Turning The Tables (1)

All eyes trained off, to the direction of the clap and rested on the figure of a young boy, no older than eleven years old.


Haha, what a hard man!

You know what? You really deserves to be a leader of your team. If only you did not die today."

It was the prince Idubor.

He praised and applauded, at the dead body of the young warrior, Ogen, who had already given up all evidence of life.

"Yeess my prince. He's really of a solid character, even I, thought he would budge. but he didn't.

I'm really impressed" Sally, as usual quickly added his voice in support.

"It's just a shame that it ended too soon for him." he finished.

Ever since the beginning of the conflict,the prince and his band of warriors, had been standing aside. Watching as the events unfolds.

They didn't even attempt, to create a disturbance or interrupt the marvelous show— As they believed it was.

So all the while they had been a quiet bunch, being entertained.

"My prince, I thank you and your people for coming to the rescue my team and saving them from that octopus-like creature before.

You have mine and the teams gratitude." Igbins, briskly walked up to meet Idubor and thanked him. Bowing slightly to salute the Prince.


And this one, he's really Unbelievable!

What a great show he gave. He really killed a guy because the guy was so rude to him.

He's really ruthless..." Prince Idubor mocked indiscreet, chatting with Sally and snubbing the former.

He pointed his right hand at Igbins as he commented on the Shaved-head, lanky warrior.

However, he didn't seem interested in conversing with Igbins at all. Even, he ignored him totally.

"Humph." Igbins felt a sharp stroke of pain prick his heart. After witnessing the prince's behavior and hearing his reply to his humble appreciation.

'What! does he want to create trouble for me too? humph, Ok let me just watch first. I'll surely give him what he seeks" He thought to himself.

"Yeess! you're correct my prince. This one is really ruthless and merciless." Sally quickly added; concurring with the prince.

However, the others in the prince's group, also nodded their heads in agreement.

"My prince. How did you know that the two of them were going to battle one another for leadership.

I believe this result, was the plan you mentioned before. right?" Salami suddenly asked.

He was referring to the time when the prince had declared that he was working with a plan. He concluded that the result of the duel must have been the prince's plan, and surmised that the prince must have known somehow that the two warriors were going to battle it out.

"Haha, yes indeed this was my plan.

Although deep down in my guts I was always convinced that it would be a wierd situation with the introduction of this one, back to that team. And I'd expected some level of drama.

However, I never for once foresaw such an intriguing unfold of events.

Really, It even took me by surprise that he killed that boy.

These guys are really the best hypocrites alive. For a while, I even prayed that the drama doesn't end." The prince's rashed out a reply

"My prince, what do you mean by calling me and my people hypocrites.

Why are you disrespecting us like this, we've not offended you in any way before have we?

why are you really here? Do you want to pick a fight with us?" annoyed, Igbins barraged the prince with questions.

His face had alread become stern due to the prince's disrespectful behavior.

"Shut up! Who do think you are to question the prince?

You filthy rat! You should already be sniveling back to your dirty little hole to hide." Sally, quickly cut-in, barking. He was very quick to taunt at the protester-Igbins.

He strode forward, and took a fighting stance, giving a contemptuous look at the latter.

"Sally don't mind this one yet, let's just achieve why we came here first,

Then we can deal with the others later." The prince, Idubor. calmly said to Sally.

Asking him to stand back, as he patted his back.

The prince then flashed a conceited smile at Igbins, before he spoke.

"Well, since you're so interested in knowing why we came here.

I guess it's better i just tell you now so that we won't waste time anymore. .


The truth is that we actually came here in search for your ewere pot." Prince Idubor said casually, holding a straight face.

He didn't even blink when he spoke.

"Wait! what!? Haha, you must be joking right? Why do you want to search for our ewere pot when it is already with us?" Igbins wore a slightly puzzled look.

"Do the prince really have to spell it all out for you, so that you may understand? This one is really so dumb." Sally quickly cut in again. goading the bruised ego of Igbins.

As he spoke, he turned to face the prince. "My prince?"

He motioned in a way that suggests that he wanted to continue the conversation for the prince instead.

The prince omly nodded slightly, in approval,

before turning back to look at Igbins again.

"Well if you're so naive, that you cannot understand what the prince just said, I guess I have no other choice but to spill the beans myself.


The real reason why we're actually here is to take your ewere pot and obtain all the spirit energy stored inside of it.

I hope that is clear enough for you? " Igbins finished declaring,


Do you really want to rob us?" Taken aback, Igbins flashed a look at the prince.

Disbelief was etched on his face. He keenly observed the prince figure for a while, as if checking for validation, since he obviously didn't believe what Sally said.

However the prince's still wore a straight face.

Not revealing, even the slightest hint of a smile on his face.

Indicating that perhaps, what the burly Sally had said just now, was not a prank, and indeed the prince and his team had conspired beforehand to steal from them.

"Do you really need to ask such foolish questions, Since I've already told you why we came here before?

What! Are you planning to waste our time?

Don't even think about it!

Now, stop fooling around and go get the ewere. Since you're the leader of your team, I expect you to be diligent

you have to be quick and submit your ewere to us."