'IT's' Really You

Immediately, the black figure flew out of the violent water turbulence, the entire world became bathed in untamed darkness.

The darkness, rolled out like a wave in all direction until the light vanished, and nothing was visible anymore.

However, just as the light was spreading out, something strange happened. The black-light, started receding at an alarmingly fast rate.

The darkness, crumbled and folded into it self, like a paper.

It was being suppressed by a strange blood-red-crimson light. The next moment,


The darkness completely crumbled and enveloped into itself to vanish totally.


A bloody red humanoid figure, appeared. The Bloody Red Humanoid Figure, was standing still, face-off, with the Black Being Of Darkness.

"Uhn? What is this? How come?" The black being had been so impressed by what happened to his dark-light —Which was a manifestation of his presence, that he didn't even notice, the presence of the Bloody Red Humanoid Figure.

"Uhn! So it's you! You're the one who expelled my black light." Taken aback, the Black Being, remarked.

"What! You're IT!" Once the Black Being realised, whom he was on a standoff with. His previously calm demeanor changed immediately. Before, he was not able see the person clearly .

"I can't believe it! IT's really you!


Today is a good day. I knew it! I knew I'd find you here." The Black Being rejoiced. Regardless of what had happened earlier, he was beyond elated.

Although the Black Being had come to this world in search of the Bloody Red Humanoid Figure, he'd never for once, expected that he would find 'IT' so quickly.

"So this is what you look like? Haha! I can't believe it! You're just a red man!

Ok. I'd give it to you, that you're a indeed taller than the average man, however, you're still just a human.

Haha! And to think, that you're even stark naked! You must really be retarded.

I can't believe this, this is really you!?

Wow!" Indeed, the Black Being of Darkness had never forseen, such a shocker.

He almost appeared delirious, as he laughed carelessly.

However, in his state of reverie, and one-too-many-excite, he let his guard down. And the Bloody Red Humanoid Figure—'red man', wasn't willing to let him go unpunished.


Without uttering a single word, the Bloody Red Humanoid Figure, flashed forwards.

PRA–––AAH! The sound crashed, as the thunder clattered in complicity.

In a period, more than a hundred times faster than the blink of an eye, the Bloody Red Humanoid Figure, started his attempt to hack at the head of the Black Being.

"What!" Taken aback by the brutish outburst, the Black Being panicked.

There was absolutely no time, to mobilize defenses. The Bloody Red Humanoid Figure was really a savage.


Left with no other option, the Black Being burst out an intense force. To try to repel the primitive attack, then rushed quickly to merge with the space around—Then he disintegrated.

This was an ability that gods and beings, of such high status, possessed. They could integrate with the world and become part of the world for a short period of time; granting them omnipresence for that period—It was however, different from space travel, which involved moving through the space void.

However, immediately he integrated with the space, the right hand of the Bloody Red Humanoid Figure, collided and destroyed his released force to slash at the space where the Black Being, had been standing, a while ago.


There was a massive explosion, as the space collapsed and shattered like a broken mirror, creating ripples and blasting the pieces of space flying everywhere, to reveal an unstable void.

The shear force of the blast, crumbled and sunk the earth and blasted away the clouds and gasses, to tear open the sky and reveal the cold, dark and empty outer space— Rendering a portion of the Continent without a sky or soil.

Meanwhile, several miles away, a black ephemeral figure shot out from the empty space and crashed into the ground—Creating a shallow pit.

Although, the Black Being had disintegrated, and merged with space. His figure was still affected and blasted away by the intense force of the blow.

However, his ephemeral body gradually became solid again.

He face was sullen and written with shock. He was staring at the direction where the Bloody Red Humanoid figure had strike at before.

However, in the next instant, the Bloody Red Humanoid figure appeared in front of him.

Holding a cold and emotionless face.

The black being observed him intently all the while. It was as a result of his near-death experience just now. He had seriously learnt, not to slacken his attention with the 'Red Human'.


Is this the best you can do. A sneak attack!

I've heard so much about you. And now, that I finally get to meet you, I must say I'm really disappointed!" The Black Being said tauntingly.

He was pretending, that he was unperturbed by the close-shave-attack on his life. Nonetheless, he already knew that his foe was not to be underestimated.

"Although, your attack, just now, was a powerful one, it is still very far from being close to what I'd imagined you'd be capable of doing. Not to talk about killing me with it.

Haha! Very Hilarious.

To tell you the truth, I was initially scared and just wanted to stalk you and gather more information about you.

However, now that I've seen that you're not really as strong as they say you are, I'm definitely going to fight and defeat you myself, and put you to sleep forever." What the black being said was indeed true.

He had been so wary, of unexppectedly running into the 'IT' earlier, that he concealed his presence—all those days he spent searching in the Black Mountain Continent.

IT was mostly due to the several warnings by his lord, not to engage with the Bloody Red Humanoid figure, if they found IT.

However, now that he had survived a first attack from the 'Red Man', and felt his power; Which wasn't as terrifying as he'd been told before, his confidence was now shot up—Since he initially, intended to fight the overmatch.