Reclaiming What Is Mine (1)

Seated, at the back of a hut was a thin, young black boy, of about eleven years old.

He sat with his back arched, as he worked on a knife.

Beside him was a beautiful black woman, whose mouth kept moving up and down as she spoke to him.

Although his eyes were fixed on the knife he was working on, he would intermittently turn to speak to her, then continue with his work.

However, his face was sullen and gloomy, and his eyes were dark. he was wearing a white skirt, while his dry, bony chest, was bare and hairless.

While he sharpened his small knife, the woman spoke.

"My dear baby boy, I didn't mean to keep it a secret, I was just waiting for you to grow older.

By that time, you'll be able to make better judgment. And not make rash decisions.

Promise me—

Promise me now, that you'll not hate your father, now that you know the truth.

You must know that your father loves you. Okay."

The woman's voice was frail and apologetic.

As she spoke, the woman would occasionally wipe her beautiful, and soft ashen face— soaked with tears, with a piece of white cloth.

She drew closer to the boy attempting to caress the young boy. However, he moved away from her.

"Don't touch me, mother! You're a liar. How could you not tell me before, if I hadn't gone there myself, I would never have learned about this.

Even, now you're trying to support him, by telling me, that he loves me. what sort of love is that!"

The young boy snapped. He became more upset by his mother's request.

"You know, mother. I've always been disappointed in everyone, but not you.

All these years, you've been the one person I've been most proud of, and you know it.

Everyone around has always looked down on me, except you. And yet you deceived me.

I never expected you to betray me like this mother.

I never did. How can you do this to me?

How can both of you do this to me!?"

Vexed and crying, The young boy, threw his knife hard, to the ground as he stood up, protesting.


The woman slapped the young boy.

"No! I'm sorry. My son, I didn't mean to.."

"Leave me alone mother! you're just like the rest of them." The young boy hissed and backed away. Even, before the woman could finish apologizing.

His face, quickly became gloomy and intense, reflecting anguish. As tears started trickling down from the corner of his eyes.

Although he was angry, he felt bad for triggering, his mother to slap him. this was the first time she ever hit him.

She was that gentle.

"Stop it! My baby boy. Please, stop saying that. You're hurting me. You know I'd never betray you. I'm sorry I hit you."

Her sobbing became more intense, as she apologized, and reached out to touch her son. Her voice had become so subtle and gentle, that it could almost break in the ears.

Even as she spoke, she walked faster to try to get close to the young boy again.

"I don't know why everybody, is just trying to bring me down.

Think about it mom, my own father, the king denied me, what was rightfully mine. Even at my birth.

He, even, didn't think too much of it before he did it.


Maybe it's because I'm really useless. Right? Just like they say I am."

"No–no–no, my baby boy you're not useless, please, don't ever say such words again.

Even if the whole world is against you, I'll always be on your side. I love you. You are my only son." She stammered as she spoke,

Her hands were shaking and outstretched, she rushed to hold the young boy, as a new well of tears, poured out from her eyes again.

She was at a bridge-point, desperately trying to convince the boy that he wasn't hated. She knew that if he lost his confidence now, it would be hard for him to come around later.

"No! Mother, it is true. Look at me, I'm so thin. I'm not strong at all, all my brothers always do great things.

Is it not true, what they say, that I'm not even worthy to be a prince?

Just look at me. take a good look at me mom!

why won't they say those things about me?

I don't have any special skills. I got denied my birthright while I was still a baby. even so,

Unlike the other prince, I haven't even achieved anything great for once. I didn't even start to talk until I was five years old. can you imagine that?

As if that was not enough, Nature decided to mock me, still. By ensuring, that I couldn't even do the simplest task of all. Which is to breathe.

Tell me, mother! Am I not an imbecile? Who the hell, isn't capable of breathing.

Can't you see mother, can't you see that I'm cursed, can't you see that I'm not a proper human being?

No wonder my father doesn't love me."

As he groaned, It became clear that this young boy had been so affected by his discovery. His face was now, even more excruciating.

The young boy, who was a prince, dropped his head on his hands as he started sobbing heavily.

This young boy was exactly the prince, Idubor. And the woman with him was his mother, queen Ohonmi.

"Noooo my baby boy. Please, stop saying those wo—ords . Indeed, you may not be able to breathe now, but don't you think that's what makes you unique.

Stop hurting me this way. please stop saying those things about yourself."

As she comforted again, she was already close to the distressed prince.

This time, however, he didn't move away from her. He continued crying —With his face in between his hands.

"It's okay my boy. You're okay, you're okay..."

The queen then pulled him into her arms and kissed his head. As she started patting his shoulder, to caress him.

However, after a while, the young prince, Idubor, pulled out of her arms. then picked up his short knife.

His eyes now were sharp and dark and reflected a homicidal glint.

"Mother, I know you'll never hurt me. At least not intentionally. But now, I'm going to take what is rightfully mine.

Once I go to the dreamy forest, with the other prince, I will kill my stepbrothers and reclaim what had been stolen from me." The prince sneered as he put aside his knife.

"What! No–no–no! Did I hear you correctly?

What are you planning to do?

No way! you're too young to have such thoughts. You must stop now!" stuttering, the queen Ohonmi, trembled when she saw the lascivious look on the young prince's face.

Startled, she felt a chill run down her spine.

As she was immediately seized by a terrific apprehension—not for her son, but of what he might become, if indeed he followed through with his plan.

However, she knew she was at a critical point in motherhood, where she had to find a way to connect deeply with her son, so that he may not be overly affected by the situations around him.

"You don't have to bother about me mom, I'll be fine. haha, I've already made up my mind."

Once he finished speaking, the prince, turned around and walked away.

Nevertheless, Once she noticed his ill humor, and doggedness and saw the evil glint reflected in her son's eyes, she knew, immediately, that it was worse than she had thought.

She rushed up to him and attempted to pull him, into her arms for a hug. However, he stepped back, and continued, walking away.