Bloody Red Humanoid Figure Again.

In Black Mountain Continent.

It was a cool evening. The blissom world, just like an human virgin girl, shying on her first sexual intercourse, hesitated to resist the warm and soothing-pricking of the yellow beams of sunlight, as they bypassed the hover clouds and penetrated, to seep into the open sky.

It was one of those days, when the sun adorned the sky. and merged conspicuously, to create a subtle disarray of beautiful colors.


Out of nowhere, two black humanlike figures, carrying intense darkness. Suddenly barged into the unsuspecting world and arrived at a place.

Their mere presence alone released an unmatchable darkness, which spread out like a light, to reign unchallenged, over everything in the world.

The peerless blanket of black, cast out, the golden–yellow sunrays. And set the previously bashful sunlight, to cower and scamper, seeking for a place to hide; thereby resulting, in an immediate eclipse.

The two figures, who were the source of the blackness. Blended with the total darkness and became invisible. However, they started conversing soon.

"What a carnage. The people who did this, are really bloodlust creatures. Just look at their level of savagery. So brutal.

Haha." One figure with a deep brittle voice spoke, then laughed gently—as the sky slightly rumbled with his laughter.

"Ye–––s! Those people were really beast–like. They made sure, to dismember. The every body part, of the opposing warriors. There is not even, a single corpse, with it's body fully intact.


I guess that's why, IT was able to resurrect. IT must have absorbed so much primordial destructive energy from this ruthless massacre." Another voice, belonging to the other figure replied. However, the voice was not as deep as the first one, and didn't cause any grumbling in the sky.

The two beings, were exactly, at Black Mountain. They where at the place, where that Bloody Red Humanoid Figure, had emerged from. A day before.

"What do we do now, since IT has already been resurrected, and has left here? Do we chase after IT? I'm sure, we can defeat it now and seal it. IT will still be very weak, as it has just come back to life." The first voice sounded again, suggesting they follow, whatever had escaped.

"Haha. Don't be silly! Didn't you get our Lord's order? Even if, IT has just awaken, right before our eyes, we'll still not be able to confront IT. Therefore, it'll be best to just avoid IT and return to report. Rather than to engage.

Although we want to stop IT, we dont have the means to do it, also we don't have to get ourselves annihilated, to bring it down. I don't need to tell you, that more than us, IT really doesn't mind killing at all.

In fact, IT lives for it. Chasing after it will be like asking for your own destruction." The voice from the second figure didn't sound convinced.

"Remember, our Lord told us that even, with less than five percent of IT'S strength, IT could still kill us both. So I'd suggest, that we do not even gamble with our lives, at all." The second speaker, finally stopped talking.

"Okay you have a point, let's go and report this matter first. Then we can come back and trail IT." That first speaker with a deep voice, finally agreed.


"What are you thinking of doing now? Did you suddenly get an idea?" The first speaker must have been contemplating an idea. since the second speaker suddenly asked him that question.

"Yes, I have a better plan, you know. Instead of us two, going back, why don't one of us trail IT. While the other One goes back to report." the first speaker suggested again. "We may completely loose it's track, when we come back in search of it. That's why? He added before the second speaker could object.

The Two Mysterious Beings were consciously talking in a extremely suppressed voice, to avoid reverberating the sky.

"Okay, who is going to trail IT?" The second speaker asked "We could gamble to decide, what do think?" He added

"There's no need for us to gamble, to decide. I'll trail it instead." The first speaker, must have been so eager to encounter that IT. Since he always brought up ideas, that suggested they go after the IT.

"Okay, it's your call. I'll be on my way then.

Take care of yourself and when you finally discover it, just send a message, don't engage it in a battle." The second speaker cautioned the first.

He could sense, that there was an ulterior motive behind the fist speaker's plan. However, there was nothing he could do about it.

Once he, the first speaker had made up his mind, to do something, his mind could hardly be changed. Moreover, the second speaker, knew that what the first speaker had said, was right. Since they needed to keep a close tabs, on the fleeing IT.

Moments later, light returned to the continent as the two beings went their separate ways, vanishing into the void.