Chapter 8: Animal Unleashed

Diavolo ripped through the army of monsters, dodging the monsters with keen persuasion, he tossed his Arachne Blades into the air, summoning Hell's Arrow, proceeding to spin around unleashing a barrage of Energy Shots at his incoming enemies, putting them away catching the Arachne Blades and sliced two monsters in half.

Ripa swung his Hell Scythe blocking enemies blows, while also destroying their mobility, he moved his ring into his device then spun his Hell Scythe, around him as it creates a vortex around him, pulling monsters into the vortex tearing them around.

Arch swung his pole arm, bobbing, weaving through the movement, knocking back enemies and stabbing them with a rapid motion. Arch shot his right hand into the sky, launching a Contract Card out of his wrist card holder, he caught it bringing it to Heaven's Schiff, he spun his pole arm around in the air healing the Schiff Unit around him.

Lust sprinted through the fray, lashing her at the soldiers, as venom was shot into their eyes, they screamed, holding their faces as they crumbled to the ground in agony. She also gripped them with her pincers, breaking their limbs or necks.

She moved through the fray, like an actually scorpion through the sands in the desert, her prey was in sight and she was on the kill.

"She isn't going to let up at all is she?" Diavolo called out.

"I did basically call her ugly." Ripa said.

Diavolo laughed out, then called out.

"Overload Finisher!"

He put the two ends together, then starting spinning it side to side, charging the blades, then launched two energy blasts through the fray.

"She tormented me, after my fight with Pride." Diavolo said. "Just to hear my scream."

"Man what a sick twisted sense of humor." Arch said.

"Dude your the slowest one here." Diavolo said. "Lust is Desiree the secretary of Ikari, also known as Wrath."

Arch spun around trying to attack Diavolo and yelled.

"How dare you accuse dear Desiree!"

"Woah there, you almost hit me!"

"You deserve that, for accusing sweet Desiree."

Arch was kicked hard from behind, as the others looked over, finding none other then Pride, in his monster form.

"Any room for one more?" Pride said gleefully.

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"You thought one Sinful Seven would be enough, but now we have to fight two and it happens to be Pride." Diavolo said annoyed.

Diavolo moved over to Blazing Hound, putting Hell's Access, on the front panel, he pulled out a Contract Card as the device chimed.

"Arachne Blade X2."

The piece popped out, as Diavolo jumped up grabbing the weapon, coming down with a hard strike toward Pride, he looked up, then jumped back, but Diavolo was still able to land a blow on his right leg.

"Don't worry about dodging Pride, I'm stronger then I was last time." Diavolo said.

Pride looked at him angry, his Pride damaged after being hit. He rushed toward to Diavolo, slashing at him with the long blades on the top of his wrists, as his extra limbs, parried some of blows. Diavolo hopped over to Blazing Hound, taking Hell's Access, putting it back on and putting Arachne Blade X2 Contract Card against it, another Blade appeared.

"You have hit me two times already, I will not let you damage me again!" Pride said mad.

"We will see." Diavolo replied.

Diavolo and Pride's fight was becoming a stale mate as they were both now evenly matched.

As the monsters and Schiff Unit were fighting, Lust walked up to both Ripa and Arch. Arch got back up and looked to Ripa.

"You know, you could have helped me up." Arch said.

"You know, you could just shut up." Ripa replied.

Lust lunged at them as Ripa, spun his Hell Scythe snagging he from moving, as Arch stabbed her in a rapid motion. Lust grabbed Arch weapon before he could hit her. Her tailed whipped out smacking Ripa across the head, knocking him over.

Ripa pushed his the end of the Hell Scythe into the ground to keep him from fully falling over. A grey snake, slithered up to Ripa, growing to the size of a young woman, it rose up coiling around Ripa, it's mouth opened up as a head slithered out, looking at Ripa.

"How can you focus on another woman, even though I am here for you to focus on." Envy said.

Her head mouthed back in, as the snake bit into her neck, he let out a scream then said.

"For having a fake body, this still fucking hurts."

Arch spun his pole arm, against to attack Envy, until a yellow flash of light, shot in front of Arch taking his weapon. Arch looked over seeing a Fox Monster stand up, his tail held onto Arch's weapon.

"Very shiny, this may give a good amount of money, if sold to the right people, as this is real gold." Greed said.

Arch ran pulling his arm back to punch Greed, until a heavy mass crushed him into the ground. He grunted, as he turned his head, seeing a big ugly orange fly, standing up.

"Luckily I had a big meal before coming here." Gluttony said, dusting himself off.

Diavolo kept his eyes on Pride, as Pride ducked away, Diavolo was shoot backwards, falling near Arch, he looked over seeing a Blue Bear standing near Pride.

"I will allow my rest, to be disrupted just this once." Sloth said.

"This isn't great, Six of the Sinful Seven, all that is missing Wrath." Diavolo said.

"Oh don't worry he will be here with a little gift." Pride said, as all six of them laughed.

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Ripa put his left hand against Envy's body, as he focused his power there, Envy released her grasp of him, as he ducked down and rolled to the other.

"That stings you ass hole." Envy yelled.

"You know for having that ash ability you don't use it a lot." Diavolo complained.

"I need time to focus, plus its amplified, when I'm in this suit." Ripa replied.

Arch reached over, taking a Healing Contract Card from Diavolo's deck holder, using it on Heaven's Schiff, to heal them all. The three of them got up, there a loud popping sound as Diavolo looked up, seeing two pieces flying toward him, he raised his arms as the pieces connected to his arms.

