Chapter 1: Reverse Rider

Police Officer was lounging in his office, listening to a reporter on the news talking about the capture of the notorious criminal Kaiza Akuma or better known as Devil Keizerand he was awaiting execution. Another Officer walked in setting down a cup of coffee next to the Officer.

"To think, he has finally been caught." One Officer said. "But it seemed like hehad no fight left in him anymore."

The officer nodded sipping their coffee, but he almost choked on his coffee, as he noticed his Chief walking into the room, both of the Officers stood up and saluted.

 "At ease men." The Chief said.

The two Officers eased up. 

"What do you need sir?" The First Officer asked.

"I need you two, to escort someone to Kaiza Akuma's holding cell."

They both Officers looked shocked, scared and one of them spoke up.

"B-But sir is this wise, he could attack either of us when we get close."

"For now he is docile." A female voice spoke up.

The Officers looked behind their Chief, seeing a beautiful woman, with smooth white ceramic skin, jet black long hair, a white business suit and a suit case in her left hand.

"Hello I'm Sora Ichidame, I'm from Heaven's Rite Foundation, it is nice to meet you." Sora said, bowing.

The Officers adored her beauty, they were barely able to muster up the courage to speak, until their Chief cleared his throat, snapping the two out of their daze and they both introduced themselves.

The Officers escorted Sora to a Police Cruiser, helping her in, getting into the front seats, then started driving to the location that Kaiza was being held. 

"Are you sure it is a smart idea to confront the Devil Kiser?" The First Officer asked. 

"Devil Kiser? Oh you are talking about Kaiza, how long has he been going by that title?" Sora asked.

"He has been going by that title for quite some time, he has been causing to much trouble while out there?" The Second Officer said.

"Did he cause anyone real trouble?" Sora asked.

"He fought against different gangs." The First Officer said.

"He injured to many people." The Second Officer said.

"But did he injure anyone who didn't deserve it?" Sora asked.

"That doesn't even …" The First Officer was saying.

"Did he hurt anyone that didn't deserve it!" Sora said aloud.

"N-No he didn't" The Second Officer said.

Sora nodded looking out the window, watching as the scene goes by, as Sora kept quite the rest of the ride. By the time they arrived to the location, Sora was helped out from the back of the Police Cruiser, Sora looked up at the large building.

"How many people do you have in the building?" Sora asked.

"Currently Kaiza, one other criminal, more then two dozen guards and medics." The First Officer said.

"Kaiza doesn't need that many guards to watch him." Sora said.

"The guards are mostly for the other guy." The Second Officer said.

The Officers got together the necessary papers, to view Kaiza, once every thing was ready, then headed toward the room that Kaiza was contained in, while walking toward ther oom, they passed the highly guarded room of the second inmate.

"My escape is upon us." A voice said from behind Sora.

A cold shiver shot up Sora's spin, she turned around fast seeing that there was no one behind her, she rubbed her head. They got up to the door, starting to unlock it.

"Remember, he is highly dangerous." The First Officer said. 

They opened the door for Sora, she walked in seeing a man in his mid 20s chained to the wall, his shirt was missing revealing his well toned upper body, his wrists, ankles andn eck were chained up. He looked up looking past his medium length brown hair and grinned.

"Well, Well, Well." Kaiza spoke up. "If it isn't little Ichidame, have you come to save your dear Older Brother?"

The guards looked back at Sora, she bit the inside of her cheek, to stop herself from making a snide remark.

"I'm here to ask for your help to fight against the Sinful Seven's attack." Sora asked.

"Boring, go ask another rider, I hear this one has memory loss, oh sorry for him." Kaizar eplied.

The three all looked surprised, a large explosion went off behind them, the two guards spun around, telling Sora to stay here. They ran off, before they fully got away Sora swiped the keys going over to Kaiza unchaining him from the wall.

He fell forward hitting the ground, her rolled himself around into a sitting position, started rubbing his wrists, ankles and neck.

"Didn't think I would be this sore for only being chained up for a few days." He said.

The Suitcase dropped down in front of him, he looked up at Sora, then looked down opening the Suitcase seeing a White Device with Gold Decal.

"Heaven's Access, with the selected Contract Card you are able to become Kamen Rider Angelo" Sora said turning around.

There were screams coming from the hallway, then a faint sound of tearing, Sora turned screaming as she saw Kaiza tearing the card to access Kamen Rider Angelo.

"What the hell Kaiza!" Sora screamed, dropping to her knees, trying to pick up the pieces ofthe ripped card.

"I don't need such a useless form." Kaiza replied.

Sora looked at himmad, then her eyes became wide, seeing him pull out a Contract Card from his pocket.

Kaiza placed the Device against his waist, a belt shot out from the Device adjusting to hiswaist size.

"Guess it is a one size fits all." Kaiza remarks. 

Kaiza slipped the Contract Card into the device.

"Error, Error,Error." The Device chimed. 

"You idiot, you can't use unlicensed Contract Cards in Heaven's Access." Sora yelled.

"Error, Error, error, error … or." The Device continued chiming until it stopped. 

"See you left the Contract Card in to long it …" Sora was interrupted by the Device as it turned back on.

"Access Granted." Heaven's Access chimed. Sora looked surprised, with her jaw hung open, Kaiza lowered his right hand touching the Device.

