Chapter 3: Depths of Ice

Kaiza looked at himself in a mirror, looking at the weird device that was located in front of his heart, he touched it gently, feeling a soft pulse coming from it. He was told that it was to keep his blood stable, which was most likely to keep him from running away or turning traitor.

"You going to keep admiring your body?" Sora said knocking on Kaiza's door.

He slipped on his shirt, covering the device so Sora wouldn't have to see it.

"You could be the one to look at it all you want, say after you start treating me like we were kids." Kaiza replied.

"If I did that, then it would be like nothing changed." Sora said.

"You loved taking a bath with me." Kaiza said.

"We were 6 and we lived at the orphanage, everyone had to go two at a time, there wasn't a lot of water." Sora replied.

"But I remember you, always offered to bathe with me." Kaiza chuckled.

Sora's cheeks turned red, she punched Kaiza's right shoulder, then stormed out of the room, Kaiza grinned, then followed her out of the room. He saw several of those big guys that attacked him the other day, they were carrying very heavy looking objects.

"They are Golems." A woman spoke up behind him.

Kaiza turned around, seeing a beautiful blonde woman, her hair was down straight, white female business suit, green stripes down the sides of her suit.

"That explains why stepping on one of their faces didn't effect one of them." Kaiza replied.

"Sir Ikari, would like to see you, he has a mission for you." The Woman spoke.

"Mission, what do you mean by mission?" Sora asked the woman.

"You don't need to know Miss Ichidame." The Woman said.

"It's okay Sora, I can handle myself."

Kaiza headed for the elevators, clicking the top floor button, feeling the elevator slowly ascend.

The scene moved over to Ikari's Office.

Ikari was in a meeting, six screens were on, there were silhouettes, there were three men and three woman, the conversation was silenced from outside of the room.

"Wrath, Kaiza is one his way up to your office, so we should wrap this up." Lust spoke.

Ikari nodded then spoke.

"Pride, I know you were the first to send a monster to attack our Puppet, from what I can tell it didn't go to well."

"It didn't, but I'm happy with the results." Pride spoke. "I know that he gains new strength from the monsters he defeats."

There was a loud burp.

"Gross Gluttony, stop eating during these meeting!." Envy screamed. "Satan I wished I was one of those lucky few, who can eat all they want and not gain anything from it."

Gluttony ate some more, then spoke.

"Who cares what happens, as long as we make the necessary amount of sacrifices, then we win."

"Don't ignore me!" Envy screamed.

"Stop yelling, I need my daily 50 hours of sleep, so I play the 10 day raid, coming up in the new expansion for the VRMMORPG game Souls End." Sloth said groaning.

"Stop messing up my money counting." Greed shouted, slamming a desk. A loud scream rang out, along with the sound of money hitting the ground.

Ikari sighed, rubbing his eyes, while everyone was busy arguing with themselves, Ikari slid his right hand over his desk, shutting off the screens, letting the cameras slide back into the walls, then letting the curtains raise. Ikari stood up walking over to the large window, looking out over the city, watching people go about their daily lives.

"Those Demons will be the death of me, but it is all for the Master." Ikari said.

There was a knock at the door, not moving from his spot Ikari spoke up.

"You may come in."

Kaiza walked into the room, Ikari turned around, dropping a file onto the desk in front of him, Kaiza picked it up. Upon reading it, Kaiza realized there were attacks happening down at the docks and unexplained freezing.

Kaiza left the room, with the file, Ikari sat down, rubbing his eyes, hoping that Sloth's monster will be a bit more of a challenge for Kaiza.

An unknown amount of time later, down by the Docks.

Kaiza walked through the frozen docks, wrapped up a hoodie, hat, gloves, scarf and goggles. The closer he got to his destination, the colder it got, Kaiza went back to his memory of the file Ikari had given him. the article had read "Unknown Freezing Ships Unable to Leave Port."

"A Yeti or Frost Giant, could be the cause of this freezing." Thought Kaiza.

