly believe that he was an actual god that could make the sky rumble and shatter the earth with a blow.

However, his frustration wasn't entirely farfetched. Before now he had attempted to fight valiantly. When that didn't work, he decided to escape by exploiting his God Vein to create Giants–each with powers which could have made them easily pass for a god–a move that will ultimately suppress his immortality, letting him live for only a few thousand years before he has to hibernate. Yet, it turned out to be still a futile effort.

"You naive little boy. Did you think that I'm interested in titles, Haha, so funny? You know It's a shame that you have to die. you would've made a good sidekick to entertain me in this boring world." The Bloody Red Humanoid Figure spoke.

"Yes! let me be your sidekick! Your slave even, I don't mind, whatever you want I'll do, just let me live please!" Nri Magu's eye widened in desperation. He who had lived for millions of years already, and was the 'God Of War', was now begging devoutly, and weeping maniacally. His frantic efforts of pleading had left his charcoal black skin sweaty and reflecting the light from the sun.

"Hmm.." The Bloody Red Humanoid Figure paused, assuming a contemplative pose for a moment before speaking again "No. I'm sorry you have to die." With eyes determined, the Bloody Red Humanoid Figure declared and ordered his Avatar to move forward.

"You know what! You're just a piece of shit, how dare you think you're strong, what gives you the right to think you can destroy me? who are you, who bore you? where do you come from?" Nri Magu reviled? when he saw the determination to kill in those bloodshot eyes of the Bloody Red God, he knew from his millions of years of life, that it was already over for him. So he decided to use his final weapon rained out insults on the Bloody Red Humanoid Figure

"You know what. I know someone far stronger than you, you pig! You'll be like an ant when compared to him. Remember that I was sealed under the ground before you released me? Yes! that's right! I'm talking about him that sealed me.

Earnestly, you'll be no more than boiled plantain and oil for him to eat if you fought him.

Oh yes! I mean it." Frustrated and helpless, that he couldn't help himself he ranted but he couldn't just accept his destruction, he was pained and aggrieved and looking for someone to blame or punish for his crisis.

However, who else was a better candidate to blame, than the one who injured and sealed him under the ground, thereby causing him to encounter this Red Monster.

"Haha! you cunning creature. I know what you're trying to do. you're a cunning weasel, so because I want to kill you, you intend to use me as a weapon against your enemy, to eliminate those who've offended you in the past, I like your style. Haha, as I said earlier if only for circumstances, I would have let you live." The bloody Red Humanoid Figure said as his Avatar closed in on Magu. He was very apt at catching Magu's trickery.

"Let me tell you the truth. The one who sealed me before defeated me with just one mighty punch. Do you still think I'm lying to you or you're just scared to face someone really strong?" Nri Magu unwilling to give up on his shenanigans was banking on his hypothesis that the Red God Monster was a freak that enjoyed challenging and killing other strong opponents.

It would be his final gift to the Mysterious God who sealed him underground before. He already knew, the Red God Monster was stronger than the Mysterious God, 'why not take him with me too' he thought to himself.

"Okay if it's your last wish to get that One killed, I'll do you that favor, free of charge." The Bloody Red Humanoid figure said gloomily

Nri Magu tried to speak again but he couldn't, his throat had been locked by some mysterious force.

"Don't bother about anything anymore, just die peacefully now. When you die I'll get all the information I need about the One you boast about." With that, the Surrogate Avatar slashed at Magu's neck, and separated it from his body, using his bare hands. Then the Avatar opened his mouth which suddenly grew wider, enlarging to swallow all the flowing blood, flesh, and God essence from Nri Magu corpse.

Soon the Bloody Red Humanoid Figure's eyes lit up with a red flame, he seemed to have gotten some kind of benefits from the cannibalism. Then, he took one step and flew away into the distant sky, vanishing from sight.