True Colors.

The newly acclaimed leader, was kept in a daze, he observed with rigorous keenness and almost passively, as those warriors from the prince, Idubor's team slaughtered effortlessly, that Octopus-like creature him and his people had been struggling to put down, for so long.

He didn't even bother to blink nor did he dare to take make the slightest move.

After witnessing the walk-over slaughter of the octopus-like creature, his mouth suddenly dropped open, into an unconscious, O shape.


What are you stupefied about?

Is it because they easily killed that Spineless Grey Octopus you said they couldn't kill before?

Hmm hmm.

Well, to be honest with you, I'm certain that, they were just fooling around, with that beast.

In fact, I believe that they were just using that beast to hone their own skills. To gain more control and mastery of the ancestral spirit power, while it was fused with their bodies.

Otherwise that creature would have been dead in a moment." The prince, Idubor spoke with calm and ease, revealing only, a partial smile. That suggests he was unperturbed, by the outcome of the fight just now.

His arms were crossed over his chest. He had been observing slyly, with the corner of his eyes, the shocked reaction of the newly acclaimed leader.

"What! Do you mean what you're saying!?

Are you trying to say that those transparent figures, were actually their ancestral spirits?" The acclaimed leader, blurted out.

His eyes, knitted to form a questioning frown.

"That's not possible!

Do you really think I'm so gullible?

let me now tell you, that It is impossible to summon out one's own ancestral spirit, until that person has achieved at least, the spirit fusion realm.

Even, in the entire Igodomigodo, only few clandestine senior warriors have gotten to that level.

How can you now claim, that your people, who, just like everyone else here, has just communicated with their ancestral spirit, not too long ago, are in that level?

Lies!" The acclaimed new leader, dismissed vehemently, the prince's narrative. He wasn't buying at all, the prince's speculation.


Why would I lie to you? What benefits would I get from that?" Prince Idubor sneered, and let his crossed arms, fall from his chest.

Disgusted as he was by the young warrior's dismissal of his claim, He was about to walk away. However, he suddenly stopped, and turned to face the young warrior again.

"Thinking about it,

How did you get to know about the spirit fusion realm?

tell me right now." prince Idubor voice was calm but his tone had a stern and threatening.

"I do not have any obligation to tell you anything do I?

Do you think, just because you're a prince you can behave whatever way you please?

Well I'm not giving you any explanation, you can leave now if you like.

Stchew.." The acclaimed new leader hissed, and threw his head sideways; facing away from the prince.

He probably felt, the prince's undertone threat and he couldn't condone it.

"I see...

You're the bad guy right? Well then, there's no problem with being a bad guy.

As long as you can take the consequence." with a slight close-lip smile that was so awkward, prince Idubor said then backed away.


The young warrior, acclaimed new leader, rolled his eyes and snorted in contempt to the prince statement.

From his reaction, it was obvious that he didn't think much of prince Idubor.

He went on, to walk away from where the prince was and met up with his remaining people who were standing, not far away from where the prince was.

Even they, had witnessed, the scuffle just now between the prince and their new leader. Many of them were still so shocked by the confidence displayed by their new leader.

However, Sally and the others from the prince's team after harvesting the spirit energy, from the dead beast were already coming back to meet the prince.

They overheard, the last few statements, made by that other team's, new leader.

"My prince, what happened we overheard what that brat said to you, give us your order to go and beat him up."

When they got back to the prince, Sally offered diligently, to beat up that new leader of the other team.

"No... There's no need for that.

If I wanted to I could have taught him a good lesson myself, but I let him go for a reason." The prince demeanor was even still too calm.

"Let's watch and see what will happen next."

"Ok my prince. I believe, you have a plan you want to execute first" Sally added, then continued.

"My prince what about the girl and that bald youth?"

"You can come out now! The creature is already dead.

And we already know you're hiding behind that bush.

Yes. I'm talking about you, boy and girl, we already know you're staying behind that bush.

we've warriors watching you already, so just come out now." The prince didn't offer an answer to Sally instead he just started calling out to an unknown person behind a bush.

Everybody from the prince's team immediately understood what was going on, but the members of the other group was totally at a loss.

They didn't utter a word, but kept staring at themselves and then to the prince.

However, in the following moment, two human figures jumped out of a bush cover and started walking towards the group of warriors.

When they got closer to the group of warriors, the figures were revealed to be a gangly boy and a beautiful girl.

"What! You! you!.

You're still alive? Did you really go to hide?" It was the new acclaimed leader of the that independent team who spoke.

He was pointing shaky fingers at the young man, who had just gotten out from the bush.