Another Loss (2)

The reason why the queen, Idia, was cursing queen Esagho just now, was because, a few days ago, she had yet, another loss.

It was her right-hand woman, the fair maiden Ose who had been killed—She was the one, who had taken over and helped her, that time when her first chief nurse Cynthia, had died ten years ago.

The events that led to the demise of the fair maiden, Ose was quite a peculiar and odd one. At least, most people had this same thought.

It was said, that there was a soldier or rather, a palace guard, who had an eye for the fair maiden, Ose.

The guard whose name was Nosa was particularly notorious. For his naughty behavior around young maiden girls.

It was said, also, that on several occasions, he had made advances towards Ose, with the intention, to woo and sleep with her.

However, numerous times, over and again she turned him down.

Her behavior naturally, bruised his ego, and hurt him badly.

Angry, and thirsty for revenge, he sought a means to prevail over her downfall.

Although Nosa, was a particularly tall and built young man, with six-packs, abdomen, and an age-range, relative to a man in his mid-thirties—yet he was been continuously rejected, by a 'mere and ordinary girl', who wasn't even a virgin.

He knew, as a fact, that she was not a virgin, and it angered him intensely when she acted up and pretended to be all innocent towards him — It was so because he was among those palace guards, that had intercepted her with the unconscious prince, that day, in the evil forest. When they went to search for the first prince Ogidigbo.

He had witnessed, first-hand, how she and the Commander, had gone to a secluded bush, thenceforth, she started to moan gently—Causing, him and the other palace guards, who had come to the evil forest then, to search for the prince, to peep at her and the Commander. While they had sex.

And now, that same girl, that had been 'used', in the bush, had the effrontery to reject him. What boldness! He definitely couldn't accept it.

It was only going to be a matter of time before he thought of an ingenious method to retribute.

And so it was.

On a particular night, he was busy keeping watch in his post, when he suddenly saw a mysterious woman—sneaking away from the young prince Ogidigbo's chamber.

He was quick, to trail the woman. And soon discovered, that the mysterious woman was Ose.

Once he discovered that the mysterious woman, was the same Ose he had been trying to woo for so long, he immediately concluded that it was a gift from heaven; So that his plans could finally fall through.

He instantly blocked her path and arrested her. And started to blackmail, and threaten her to sleep with him. Else—he raises an alarm.

Although Ose was shocked when she first saw Nosa. Once she regained her composure again, she went on, to reject him again, even after he threatened her.

Nevertheless, after so much pressure and threats from him, Ose finally gave in to his demands and gave her body to him.

However, Nosa, even after taking his share, and indulging his lust, was not satisfied.

He felt aggrieved. Every time he recalled, what he had gone through all those days, when he had been chasing her, and how she had turned him down all the time and made him feel dejected.

He previously felt, Once he was able to sleep with her, then he'd finally feel victorious and happy again. However, Once he finished sleeping with her, he felt she wasn't even worth it.

Therefore, he decided to punish her further using other means.

"Hey! you're going to come over every weekend so that I can have sex with you. do you understand?

If you do not do as you're told I would expose you."

As he put on his pants again, Nosa announced his requirement for her hearing.

Nosa wanted to make her, his sex slave.

"No, I won't! This is the only time you're going to sleep with me, I've paid you enough for your silence.

If you're not satisfied with my arrangement you can go ahead and do your worse."

Ose, however, was not a straightforward woman. She was adept at deceit, so she could easily see through his ploys and immediately rebuked him. she even went further, to call his bluff—by telling him to do his worse.

This was, however, what Nosa wanted the most. Since he didn't feel emotionally attached to her.

He, therefore, went on, to give Ose up by reporting the matter to queen Esagho.

Ose, was, later arrested and brought to queen Esagho, who interrogated and imprisoned her.

Queen Idia later heard what had happened to her right-hand woman Ose. Then she went to challenge queen Esagho.

Their meeting resulted in an argument. Which later, got the attention of the king.

It was then, the king decided to intervene and ordered, that Ose be brought to the royal palace along with the queens for questioning.

Funny enough, though when Ose came face to face with the king, she was overtaken by fear and awe for his maleficent being-ness.

"Your–your–your Majesty! I didn't do anything. I was just on my way back from an errand when I got arrested by the palace guard.

At first, they let me go. However, while I was on my way back, later that day, they came and arrested me again.

They said the order was from Esagho..."

She was so impressed by the king, that she went on stuttering and blabbering, as she explained.

Unconsciously, and due to fright, she went on to call the queen, Esagho, directly by her name—due to the repeated warnings from her master and queen Idia, she had developed the habit of not adding queen, to queen Esagho's name.

What she did, however, was considered treason, and was immediately declared as a direct insult and blasphemy to the queen and in essence the throne, by the king. That very mistake sealed her doom.

Although, queen Idia did her best to try to save her right-hand woman and friend. However, five days later she was sentenced to death by hanging and killed off.

The king was indeed quick at serving out 'justice', to those, whom he considered dispensable.

Her friend's, Ose, demise affected queen Idia badly and had been the reason why she had been so depressed, lately.

The queen Idia, believed she was partly responsible for Ose's death since she was the one who had sent Ose on the errand that took her to queen Esagho's residence.

Also, she had been the one, who always insisted that Ose, should never add the word queen when referring to the queen Esagho.