Chapter 6: Shadow meets Light

As Kaiza drove dove the rode, he started to tilt, he brought an empty Contract Card down to Blazing Hound.

"Contract Card created Hell Fire Shield." The Device chimed.

"Kaiza if you had the idea of creating a shield, you should have used it during your fight." Sora complained.

Kaiza said nothing, he let Blazing Hell take command of driving, he gripped Sora's left hand with his, bringing the new Contract Card down to Hell's Access.

"Contract Card used." The Device chimed.

He took control of Blazing Hound once more, then spoke.

"Forgive me."

"For what?" Sora asked.

He pushed her off Blazing Hound, as a slab of a building fell onto the front of Blazing Hound, as it proceeded to crash, knocking him into the air, as he hit a window, breaking through.

"Kaiza!" Sora yelled.

She got up going over to him, shaking him, trying to wake him.

"Kaiza wake up, please wake up!" She yelled.

Kaiza started to black out.

Kaiza opened his eyes, he was playing Hide and Seek, with some of his friends from the Orphanage, they didn't like him being the seeker or hider because he was to good.

After ten minutes he found everyone, it was his turn to hide, he decided to sneak into Sora's room.

"Having fun?" She asked.

"Not much, this is easy." Kaiza replied.

"I wish I could play, but my parents abuse left my body fragile." She said.

Kaiza walked over to her, giving her a cookie, sitting down next to her.

"Well you are looking better, you are also talking more."

"That's all thanks to you, you have been coming here every day for the past two months."

"I did promise you, that I would protect you and so I have."

She smiled, then her eyes widen, seeing Kaiza had lend close to her, pecking her on the lips, with his own.

"I'm going to kill you Kaiza!" Sora yelled.

Kaiza got up, running away laughing, Sora got up out of bed and chased it.

"Kids no ... Director come quick." The nurse yelled.

"What is it?" The Director said. "Dear god."

Sora tackled Kaiza, starting to beat him with weak punches, the Nurse pulled her off.

"Miss Ichidame, you're up and walking." The Director said.

She looked down wide eyed, straightened herself, then touch a few more steps.

"I-I'm walking." She said, with tears in her eyes.

She started to laugh, as she continued to cry, Kaiza got up, walking over to her, hugging her. She hugged back, Kaiza brought up his right hand, then started rubbing her head.

"Thank you Kaiza." Sora said, softly.

"You're welcome Sora." Kaiza replied.

Everything went black.

Kaiza woke up, looking around, he felt something under his right hand, he looked down to see Sora asleep, with his hand on her head.

He rubbed her head, Sora smiled in her sleep, then she spoke.

"I love you Kaiza, don't die."

"Not until you're safe." He thought.

He got up slowly, trying to no wake Sora, as he slipped out of bed, he looked at his back, it was heavily bandaged and he could fell stitches.

He took a loose shirt of the desk next to him, he put it on, then walked out of the room, there was people running around taking care of different injured people.

He walked up to an officer then spoke.

"How long has it been, since I was found?"

The Officer looked surprised then spoke.

"Almost 3 days, you're little friend has been by your side since then."

"Well that is like her."

"Should you even be up?"

"I'm fine for now, plus I'm not one person to stay still."

"Well you were in prison, for some time."

"How did that last?"

"Good point."

"So please give me a run down of what has happened?"

"Well more monsters, are swarming in each day, the Dragon still has moved, but is stopping any attack coming through. An organization called the New Samurai, have been taking out the monsters."

Kaiza nodded as he was given the information.

"Your vehicle is in repair, it next a lot of work, a slab of a building did fall onto it."

"What about that other rider, I think the Device called him Ripa?"

"No signs since he took one of our officers."

"I see, then plus bring me to this New Samurai Organization."

The Officer nodded taking Kaiza to them.

Hikari woke up, she expected to be tied to a car, but she was in a soft bed, she got up, trying to sneak out of the place.

"Hikari, where are you going?" A voice asked.

Hikari jumped then looked back, seeing a cloaked figure walking down the stairs.

"What do you want with me?" Hikari asked. "To kill me for fun?"

He walked up to her, raising his right arm, she flinched, feeling a warm human hand rub, the top of her head.

She opened her eyes, seeing a human arm.