"Henshin." Kaiza yelled out.

Heaven's Access started breaking away revealing a Crimson Device with Black Decal. 

"Form Change: Kamen Rider Diavolo." Hell's Access chimed.

Kaiza was covered with Crimson armor, with Black flame like designs covering his chest, arms and legs. He had two black shoulder spikes, his helmet was a mix of a demon and a knight, with yellow visor, there were also chains on his neck, ankles and wrists.

"Ah much better." Diavolo said stretching.

"W-What, where did you get that card?" Sora said shocked. "What happened to Heaven's Access?"

"One question at atime geez." 

Diavolo took out the case of extra cards from the suitcase, tapping them against Hell's Access, turning it into the same design as Hell's Access and then put the case on hisright hip.

Diavolo pulled out the top Contract Card, pressed it against Hell's Access, raising his hand up as the Contract Card caught fire, then turned to ash. 

"Contract used." Hell's Access chimed. Two Hound designed shotguns appeared in Diavolo's hands.

"Heaven or Hell's Arrow, anything shot by these guns will get branded and you will be able to track them." Sora said standing. 

Diavolo raised one of the guns shooting Sora on the neck, a skull like tattoo appeared on the spot shot.

"What the Hell was that for!" Sora screamed. 

"Now you're back, I can keep track of you." Diavolo replied. 

"I hate you!" Sora yelled storming off.

Diavolo looked down at his guns, he moved them up to the door, their eyes started to glow. A female scream then echoed through the halls, Diavolo's head shot up, as he sprinted down the hall passing bloody corpses. 

He came to a stop as he saw Sora walk up to him from the Darkness. 

"Kaiza, thank God you found me!" Sora said going for a hug. 

He ducked moving back, shooting both of her legs. 

"K-Kaiza that hurts, why did you shoot me?" She asked. 

"One, you show no signs of looking in pain." He said. "Two, you're missing the brand on your neck." 

She smiled wickedly, the started screamed grabbing her head, gripping at the top of her head, ripping her body in half discarding her disguise appearing as a large ten foot Arachne. She had long white hair covering her top less chest, she looks like a normal woman from the waist up. But the rest of her body was that of a large spider. 

"Ugh, why did my first fight have to be against an Arachne, I wanted more of a fight." Diavolo complained. 

"I'll show you a fight worthy of the Strongest Pawn of the Sinful Seven." The Arachne yelled. 

She started rushing toward Diavolo, he ran forward shooting at her legs, then slid under her, shooting her under belly, she charged right into a wall, she looked back shooting webs at Diavolo. 

Diavolo jumped off a wall flipping over some of the webs, until one of his legs got hit sending himbackwards into a newly created web. 

"Damn, should have been keeping an eye on my back." Diavolo said, cursing. 

The Arachne started to stand herself back up, dusting herself off, while making her way toward him, her large body knocked over anything in her path, as she also trampled over dead bodies. 

Diavolo was trying to move his right hand down to his Deck Case. He looked up to see the Arachne's front legs shooting toward him. 

Diavolo slammed his fist into the Deck Case, he moved his head to the right, as the legs, pierced through the webs. He then gripped onto the leg, pulling himself up onto the leg, putting the Contract Card to Hell's Access, then letting go of it. 

"Weapon Chosen: Hell Blade." Hell's Access chimed. 

As the Contract Card fell, toward the web, it caught fire, in turn burning the web down, the Contract Card then summoned a plain looking katana, he took hold of the leg, cutting it off, as the Arachne let out an ear piercing screech. 

She stumbled back, shooting webs toward him, Diavolo cut the webs in half, dropping her severed leg, kicking it toward her, as he ran forward, pulling out a new Contract Cardout pressing it against Hell's Access, throwing it backwards, completing the Contract. 

"Overload Finished: Demonic Rush." Hell's Access chimed. 

Diavolo ran forward stepping on a turned over cart, jumping toward her, his both legs caught on fire, he kicked his right foot against her chest, then rotated his body in the air, bringing his left foot downwards, creating a flaming cross. The Arachne roared out loud, catching on fire, as she tried to put out the flames, then she reached out toward Diavolo, but before she could reach him, she was reduced to ashes. 

Diavolo reached back, removing his helmet, letting out a sigh, wiping sweat from his brow, asthe Diavolo form, vanished from his body, four Contract Cards appeared in front of him, as he took hold of them, slipping them back into the Deck Case. 

There was a muffled sound coming from a moving web cocoon, located close by. Kaiza ripped open the cocoon to find Sora inside, Sora pulled herself out removing the Web around her mouth.

"Thanks, now it isyour duty to fight the Sinful Seven." Sora said. 

"No Thanks, sounds tiring." Kaiza replied. "Plus I have to run, once the Police learn I'm gone, they will see all these dead bodies, I will be the first to blame." 

Kaiza ran out of the building, Sora chased after him yelling.  

The cell of the second prisoner was blown wide open, which was the cause of the earlier explosion, a man wearing all black, with purple stripes running down both sides, his head turned toward the carnage, a wicked grin covered his face. 

"Stage 1 is now complete." The Man said. 

Letting out a loud laugh, as the room was filled with darkness. 
