Chapter 2: Intermission

"God Dammit Kaiza get back here!" Sora screamed.

Kaiza continued running calling out behind him.

"This reminds me of our childhood, the one time you wanted to kill me, for kissing you on the cheek."

"How can I not remember that." She screamed back. "You were always a trouble maker, but I know you're not all that bad, you did save me."

Kaiza stopped, looking back at Sora.

"You suck you know that." Kaiza said. "Your parents were the true monsters."

Sora slowed to a stop and spoke.

"Please, take up the duty as a Kamen Rider."

Kaiza pulled out a card from the case, bringing the card down to Hell's Access and spoke.

"We will see."

"Contract used." The Device chimed.

Kaiza let go of the Contract Card, as it was engulfed in flames, his body slowly turned invisible, Sora saw this which led her to curse loudly, just then her phone started to ring, she picked it up.

"He got away from my line of sight." Sora said.

She stretches out her arm, to avoid going half deaf from all the screaming, then brought the phone back to her ear.

"Please don't worry, knowing Kaiza he will be found soon, where else does he have to go." Sora replied.

She nodded then hung up the phone, screaming loudly, punching the closet wall, she pulled back her fist, there was no traces of blood, but there does seem to be traces of a wound, she wrapped her hand with a cloth and walked away.

Kaiza's cloak wore off about 5 minutes after activation, one Contract Card appeared in front of him, he took the card putting it in the Deck Case, he found a thrown out hoodie and pair of sneakers putting them on. He pulled the hood over his head, the went for a walk on the streets of Tokyo, swaying past several citizens, avoiding any contact.

A faint crying sound, came from a large group of yelling, Kaiza made his way toward an alley way finding a group of kids picking on a younger girl. She was crouching, her hands covering her ears, while she cried.

"Hey get away from her." Kaiza said walking over to them. "Knock it off, I'm not afraid to punish you lot."

"Mind your own business old man, this slut is getting what she deserves."

One of the boys called out.

"Yeah, now run along and go eat your oatmeal." Another boy said.

Kaiza removed his hood revealing his identity, scaring the kids.

"Get over here!" Kaiza yelled running toward them.

The kids screamed running out of the alley, yelling that the Devil Keizer is coming for them. Kaiza stopped, looked down at the girl, kneeled down, touching her shoulder gently, she flinched and looking up at Kaiza weakly.

"It's alright little one, the monsters are gone now." Kaiza said calmly.

She nodded, seeing Kaiza put his hood back on and leave. The four boys returned and one of them spoke.

"To think if we weren't here, we wouldn't have to almost die by him."

The four boys skin started to become green, their hair fell off, ears became pointed, they all became goblins.

"Yes but we needed to see how he acts." The little girl said.

She started to grow into an older woman, one with beautiful blonde hair, beautiful soft hair, piercing deep blue eyes, with blue green stripes running down her sides and about a DD cup.

"When the time is right, we are going to need him, to gain Hell's Access." She spoke.

She grinned, the vanished along with the goblins.

Kaiza walked down the street, covering his eyes, from the blinding bright light of the towering white building, which stood as the tallest building in Tokyo.

"Geez, it seems like that damn Heavens Rite Foundation has been here for years." Kaiza complained.

Six men wearing pure white suits appeared around Kaiza, they were all cracking their knuckles and necks.

"Guys I'm tired, so how about you just leave me alone." Kaiza complained again.

The Six men lunged toward Kaiza, he jumped up, kicking off one of their chests, stepping on another man's face, jumping behind him. They looked at him unfazed and started to chase after him.

Kaiza booked it down the street, dodging and weaving past citizens, there was shouting coming from behind him, as the six men pushed people out of their way.

A bullet grazed his shoulder, he stifled a scream, as he gripped a brick, from a fence turning around throwing it at one of the men. The brick had no affect as he continued moving.

Kaiza turned around, going wide eyed, leaning backwards dodging a fist from seventh man, getting back up, running forward as more of the men started appearing, Kaiza tried to turn around until he saw a fist inches from his face, as the man knocked Kaiza to the ground and Kaiza blacked out. Once he woke up with a splitting headache, he let his eyes become adjusted, then he looked around noticing that he was in a white room.

Kaiza's arms were behind him, chained to the ground, chained with his ankles, he was kneeling and looking around. To Kaiza's left, from the corner of his eye, he saw a part of the wall slid open, as Kaiza looked over, seeing Sora walk through with a tablet.

"Sora you just love seeing me tied up don't." Kaiza spoke.

"It's the only way for you to stay in place." Sora replied.

"Sure it isn't because you want to be kinky with me?" Kaiza said with a grin.

Sora's cheeks turned red, as she kicked him in the side of the head, Kaiza leaned over spitting blood out, as the floor soaked it up.

"Easy Miss Ichidame, we need our guest to be comfortable." A man with a deep yet calming voice spoke up.

The man stepped into the room, he was a tall man, white business suit, with a red stripe running his sides, black hair, with red highlights, piercing red eyes and grinned.

"Mister I-Ikari, what are doing here, I have the job of keeping him tamed." Sora said nervous.

"Don't worry dear Miss Ichidame, I only wanted to see the new Kamen Rider with my own eyes." Ikari said calmly. "Please leave for a second."

Sora nodded, stepping out, letting the door close behind her. Ikari looked toward Kaiza, then pressed a button located on the watch he had on his left wrist, as the room turned black.

"I will like to introduce myself I am Ikari No Tsumi." Ikari spoke.

Kaiza glared at him and spoke. "How much does Sora know about your true self?"

Ikari continued to grin and spoke.

"Nothing, to her I am known as Ikari Nashi."

"It's still the same thing." Kaiza replied.

Ikari grinned, pulling out a gun shooting Kaiza in the chest, Kaiza screamed, leaning forward, coughing up more blood, which the floor soaked up again, Kaiza looked down at his chest, seeing a device located where his heart is.

"That will keep your blood stable, while you are fighting." Ikari said.

"I never agreed to be your Kamen Rider!" Kaiza yelled.

"Oh yes you will, because if you don't, the bomb I had out in Sora will go off and kill her." Ikari said grinning.

"She has nothing to do with this you bastard!" Kaiza yelled.

"I have bombs in all of my pawns, you will do what I said, or your little girlfriend will die." Ikari replied.

Ikari pressed the button again, as the room returned to it's white color.

"You may come in Miss Ichidame, you may come back in." Ikari said.

The door slid open, Ikari looked at Sora and smiled.

"He said he will become our Kamen Rider." Ikari spoke, leaning down to release Kaiza and whispers. "I will enjoy having you working with us Mister Kaiza Akuma."