A loud roar rang through the crisp cold air, it felt like the air had became like knives, since his right lens cracked.

"Yeti it is then." Kaiza spoke.

Kaiza made it closer toward the roaring, it started to get harder for him, ice was forming thicker, as the closer he got.

Kaiza pulled Hell's Access which he had placed inside of a bag, which was hanging from his right shoulder, looking through his Contract Deck, pulled out a Contract Card saying Hell's Claws, placing the card against Hell's Access.

"Contract used." Hell's Access chimed.

The card started to catch fire until the cold fire put it out.

"That is one way to do it." Kaiza said.

Two gauntlets appeared on Kaiza's arms, with 8 inch claws, he pierced the frozen boat in front of him, then started climbing up. The higher he climbed, the louder the roars got, reaching his right hand up, gripping the rim of the boat, pulling himself up and onto the deck. As Kaiza pulled himself onto the deck of the boat, he saw something that even the cold heart of his own, broke apart.

The Yeti wasn't trying to take this area for it's own, but all this ice was the frozen tears of a Yeti that has lost one of it's own, the Yeti in front of him, was holding the corpses of what could have been it's family.

Kaiza walked slowly toward it, about halfway toward the Yeti, the ground under Kaiza cracked, causing the Yeti, to look toward him, roaring loudly, shattering the ice under Kaiza, before he couldn't react, the ground under him broke away revealing a drop to the bottom of the boat.

The Yeti set it's loved ones down, jumping below to fight Kaiza. Kaiza turned his body, grabbing for anything to catch himself, reaching for a rafter, sliding down to the ground, after making it down, a large thud behind him echoed, causing him to turn around to see the large Yeti.

"Hey I don't want to fight you." Kaiza said, raising his hands to surrender.

The Yeti only yelled, Kaiza chose his next best option, he turned around and ran away. The Yeti gave chase, as Kaiza had to climb out of the frozen pit. Pulling himself over the edge, Kaiza slid toward the Yeti's loved ones, pulling a card from the Contract Deck, placing the card against Hell's Access.

"Heaven's Access Contract Approved." The Device chimed.

Instead of turning to fire, the card shone a bright light and vanished. Kaiza, then placed both of his hands down on the loved ones.

The Yeti climbed, seeing what Kaiza was doing, then let out a loud roar, but went quite seeing it's loved ones wounds heal.

"I'm sorry, you poor creature." Kaiza spoke softly. "But I can't revive the dead."

"Boring!" A voice called out.

Kaiza spun around, seeing a thin, sickly looking female, she had a large pair of headphones on, a black hoodie, thick black pajama pants, black slippers, shoulder length blue hair and blue stripes running down both of her sides. She wasn't paying attention to Kaiza, she was busy playing with a hand held game.

"I thought I would be able to sit back and watch a slaughter." Sloth spoke. "My 10 day raid is coming up, so I wanted all the rest I could get."

Kaiza raised his right arm, shielding about zero percent of the Yeti and spoke.

"Leave this creature alone!"

Sloth looked up with piercing Frost Blue eyes.

"No can do you have an order to kill this thing." She spoke.

Kaiza's right eye twitched, knowing she is part of the Sinful Seven.

"Wrath you bastard." Kaiza thought.

Sloth pressed a button on her device, as the Yeti's family blow up into chunks of meat and fur. Kaiza watched in horror, then looked at the Yeti. The Yeti's right arm smashed against Kaiza's left side, sending him flying into the side of the ship.

Kaiza was fast enough to use the Diavolo Contract Card before slamming into the side of the frozen boat, he looked up to see the Yeti charging at him, Kaiza dodged to the side, slashing at the air in front of the Yeti.

"Stop I don't want to fight you!" Diavolo screamed.

"Oh sorry, but it can't think anymore, now that it is under my command." Sloth spoke, playing with her device like she is controlling the Yeti.

The Yeti attacked several more times, as Kaiza blocked the attacks, as he parried the best he can against the strength of the Yeti.