"I could never kill you, my love." Ripa said.

"Y-Your love?" She replied.

He removed his hand, walking toward a window peering out, through the dark hood.

"What is your name?" Ripa asked.

"Hikari." She said, bluntly.

"Your full name." Ripa said.

"Your our rude at least tell me yours" Hikari said.

"I just to have a name but I no longer need it." Ripa said. "But if I want to know your name I'll tell you. It was Akumu Kage."

"Nightmare Shadow, fitting." She said, then sighed. "Mine is Shi Hikari, great joke from my family."

"Death Light?" Akumu asked.

"Yep, but you called me Daishi?" She asked.

"Daishi Hikari, Fourth Light." Akumu said. "The Fourth Princess, of the Hikari Royal Family, over 833 years ago, during Feudal Japan and my one true love."

(Commercial Break.)

833 Years Ago.

"After that man!" A Guard yelled.

Loud shouting filled the halls of the estate, as guards chased a man in dark clothing, the man dodged and weaved past guards and staff.

He rounded a bend bumping into a young women, knocking her over.

"Watch where you're going you idiot, I'm princess Daishi Hikari, I could have you hanged!" Hikari yelled.

She sharp grey eyes glaring back at her, more shouting came, the pulled up the girl, pulling a knife out, holding it to her throat.

"Quick he has the princess!" A Guard yelled.

The Man, walked backwards, finding a window, he pushed the Princess toward the guards jumping out, a Guard fired an arrow, hitting the guy's back.

The Guards and princess watched as the man, went limp as he hit a roof.

Time had past as the man woke up, finding himself in a cell, his arms were behind him, with his wrists were bound by strong rope.

"Hey let me out of here!" The man yelled.

"Shut up you thief." A Guard yelled.

"I'm not a thief." The Man yelled again.

An old looking man walked up.

"King, Sir!" A Guard said. "You have no need to be here."

"If you're not a thief, then why did you try to steal the family rings, from the royal chamber?" King Hikari asked.

Princess Hikari had snuck in, listening to the conversation.

"They don't belong to the Royal Family, you people stole them, from my Family years ago!" The man yelled.

"So you're part of the Kage clan?" The King said. "The more reason to kill you and not let you go."

"You monster you rule over the people with fear." The man yelled louder.

"One must use fear, otherwise people will rise up to take what is rightfully mine." The King said.

The King left with his Guards laughing madly, while the man yelled and thrashed around. Falling to the ground.

The princess walked up to the cell, then spoke.

"I never knew my father was like that."

The man looked up at him, with his mask gone, but very little light, the princess could see his face better, he had white hair, a slim face, what looks like grey eyes.

"What do you want, come to laugh at my pain, oh Princess of Light." He said.

"No I came here to treat your wound." She said.

The man finally felt the pain from the arrow wound, his adrenaline finally died down.

She unlocks the door, walking in, removing part of the man's shirt, treating his wound.

"Hey! You know I can take you hostage to get back my family rings." He said.

"I know but I could sneak them one by one instead." She said.

He went quite then asked.

"What is your name?"

"How rude a man, say their name first." She said.

"Akumu Kage" Akumu said.

"Daishi Hikari." Hikari said.

"So is there three other sisters?" Akumu asked. "Since your name means Fourth Light."

"Yes but they rather be more light royal princesses." Hikari said. "I find it very boring."

"I see, so this is why you're willing to help me?" Akumu asked.

She nodded, finishing up her work on his wound, sitting down.

"What is the Kage Clan like?" Hikari asked.

He looked at her, with a confusing look then spoke.

"They protect their own clan, but will protect those ones that need help."

Hikari nodded.

"I should be going, I will try to find a way to gain your family rings."

She got up and left.

"Jeez that will never happen."

(Commercial Break)

An unknown amount of past, guards changed the lighting in the corridor, Akumu slumped on the ground, hungry and thirsty.

The creaking of the door to the cell creaked open, Akumu looked up, he could barely see who it was. The person knelt down, talking it took some time for Akumu to understand them.

"Akumu wake up" Someone whispered.

Akumu looked up weakly, he noticed two cloaked people in his room.

"Brother we have come to set you free." The closest one said.

