The Gateway

At the center of Black Mountain Continent, there was a great body of water.

At the middle of the sea of blue water, there was a great vortex, which created a dark, bottomless, circular vaccum at it's center.

This gigantic vortex, was exactly the passage and gateway from the Black Mountain Continent to the Black Water Continent.

"It's been two days already. Even though, i have already searched, the length and breadth of this continent, there's still no clue, to it's whereabouts.


where are you hiding ?" The speaker, who was one of the two beings, carrying darkness–the one, who decided to search for the Bloody Red Humanoid figure, murmured to himself.

He had been been searching, for the Bloody Red Humanoid figure for two days now, but there was still no sign of IT.

It had been a month, since the Bloody Red Humanoid Figure emerged, from that pool of blood and magma.

However, even though it had been a long time since that Bloody Red Humanoid Figure, left from that area of pool of blood, there was still traces of it's energy, dissipated in the air.

Thus the black being could follow it's trail. However, it wasn't so easy since the wind had overtime, scattered It's remnant energy.

Nonetheless, those black beings were at the top of the world hierarchy so they could easily manipulate time, to reconstruct the path of the remnant energy left by that Bloody Red Humanoid Figure.


The air and space moved in bizarre and abnormal way, for a while. Then, invisible dots–like, red particles, converged to form a red light track.

These invisible dots–like particles, were the compressed, dissipated energy left behind, by that Bloody Red Humanoid Figure. when he move in a direction.

Naturally, these energy were invisible to the naked eye of a human. However, the one, who searched for the Bloody Red Humanoid Figure, was not a human.

"Alhough, I've already followed this red track, for the last two days, yet I've not been able to find IT.

Then, there's only one explanation. IT already knew we were going to come after it. So it faked, this dissipated, remnant energy.

Haha! Really smart, IT has been leading me astray all the while.

Humph! Who would've thought IT would be so scared, as to leave behind, a fake remnant energy.

Maybe IT is not as strong as they say IT is. Maybe it's all just a hype.

Well, I will surely find IT. Then I'll finally know how strong IT Is." The black being of darkness, said to himself, smiling.

He was happy, to have finally uncovered the reason, why he was unable to find the Bloody Red Humanoid Figure before.

"No wonder, the time force here has been so stiff, IT locked it. I always wonder why i couldn't go further back in time, in this world."

Although, beings of a high level as this black being of darkness, could manipulate the force of time, to reanimate an event.

However, a more powerful being could seal the time force, to restrain another powerful being, from freely manipulating the time force.

Nonetheless, time manipulation, just like space void travel (teleportation), was a trick almost every God could do. Thus the black being of darkness wasn't so impressed.

"Even so, I've already searched the entirety of this world and still couldn't find IT.

That can only mean one thing, it is no longer here." The black being smiled again, as a light of realization flashed in his eyes. He looked toward the direction of the blue sea and dashed towards it, flying.

In the next moment, the black being of darkness was standing in the air, at the middle of the blue sea. Then he dashed into the dark bottomless vortex.

The black being of darkness, fell in the bottomless vortex for a while. then in a moment, he discovered that he was no longer falling, but was flying back to the top of a vortex.

However, before he got to the top, he had already realised that this vortex was different from the one, he dived into. Since it was made of black water. Thus he knew he was getting to his destination—the Black Water Continent.

There was a endless sea of black water stretching into the horizon and merging, with the distance sky.

This endless body of black water, was the Black Water Continent.

This Continent was as it's name implied. With more than ninety percent of its surface covered in black, shimmering waters. There were however, several small–separate– islands, distributed throughout the world.

On one of those islands, was the Bloody Red Humanoid figure. The Bloody Red Humanoid Figure was standing still, surrounded by millions of mutilated and bloodied dead bodies of different creatures.

All those bloodied creatures, had several gaping holes and injuries on their mangled bodies.

Most however, were already dead. While the others, that were still alive, were breathing difficulty and heavily. As they drew their final breaths.

several of those creatures were species of rare existence, having complicated and wierd body structure, colours and shape. several thousand humanlike creatures, with fish tails, were lying dead on the ground.

The surrounding sea waters of the island, had been dyed blackish–red, by the massive pool of blood.

The Bloody Red Humanoid Figure, that had been standing still, all the while, suddenly opened his mouth. Which started to grow wider and wider.

When he opened his mouth, all the blood and mangled dead bodies, of the millions of sea creatures, started to vibrate and quaver vigorously.


When the Bloody Red Humanoid Figure, was about to swallow all those dead bodies, he suddenly stopped.

It seemed as though, something or someone had interrupted him.

He suddenly flashed an intense and hateful glare, towards the distant black sea.


In the next moment, he closed his mouth and took a powerful step—Rocking the island, then he disappeared completely, leaving behind those millions of dead bodies.

Meanwhile, at that very moment, at the middle of the Black Water Continent, a black figure suddenly flashed out of the depth of a raging vortex of black water.