"Wait I wasn't even near Blazing Hound to activate Hell's Arrow X2." Diavolo said confused.

Diavolo jolted up a bit, looking back seeing the handle of Hell Hound Blade, connected to the area where the tail bone is located.

"What the hell, is going on, Blazing Hound what are you telling me?" Diavolo asked.

Pride took a step back, thinking to himself.

"What is with this, his power has gotten stronger, what is going on?"

Pride's extra limbs pointed forward, as an energy ball started to form, it started spinning, getting fierce wind around it, as it became a thin needle like energy. The points of the extra limps, connected to the end of the needle, shooting it forward toward Diavolo with great speed.

Diavolo looked up, seeing the needle as he covered his chest with the Hell's Cannon, the needle connected as is started pushing Diavolo back, until he shot the needle back. It shot backwards, toward Pride, he jumped back, grabbing an Orc and Schiff Unit member, to protect himself.

The needle pierced through the Orc, Schiff Unit member and Pride right arm. Pride roared out in pain, gripping the area, where his arm used to be.

"You fucking bastard, I will kill you!" Pride yelled.

"That's what you get for being careless Pride." A Voice called out.

Pride looked back seeing an unknown man, with a big bag over his right should.

"Who are you and how do you know who I am?" Pride barked.

Diavolo's eyes widen, seeing the man.

"Father, what are you doing here?" Diavolo asked.

The man smiled, setting the bag down, then spoke.

"I wanted to come and check up on you."

"You never checked up on me in prison, the hospital and you come now, why?"

"I was to busy, plus I came with a friend."

He opened the bag, inside was an unconscious Sora.

"What did you do to her!?" Diavolo roared.

"Not much." He said with an evil grin. "At least not yet."

He snapped his fingers as, Sora woke up looking around, seeing Diavolo and the others.

"Kaiza get back he isn't your father." Sora yelled.

"Oh dear Ichidame, that is where you're wrong." The man said. "I am the one who adopted him and raised him."

The man then transformed into Wrath. Everyone looked surprised.

"Sir Ikari, no it can't be true." Sora said.

"You made me work as your pawn!" Arch roared, jumping forward to attack.

Wrath grabbed him by the throat, smashing him into the ground, Arch coughed up blood going unconscious. Ripa spun a ball of ash around his palm, throwing it at Wrath, Wrath knocked it back at him, Ripa covered Apocalyptic Driver, as his armour was striped away.

"He is to strong." Ripa said.

Wrath went over restoring Pride's arm, as Pride rushed over to Diavolo, hitting him square in the face, Diavolo head leaned back, as he fell to his knees.

"Kaiza get up!" Sora yelled.

Diavolo looked over, Pride forcibly removed Hell's Access giving it to Wrath.

"You disappoint me Mister Kaiza." Wrath said.

Kaiza sat there unable to move, feeling true fear for the first time.

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Sora was screaming for Kaiza to move, he looked over to her, as she stopped yelling, knowing it was hopeless.

"Maybe he was the wrong choice Wrath." Lust said.

"He buckled under pressure, once he knew everything was doomed." Envy said.

Akumu got up, went over to Kaiza, gripped him by his shirt with his left hand.

"Kaiza get up and fight, this is for the one you love!" Akumu yelled. "I have seen so much, in my life, this is nothing."

Kaiza looked up emotionless eyes. Akumu punched him, letting Kaiza fall to the ground. Akumu pulled out a ring, he put it into Apocalyptic Driver.

"Henshin" Akumu said.

A pulse of fire energy forced the Sinful Seven back a bit.

New armour covered Akumu, for the mask, it looks like the area above the mouth is fire, the cloak becomes more flame looking, red mixed in with the black.

"Kamen Rider Ketsueki Ripa" Ripa said.

He summoned two Great axes, launching toward Wrath, the other Six pushed him back to fight him off, Wrath looked over at Kaiza.

"You're no longer needed, so Sora is also no longer needed." Wrath said.

A ball of red energy, formed in Wrath's, aiming it at Sora.

"Goodbye, Miss Ichidame." Wrath said.

Kaiza's eyes widened, he got up half running and half stumbling, as he yelled.


Sora looked at him at just smiled. The world and Kaiza, started moving slowly, he started to remember the day before he left the Orphanage.

He was in bed, not sure what would happen once he left, he heard a faint call of his name.


He looked over, seeing Sora.

"Why are you here?" Kaiza asked.

"I know you're leaving tomorrow and I'm happy for you." Sora said softly.


"But I'm gonna miss you some much, I have made friends, but you're the only person so much important to me, I don't want you to leave." Sora said, starting to cry.

Kaiza got up, making room for her in his bed, she crawled in next to him and Kaiza put his pinkie out.

"Once were old enough, I will find you, I promise." Kaiza said. "Maybe get married."

Sora put her pinkie around his and smiled.

The image broke away, as Kaiza ran over to Wrath and Sora.

"Kaiza, I love you." Sora said, as Wrath unleashed the orb, blasting Sora away.

"SORA!" Kaiza released a bloody curdling scream.

The ground broke under him, Hell's Access shot to his waist, along with all the pieces to Blazing Hound, Wrath covered his eyes. Once he looked back there No Man, No Rider, only an Animal.

The Creature roared out, lunging toward Wrath.
