Chapter 5: Third Party

Ikari was sitting in his office, thinking over the outcome of the last fight, from the appearance of the mysterious skeleton being and the increase of sacrifices.

He wanted to know who this being was, then use his ability to destroy anything he wants, to increase the sacrifices ten fold.

He picked up the phone, dialed a number then spoke.

"Send him in."

He hung up the phone, then waited until a young man, in his early 20s appeared. The man stood still then saluted and then he spoke.

"Gishiki Tenshi, reporting for duty sir and may I say your suit looks very slimming on you."

Ikari's right eyebrow twitched.

"Relax mister Tenshi, I had to come here, because I want you to take up the mantel, to become the secondary rider for mister Akuma." Ikari said.

"Thank you very sir, but do you think Kaiza Akuma, is right to be the main rider." Tenshi said. "He is a criminal, I think I'm more worthy."

"No need to worry." Ikari said.

"He won't do anything wrong?" Tenshi asked.

"Mister Akuma is under the rights of Heaven's Rite Foundation, if he does anything wrong, he will be taken care of."

Gishiki nods then spoke.

"Okay sir Ikari, I will go, please let me know when I'm needed."

Gishiki bowed, then left the room, closing the doors. Ikari got up, walking to the large window, looking out, he could see the destroyed block, the mysterious being destroyed. Smoke was raising from the area, there were police, blocking off the area, fire trucks trying to find anyone alive.

Ikari walked back to his desk, made a call, then spoke.

"Find that mysterious being, once you do, swarm him with as monsters as you can, we need more sacrifices."

He hung up, then let out a maniacal laugh. Stopped grinning evil.

"All for the master." Ikari said.

(Commercial Break)

Kaiza drove into the parking lot, he pulled into the secret hatch, got off Blazing Hound, which Kaiza decided to name, due to pulsing energy and the front resembles a Hound.

He lend against the wall, slid down the wall, sitting on the ground, looking down at his shaking hands.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Kaiza thought to himself.

He slid his knees, up to him, hugging them, laying his forehead against his knees.

Sometime later Kaiza was on his way up the elevator, a second later there was a loud explosion, the elevator stopped. Kaiza pressed the emergency button and spoke.

"This is Kaiza Akuma, what is going on?"

There was no response. Kaiza pressed the button again and yelled.


The elevator shock, followed by the sound of a loud snap, Kaiza eyes shot up, he jumped up, punching the emergency exit, trying to punch it open.

Another loud snap echoed through the tiny room, Kaiza punched up punching it again, with one strong punch, the hatch opened. But with Kaiza landing on the ground hard, two more loud snaps echoed, the remains tether cords snapped, the elevator is now in a free fall.

Kaiza jumped up, kicking off the wall, forcing himself through the small gap, he reached out grabbing a hold of the main tether. The elevator fell fast, smashing into the ground, Kaiza looked down, he was about 10 stories up.

"If this was some Live Action Show or Movie, this would require some green screen." Kaiza said to himself. "If only this was like that."

Kaiza looked up as he proceed to climb his way up the main tether. After a few minutes, Kaiza wrapped his left arm around the tether, gripping it with all his strength, then let go of it with his right arm.

"Thank god, I didn't remove Hell's Access, before coming up here." Kaiza said.

He pulled out Arachne Blade Contract Card, he brought it down to Hell's Access.

"Contract used." The Device chimed. 

Arachne Blade formed in Kaiza's right hand, he swung the blade around cutting the elevator door apart, it fell indoor, then down the elevator shaft. Kaiza started swinging back and forth, unraveling his arm, from the tether, then jumped through the open door.

He looked around the empty floor, he walked while looking around, he walked into Ikari's office, seeing it messy. The desk was thrown to the side, there was burn and slash marks everywhere.

Kaiza heard a gun glitch, then felt the nuzzle of the gun against his back.

"Freeze you're under arrest." A female voice said.

Kaiza looked back at her, her eyes widen.

"Devil Kizer, what are you doing out of prison?" She said.

"You must be quite slow, I have been out for more then a month." Kaiza replied.

