Going To The Dreamy Forest (1)

Now, however, as she sat staring at the fireplace which kept her body warm in this cool evening, she reminisced all the events that had happened and led to the death of Ose.

She swore to avenge her friend, Ose when the time was right.

It was actually because she sent Ose, to queen Esagho's residence that caused Ose to get caught and consequently killed.

Earlier, before she sent Ose on that errand, the first prince Ogidigbo, queen Esagho's son. Had been falling ill repeatedly.

The prince condition was becoming too disturbing, even though most people were Ignorant, of the reason, why the prince was always sick, queen Idia and her accomplice Ose were fully aware that it was the effect of the poison they had put in the prince body that made him always sick.

They knew that it was only going to be a matter of time before the king, summons the chief priest, for divination and reading of the source of the prince's health problems.

Then, The oracle would surely finger-out the evildoers and reveal her and Ose as the perpetrators.

Therefore in the spirit of thinking and acting ahead of time to cover their tracks, queen Idia had prepared some charms and gave them to Ose to use on the prince.

The charm was supposed to cut off all the spiritual ties connecting them, and the poison in the first prince's body, and also to serve, as an appay to the Oracle to turn a blind eye to the existence of the poison.

Queen Idia was that good. She could prepare charms and create visions and even communicate with the spiritual forces, to do her bidding.

Ose had been successful in using the charm on the prince. However, on her way back she ran into Nosa, the one who instigated, her later crises, which resulted in her death.

Meanwhile, upon the new day, dawn had already elapsed. The brilliant sun was blazing and cast thick dark shadows on the earth.

Causing people who had less important business to remain indoors. And those people, and animals who had to go out to seek means, to take cover in shade from time-to-time and hide from the scorching heat.

However, at the royal palace the king and a few chiefs, dressed in a white gown, were discussing a matter.

"My Lord, I think that idea is brilliant. The princes are already almost eleven and yet they are not very used to the actual battle.

Sending them together for training is a good way to build brotherhood between them and also to help build their characters to be good leaders." One fat chief said.

"Yes my lord, I'm in total agreement with the idea, but if I can just suggest something?

Why don't we just allow the princes to build their team of young warriors to accompany them in their mission?

My lord, you can put a prize, that will be received by the winner of the hunting contest.

To make the contest more interesting my lord, you may allow the juniors of other royal members to participate and build their teams too." Another chief added.

"Okay. That makes sense. We'd announce the contest, to kick off in a month from now.

And we can allow every young member of our kingdom, below or in the age range of fifteen to participate.

And build their teams." The king added.

He was elated, that his chiefs all applauded his idea.

Although the main reason he came up with the idea, was to separate the young princes from their mother's and send them to a dangerous place.

That way the mothers will be too busy worrying about the safety of their sons, rather than quarreling every time.

The idea sounded lousy to him, but he knew, his wives love their sons too much and would do anything to protect them.

Therefore, by putting the young princes, in direct danger, the mothers; his wives, would be too busy worrying and trying to protect their sons by any means rather than be idle, and plotting against each other.

"Good! Now that it is settled, you should make the necessary arrangements and preparations for the event." when the king spoke he pointed his fingers at a particular chief. Commanding the latter to make the preparations.

"Ye–yes my lord." The chief rejoiced to smile from ear to ear.

His hands were shaking uncontrollably, from happiness.

Being a corrupt man that he was—no matter how. Once he started making the arrangements for the event, he was sure to increase his wealth and make a lot of profit using his questionable means.

Some other chiefs glared, at that chief who had been appointed grudgingly. Jealousy was written on their faces. They were happy,

Because they all coveted the appointment that the chief just received, for themselves.

Corruption wasn't a stranger to most of the chiefs. It was a very driving factor for most. And the main reason why many of them had quickly supported the idea.

They knew organizing the event would cost cowries— which was the means of exchange in Igodomigodo.

They were also hopeful that they would be the ones chosen to organize the event.

Two days later, the news that the palace would be organizing a hunting event in the Dreamy forest was announced to the public. And became a hot topic of discussion among the adventurous and enthusiastic young people of the kingdom.

"The king would be organizing such an event, and the princes would be making a team of their own. wow!

Such a good way to make friends with royalty."

"That not all, the king would also be giving the winner-team, more than a million cowries, and a chance to join the royal academy."

"Oh my Gosh!

That such a huge sum of money."

"Are you even talking about the money, what about the opportunity to join the royal academy,

Have you forgotten that once you graduate from the royal academy you can then become a sky warrior?

Those people are the top warriors, they travel to other countries to conquer it, and establish a colony. Also, they are very rich.

Even the king himself honors their achievements."

Several young people discussed and chatted with themselves. Sharing whatever knowledge, they have with the others.