The other knelt down, as they both wrapped Akumu's arms around their necks, pulling him up to his feet, they pulled him out. But with lack of movement for who knows how, Akumu's feet half walked and half stumbled his way out.

Hikari was walking through the corridor, just as one of the cloaked beings grabbed her from behind holding a knife to her throat, they also had their free hand over her mouth, to keep her from screaming.

"Tero leave her be, she has been taking care of me since I have been in here." Akumu said weakly.

Tero let go of her, then, she tool a couple gasps of air, then looked at them and asked.

"Who are these people?"

"Tero and Goshikku." Akumu said breathing. "They are my clan brothers."

She looks at all of them, sliding open her gown, reaching in, then pulls out a small box.

"Is that?" Akumu asked.

Hikari nodded and spoke. "Yes it is your family rings."

Tero eyes widen, as he took hold of them.

"We were able to retrieve both Akumu and the Family ..." Before Goshikku could finish, there was the sound on something going through meat.

He looked down, seeing an arrow sticking out through his heart. His skin became pale white as he fell to the ground dead.

Tero caught Akumu before he fell, Akumu took a hold of the box, forcing himself out of the tunnel with Tero's help. Loud shouting echoed through the quite tunnels, as Hikari helped the two escape. Akumu opened the box, taking one of the rings out, popping it into his mouth, forcing himself to swallow it.

As they broke through the door ahead, Tero was struck in the chest by five arrows, from the guards ahead of them. Akumu took hold of Hikari, jumping out the building, using his already weak body to keep her safe.

He had already swallowed the second ring, Hikari pulled him up to his feet, dragging him through the castle grounds. Arrows whizzed by them, as Akumu proceeds to forcefully swallow the third ring.

"Why are you doing that?" Hikari asked.

"Only way for them to obtain them now is through my death." Akumu said.

"But they will lose their value."

"That's the point."

An arrow priced through Akumu's left side, he stifled a scream, Hikari pulled him through buildings.

"Akumu this is weird to say buy I think I love you, this is the most fun that I have had in my life." Hikari said. "I'm glad I got to meet you, before I'm killed for doing this."

"I'd say the same thing, but we will most likely not live past this day."

"Yeah you're right."

An arrow pierced through Hikari right leg, Akumu covered her moved, as an arrow whizzed past their heads piercing through Akumu's wrist, they both fell as, Akumu swallowed the last ring.

Guards ran up to both of them knocking them out. Once Akumu came to he was tied to something, he had a sack covering his head, her heard the of people. The ground under him creaked, as someone walked up to him, pulling the sack from his head.

He closed his eyes letting them get adjusted, then he saw towns people gathered, looking his way. Akumu looked around, seeing he was tied to a post, he saw Hikari tied next to him, with a fearful look in her eyes.

The King walked up and spoke.

"This man here, broke into the royal palace, to steal the royal family rings, that we have had in my family for generations."

"Lies tell them, your fore father's steal the rings from this man's ..." Hikari said, until she was slapped by her father.

"You don't not talk back to your King like that." The King said.

"Your king?" Akumu said. "Guess you don't care for her as a daughter."

"I don't, she was the worst child that I have, I wished you killed her, to get her out of my life for good."

People started to talk.

"Silence, I am your king."

"People who don't care for their daughter, is no king."

The King's eyes went blood shot, he raised right hand, as from the corner of Akumu's eye, he saw a guard notched a fire arrow, as he let go, it sailed into the sky, hitting the kindling under Hikari's pole.

She screamed starting to stomp it out to no avail.

"You monster, you have no right to rule." Akumu said.

"Silence, no give me back the rings." The King said.

"I have swallowed them, only way to get them is through my death." Akumu replied.

The King raised his hand, as five more guards nicked flaming arrows, launching them.

"With pleasure." The King said, with a gleeful grin.

He shot his hand forward, sending word for the arrows to release, the arrows lit the kindling around Akumu and Hikari's poles. Hikari's dress has already caught fire as she started to cry, looking toward Akumu.

"I love you so much, even though our time was to short to fall in love, I was happy to be with you." Hikari said, then started to scream from the strong fire.

"I will fucking kill you, even if it means my death." Akumu roared.