"It's not an it!" Diavolo screamed.

He got punched into the captain's quarters, Sloth grinned sending the Yeti in, soon a blood curdling scream roared out, followed by a bright light until it faded away, Sloth grinned, seeing Kaiza's new Yeti Claws, grab the sides of the door.

"See I knew you could do it, enjoy your Yeti Claws Kaiza." Sloth said giggling.

"Sloth, you must be the slowest of the Sinful Seven." Diavolo said.

"What!?" Screamed Sloth. "Just for that I shall summon more Yeti so you can try out your new Yeti Claws."

Kaiza said nothing, only breathed, cold air went through the dark room, seeing this Sloth grew impatient and summoned 6 Yeti.

"Now enjoy your ..." Sloth said then stopped. "What the fuck!?"

Kaiza walked through the door, Diavolo wasn't there, what stood there was white armor, Frost blue decal, icicles running up the arm, snow design through the armor, white eyes, surrounded by Frost Blue frame and Yeti Claws.

"Kamen Rider Tundra." Diavolo spoke. "You shall feel the sorrow of the Frozen Tears."

"You should only be able to have one form!" Sloth yelled.

"Shows you what Wrath doesn't know." Diavolo replied.

Snow started to fall around them, a gust of wind, the snow blew past Diavolo, once it was gone, so was Diavolo. Sloth looked around, a Yeti cried out dropping to the ground dead, claws marks covered it's body.

A Yeti pelt was strong enough to stop most bullets, which has a hard time grazing it, but with claws as sharp as a Yeti, there could be a problem.

Two more Yeti fell, as Diavolo stepped out of a gust of snow.

"Heed this warning Sloth, I'm only testing the ice." Kaiza spoke. "If you realize, part of your hoodie is ripped."

Sloth's eyes widen, looking back, seeing he was true, her back was ripped. Sloth looked back, seeing Diavolo, placing a new Contract Card against Hell's Access.

"Overload Finisher: Yeti Peirce." Hell's Access chimed.

Diavolo lifted the card, as it turned to ice and shattered , he then shot himself forward, his Yeti Claws snapped together, then started rotating clockwise as the wind spun around him, creating the Yeti Peirce.

Sloth jumped back, as the remaining Yeti stood in front of her, that didn't stop Diavolo from piercing through the last three, sailing toward Sloth.

Sloth screamed, as a loud clang rang through the cold air, Kaiza jumped back, what stood in his way was a monstrous being, a venom purple Spider creature, four spider legs coming from his back.

"P-Pride, what are you doing here?" Sloth said panting running out of energy.

Pride turned halfway, pressing his palm against Sloth head, she slumped down asleep, Pride caught her, she vanished, then Pride looked back at Kaiza.

"Sorry for the trouble, Mister Kaiza." Pride spoke.

Kaiza jumped toward him, slashing toward Pride, his two upper spider legs blocked Diavolo's blows, Diavolo grabbed them and jumped up kicking Pride in the chest.

Pride's lower legs knocked Diavolo back, a gust of wind caught Diavolo, as he vanished with it, Pride looked around, then all four of his claws shot forward, Diavolo appeared, with the legs piercing his chest and abdomen. Diavolo slowly, pulling a Contract Card to Hell's Access.

"Weapon Chosen: Arachne Blade." Hell's Access chimed.

Diavolo tried to use the fire from the card to blind Pride, as the Arachne Blade formed in Kaiza's right hand, he pierced Pride through the heart.

"Wrong spot Mister Kaiza." Pride spoke.

He walked over to the edge of boat, pulling the legs out of Diavolo body, he started to fall off the side of the ship, Pride pulled out the Arachne Blade and threw it into Diavolo's chest.

"You have a long time until you reach my strength, Mister Kaiza." Pride said.

He watched Diavolo hit the cold water, seeing his armor break away, he then proceeded to vanish. Kaiza started sinking into the cold water and he blacked out.