"Wait what?" She said surprised. "Well I have out, for that long, my parents were sick, so I had to go see them."

Kaiza stepped forward, then turned around. The officer aimed her gun at Kaiza once more.

"You're under arrest, this is an order from Officer Hikari." Hikari said.

Kaiza walked toward her, moving the gun to the side, as he walked past her, he then walked toward the elevator.

"I said freeze!" Hikari yelled.

Kaiza looked over to her, then stepped through the elevator, then started to fall. Hikari ran over, looking down, watching Kaiza fall.

Kaiza shoved Arachne Blade into the side of the elevator shaft, as he skidded to a halt, he shoved the blade out, the ran through the parking lot, got onto Blazing Hound, then drove away.

Hikari was left in awe, she looked at the other elevator, seeing it stuck then looked at the stairs. 

"This is going to suck." She said to herself.

(Commercial Break)

As Kaiza drove down the road, swerving past oncoming cars, there were several loud explosions going off in the background, police were blocking off streets.

"What the hell is going on?" Kaiza thought.

He aimed for an overturned street sign, gunning the engine, he pulled out the Diavolo Contract Card, bringing it down to Hell's Access.

"Contract used." The Device chimed.

Once Kaiza shoot up the ramp, a flaming circle appeared in the air, once Kaiza went through it, his armor clung to his body, along with more hell like armor attached itself to Blazing Hound.

It resembled more of a hell hound, from the energy pulsing through it. An officer aimed their gun at Kaiza, but another officer stopped him, he spoke through his radio.

Several police cruisers, filed out blocking certain streets.

"They couldn't be?" Kaiza said.

"Go Devil Kizer!" One Officer yelled.

"This feels so weird." Kaiza said again.

The Officers were leading Kaiza toward the correct destination and cheering him on.

After about half a hour, Kaiza came upon an large destroyed area of the city, there was an onslaught of enemies, attacking the mysterious skeleton. He was reducing several enemies to ash, but with the moment that there was, he was getting damaged.

A small item flew out from the mysterious skeleton, which caused him, the freak out, then jump to grab it.

Blazing Hound pulsed, causing Kaiza to look down.

"Wait, I can hear you?" Kaiza questioned.

Blazing Hound pulsed against, it was a warm and somewhat familiar feeling.

Kaiza nodded pulling out the Contract Card for Hell's Arrow, brought it down to Hell's Access.

"Contract Card created Hell's Arrow X2." The Device chimed.

Two parts of Blazing Hound shot off, forming two arm cannons, Kaiza moved his arms up, as Hell's Cannon slid onto his arms, attaching to his arms.

This new power felt strong, it felt right, he aimed Hell's Cannon toward the monsters, unleashing two large Energy blasts at the monsters, he was shot backwards from the impact.

About 50 monsters were blown to pieces.

"Kaiza come in, are you there?" Sora asked.

Kaiza picked up a nearby radio, from an abandon police cruiser.

"Yeah I'm here, just blown back, by Hell's Cannon." Kaiza said.

"So Blazing Hound, finally woke up?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm guessing that is what you were suppose to tell me, before I drove off?" Kaiza asked.

"You are correct  you can be so stubborn sometimes." Sora said. "You will have to get used to Blazing Hound's power, it's double the amount of Diavolo."

"Yeah I can tell, if it wasn't for this armor, I may have had a concussion." Kaiza joked.

"Be serious, also Tenshi is on his way, to help you in the fight." Sora said.

"The true Hero is here to save the day!" Tenshi yelled.

"He is already here and annoying." Kaiza said.

"Professor, my device please?" Tenshi asked.

A man in white, ran out from a building, holding a briefcase. The next minute happened to fast, the skeleton creature, moved fast, grabbing the man head, he was then reduced to ash.

He grabbed the suitcase, then opened it.

A small device was inside, about 6 inches long a 4 inches wide, he took it out then placed in onto his left wrist, a band shot out wrapping around his bony wrist.

He took out the small object, that he was so fond of, it was a small black box, he pulled out a black ring, with a white skull on it. He slipped it onto his right index finger, he shot out his left wrist, pressing the ring against it.