The fires heat became strong, as he started to burn, but something was different. Someone from the audience screamed, seeing Akumu skin, meat and anything else on him, fall of his body.

Akumu continued to roar, ripping his bounds, making his way toward the king, arrows hit, Akumu's new corpse like body, but he made continued making his way toward the king. Ripping an arrow out of his chest, as the only thing that remained on Akumu was bones, he gripped the king by his throat with left hand, lifting him up, smashed the arrow in and out of his heart for a good minute dropping the kings corpse on the ground.

Akumu walked over the Hikari's corpse, picking up her charred body, knelt down ripping his missing stomach open, removing the rings, walking his way out of the courtyard, the guards did nothing to stop him.

After a long walk, he made it back to his village, the guards stopped him, he handed the guards the rings, they looked at him.

"Tell the chief, I'm back." Akumu said.

They left, as he made his to the Chief's hut, kneeling on his knees, laying Hikari's charred in front of him.

"Welcome back Akumu, it's good to see you, um here." The Chief said.

"Thank you Sir." Akumu said, bowing.

"Who is she?"

"She was the fourth Princess of the Hikari family." Akumu said. "She saved me, along with Tero and Goshikku, but all lost their lives."

"So we lost them, what of the king?"


The Chief nodded and spoke.

"I see you were able to retrieve the rings, but it seems to have a side effect."

Akumu looked down and spoke.


"How are you even able to speak, without a voice box."

"I have no clue, but I'm pretty sure there is no way to get back."

"I see, what will you do now?"

"I guess journey the world, please bury her, in my grave."

The Chief nodded, Akumu leaned down, laying his forehead against Hikari's charred forehead, Akumu then stood up, taking a cloak.

"Good bye, Chief." He said.

"Good bye, Akumu" The Chief said.

Akumu turned around and left.

(Commercial Break)

Present Day

Akumu and Hikari were, sitting at a table, Hikari was drinking coffee, listening.

"So you basically became the Grim Reaper of the world, now with the village rings back, you become can become a Rider?" Hikari asked. "How did you know, where they were and they could do it?"

"It's because, I gave them the blueprints to create it." Akumu said.

"Oh I see, um how is your hand human?" Hikari asked.

"That is because, I have saved enough energy, from the rings to obtain my original form." He said.

"Oh, can I see?" She asked.

He looked at her, then moved his hands up, pulling the hood back, revealing a thin handsome man, with short sliver hair.

"You're so, handsome." Hikari said.

"Thanks, so what will you do, leave or stay?" He asked.

"For now, I will stay." She said.

He nodded, looking out the window.

Back with Kaiza

Kaiza looked at the new encampment, as he made his way in.

"Stop civilian, you cannot come into here." A guard said.

Kaiza pushed him out of the way.

"If you don't know who I am, you must be a rookie." Kaiza said.

He made his way in, looking around, seeing people wearing different types of samurai armor, the more elaborate must means ones rank.

"Kaiza Akuma, I heard you have been taken out." A man said, walking up. 

  Kaiza looked over seeing an older man.  

"Who are you?" Kaiza asked.

The man bowed, then spoke.

"I am Ryu Roka I'm the leader of the New Samurai."

"So how much, have you been keeping the monsters back?" Kaiza asked.

"Since you were put out of commission." Ryu said. "They keep coming, but that dragon, left unmoving, nerves me the most."

Kaiza proceed to remove the bandages covering his back, there were dark flame like marks, covering his back, rapidly healing.

"Well time to back into combat." Kaiza said.

"I thought you would say that, so I got your Blazing Hound here once it was finished being worked on."

Ryu led Kaiza to the garage, there Kaiza found the newly modified Blazing Hound.

"Blazing Hound Mark 2, this will help you access your Blazing Hound Armor." Ryu explained.

"Thanks." Kaiza said, getting onto his machine.

"We will keep the civilians safe, you take care of the Sinful Seven and that mysterious new rider." 

"Take care." Kaiza said, speeding off.

"Ryu Sir, should we call for the New Janissaries?" A man asked.

"Not now, we have see how things become, if things get worse call for them."

"Yes sir." The Man said, saluting.

The old man, rubbed the scruff on his chin and sighed.

"This mission could be the death of me." Ryu said, walking into the barracks.
