True colors (2).

"Shut up! who told you I ran away!? If I ran away before, would I still be here now?" The young warrior, with a shaved head and Lanky body, Igbins, rebuked the other young warrior who had been collectively accepted earlier by the team members, as their new leader.

"Really! Igbins, why are you lying!? Ok!


If it's true that you didn't try to flee before, what have you been doing in that bush, all this while?


Are you going to lie again? Tell us what you were doing over there now.

Come on! Go on!

We're waiting for your explanation." The acclaimed new leader went totally ballistic, once that Igbins, the young warrior with a shaved head denied trying to escape.

His concern, was bordered on so many reasons.

Firstly, with the reappearance of the youth with a shaved head, his position as the new leader of the team was now at great risk.

It was known by every member of their team, that the young warrior with a shaved head was senior to him both in strength, and in position in the team.

As a matter of fact the youth with a shaved head, Igbins was actuallly second in command, only to the first leader, Jada who was killed, earler by that Spineless Grey Octopus.

"Ogen! What is wrong with you! it seems to me that your rebellious attitude has gotten to an all new high.

I don't know, and I don't even care to know, what gives you the confidence to speak so recklessly to me, but if your don't guide your mouth now, I'll be forced to teach you a hard lesson!

I swear!" Igbins roared, stamping his foot hard on the ground, to caution that acclaimed new leader of the team, whose name apparently, was Ogen.

"Haha! Do you think you can intimidate me Igbins?

Do you really want to bully all of us, so that we'd believe you're innocent, eventhough you've already abandoned us before?

Haha. Hilarious!

You know what! As of this very moment, you're no longer a part of our team.

You can take your leave now.

Also as a token of my generosity, I'll even add a appetizer.

Since it is clear, that you were trying to flee with that bitch, Sonia, You can take her, away with you.

We don't need traitors in our team. Ha-ha" Ogen, declared aloud, waving his hand dismissively.

"You! You really believe that you can blackmail your way into anything you like right!" With his forehead and neck veins popping out, Igbins retorted angrily.

His eyes were so sharp, and had a dangerous glint. While his body was trembling uncontrollably, from the anger, he felt.


I already know that you've always coveted the leadership position of this team. And now That you've gotten a chance, you're definitely going to use any means to achieve your goal right?

Mmm hum.

I already know your style Ogen. And i can assure you something, that it won't work today." Igbins countered, quickly.

'Humph! I can't use brutal force to win this battle, I have to defeat him by convincing everybody, with my words first, then I'll surely deal with him later.' Igbins thought to himself in between rage.

Although Igbins was more powerful than Ogen, he decided against outrightly attacking Ogen, lest he incites public anger.

Therefore, he resolved to argue it out with the latter, and beat him up later. With that decision taken, he gradually calmed his nerves.

"Well, if you really want to know why I was in that bush. I'll tell you alright.

The reason I was there before, is because I was hit and flung away, by that creature tentacle and I got injured. So I had to rest there for a while to recover my health.

Sonia, on the other hand, only came to me, when our dead leader, Jada, requested her to assist, to heal me. When he saw that I was badly injured by the creature's blow.


Are you satisfied, now that you know the entire truth?

Tell me seriously, you must be so happy now right."

Igbins lips, was alread forming into a half smile. However, he managed to keep a straight face.

'I'm such a genius. Haha. '

He thought to himself feeling relieved and impressed by his own explanation.

It was indeed true that he was hit by the creature's tentacle—Even, everyone saw it, when it happened. Nonetheless, he wasn't badly injured at all, and had been willing to attack the beast again that time. However, the beast killed their leader Jada, in such a gruesome manner that he instantly changed his mind and decided to escape instead.

Moreover, the others weren't paying attention to him anymore, once their leader Jada, was violently killed. Thus, they had no evidence to prove, that he actually tried to escape. Therefore he believed, that the others would surely believe his story. And back him up.

And so it was.

"It's indeed true, I saw it with my own eyes, when Igbins was hit by that creature's tentacle, and thrown backwards.

From the force of that creature's blow, which I believe, was powerful enough to even break several bones, he must have sustained some serious injuries, and so would've needed some time to recover.

I believe him! He didn't try to leave us behind. "

One young warrior with cherry-brown skin color, spoke in support of Igbins narration.

"I saw it happen too." Another young male warrior chimed in.

"Yes me too" Subsequently, everybody in the team, except Ogen, was attesting as witness to Igbins's version of the story.

'Argh!!! you bastard! You're such a snake, I know you trying to escape. ' Ogen roared and concluded in his mind.

His face was an excruciating angry. His chest rose and fell. As he was fuming, madly.

He knew the consequence, of the teams approval of Igbins story—It meant that he was no longer going to be the leader, since Igbins would surely decide to become the new leader.

And he wasn't far from the truth.

"Well, I thank all of you, my colleagues, for believing and trusting me.

It goes to show that I didn't make a mistake, when I decided to join this team.

As from today I consider all of you to be my brothers." Igbins kept his palm to his forehead, and his eyes became red and watery almost as if he was going to tear up at any moment.

He was really a good actor, like that.

After a while of effusive display of sentiments, he turned to face Ogen.

"And you! why are you still staring at me like that?

Do you still have plans to drive me out, again?

Do you believe you can still do that?" Igbins demanded with furrowed eyebrows, starring daggers, back at Ogen.

"Humph!" Ogen sneered arrogantly, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"Well, now that it is already clear that i didn't try to escape before, don't you think it is only sensible, for you to stop pretending you're still the leader of this team.

You're only the fourth warrior by ranking, in this team, don't you think it is wise that you should submit yourself to me immediately, Since I rank second, both in strength and in position?" Igbins eyebrows knitted further down, questioningly.

He was sure going to take revenge on Ogen, it was just a matter of when.

"Now you come over here, and pledge your allegiance to me, and apologize to miss Sonia too, for the rude things you said about her.

If you do so reverently, and I'm pleased with your performance, I'll think about letting it slide, everything that happened here just now.


Now, go ahead and be quick about it. I don't have all day."

Igbins, clicked his fingers multiple times; snapping.

However, in all sensibility, he knew quite well, that it was very unlikely for Ogen to apologize to him, Since the latter was a very prideful individual.

His modus operandi this time, was to show off, a public display of mercy, by giving Ogen a chance to apologize to him and Sonia publicly.

Igbins, was very aware that Ogen would consider the task, a very humiliating assignment for himself.

However, his strategy was that if the latter refused to apologize, which he, knew very well that Ogen wouldn't, he, Igbins, would be in all righteousness to punish Ogen, how ever way he wanted. Without any major resistance from other members of the team.

And so it was.