"Henshin." The Creature said.

A flame circle appeared under him, as skeleton hands and arms, rose up, holding pieces of black armor with bone white skeleton design through out. The hands put the armor on, with the helmet having a demon skull on it., the chest also had a demon skull on it.

"Kamen Rider Ripa." The Skeleton said.

(Commercial Break)

"This power, it feels so good." Ripa said.

He looked toward the monsters, with just one glance he turned them to ash. Kaiza detached Hell's Cannon from his arms, pulled out Arachne Blade Contract Card, bring it down to Hell's Access.

"Contract Card created Arachne Blade X2." The Device chimed.

Another part shot off Blazing Hound, forming a new blade, with a flame blade.

"Hell Hound Blade." Kaiza said.

He ran toward the new rider, he swung his new blade, creating a flaming crescent energy slash, toward him.

He looked raising his hand to destroy the blast, it had no effect as the blast kept coming, once the blast hit, he was knocked back.

Kaiza ran up, slashing at him, Ripa yelled, summoning a 6 Foot scythe, slashing back, Kaiza, duck backwards, putting his hand onto the ground, kicking up hitting Ripa in the chin twice.

Ripa slashed at Kaiza, cutting Diavolo armor a bit, Kaiza brought the Arachne Blade X2 Contract Card, down to Hell's Access.

"Overload Finisher." The Device chimed.

Hell Hound Blade, energized itself a flame tornado, spun around the blade. Ripa pushes the bone ring into Apocalypse Driver.

"Apocalyptic Finisher" The Device chimed.

He gripped two points of the scythe, took a step back, as a black fire covered the blade.

"Stop!" Came several yells.

It was to late as, Kaiza and Ripa, swung their weapons, the two Energy blasts launched forward, once they clashed, the air around them became distorted, it opened open up a gate way in the sky.

Kaiza looked up, monsters started swarming out, a loud roar echoed out of the hole, two large clawed hands grabbed the edges of the hole and pushed it open.

A dragon's head pushed it's way through the hole. Kaiza's eyes widen, he left someone grab his right arm, he looked back to see Sora holding onto it.

"Idiot get out of here, I can't stop the monsters and protect you!" Kaiza yelled.

She was trembling, tears in her eyes.

Kaiza demorphed picking her up bridal style, carrying her over to Blazing Hound.

"Get back over here and fight me!" Ripa yelled.

Kaiza kept walking, then heard the chime.

"Apocalyptic Finisher." The Device chimed.

Took his stance, launching a black flame crescent slash, connecting to Kaiza's back. He let out a roar of pain, dropping to one knee.

"Just leave me, fight him." Sora pleaded.

Kaiza stood up weakly, his hoodie and shirt were ripped. A large deep cut wound was on his back, blood trickled down his backside and said nothing.

He put Sora onto Blazing Hound, got onto to it also, Sora gripped his hips, not wanting to touch his wound, then he drove away.

Ripa roared out in rage, turning monsters around him to ash.

"Stop you're under arrest for attacking a defenseless civilian." A woman called out.

"Don't mess with me!" Ripa yelled, looking at her then stopped.

"D-Daishi, what are you doing here?" Ripa said, stepping close. "I thought you died?"

"I said Freeze." Hikari said.

He appeared behind her, knocking her unconscious. He scooped her up then vanish.

Tenshi stared at the destruction.

"How can I lose my chance on being a Rider twice." Tenshi said. "Next time I will become one."

He ran away. The Sinful Seven walked out of the shadows, Ikari (Wrath) was in his Business Suit, Desiree (Lust) was in her Security Suit, Hokori (Pride) was in his Track Suit, Namakemono  (Sloth) was in her same attire as always,  Don'yoku (Greed) was wearing his Mafia Suit, Okui (Gluttony) was wearing his Chef Outfit and Senbo (Envy) was wearing her Ballroom Dress.

"Almost all the pieces are set." Ikari said. "It's almost time to bring The Master here."

They all started to laugh, then one by one they all vanished.
