Chapter 9: One Step Back and One Step Forward

Diavolo ripped through anything that Wrath summoned, his senses gone, only the primal urge to kill Wrath, Diavolo was actually pushing Wrath back and Wrath enjoyed every moment. Pieces of Wrath's body was being chipped off, but it would rapidedly heal, Wrath was over enjoyed by Diavolo's monstrous power, this was what he has been waiting for.

Wrath's plan was getting much closer to his goal to revive the Master, all that Wrath had to do is remove the device he shot into Kaiza's chest.

"Kaiza you were right that the device wasn't put in to track your blood, but your life force is a needed sacrifice, I raised you for this sacrifice." Wrath said. "You had the love of another, the pride of being a hero, the hunger for life, the greed of power, you rested to long for this moment, you, you were envious of those with a real family and now your hatred of me for killing the one you love."

Wrath knocked down Diavolo, laughing out and then spoke.

"This is truly wonderful, now to fully kill you and take what is mine!"

"Wrath, let me end ..." Pride was saying, then looked down.

Diavolo moved fast, biting off Pride's right arm without the two sins knowing, he hunched over, as purple cracks appeared over his body, two spider limbs shoot out from under his shoulder blades.

"He is still has room to evolve!" Wrath said happy.

Pride was gripping the area where he just lost his arm for the second time, in just a short time, he yelled out, his Pride ruined even more. Wrath noticed two of Pride's spider limbs missing, then Wrath grinned.

"This news is amazing, he will become the ultimate being, if he eats us!" Wrath said.

Wrath cut off his right Dragon wing, tossed it over to Diavolo, as he ate it, red cracks appeared the spider limb of Diavolo's right shoulder, proceeded to change into that of a Dragon Wing.

"Pride let him eat you." Wrath said.

"Are you fucking insane!" Pride yelled.

"Schiff Finisher" a voice rang out.

A light arrow shot out, wrapping around both Wrath and Pride. Wrath looked over seeing Arch on one knee, with a new type of armour, same design, but electric blue colour and electric pole like devices on his back.

"You may have created this belt, but it's empowered by the energy of the Heaven's" Arch said.

Wrath tried to break fear, but his body was slowing burning.

"Apocalyptic Finisher" Ripa yelled.

Driving both his axes into the ground, breaking the ground around the sins he was fighting.

Arch charged up another arrow, aiming it toward Diavolo.

"Schiff Finisher Rehearse" Arch said.

Shooting it at Diavolo, he swung his arm, to stop the bolt, but it went through his arms, hitting his chest, the armour broke away from Kaiza, as he fell to the ground limp. Before doing so, Ripa caught him, as both he and Arch, dashed away from the fight. Wrath yelling.

"You can't be doing this, we were so close, bring him back!"

The semi war ended, with the death of Sora, Kaiza unconseious, Ripa and Arch in need of answers.

(Commercial Break)

Kaiza woke up, in a quite room, he sat up slowly, looking around the dimly lit room, he got up, going toward a mirror, looking at his reflection, what he saw unnerved him, he had purple cracks under his eyes, he knew he was using a new power, but he can't remember anything since. He looked down, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Sora you can't be dead." Kaiza said softly.

"But Kaiza, I'm not." A soft voice said.

Kaiza looked over seeing Sora, who had just walked into the room. Kaiza let out a soft laugh.

"Look at me I'm insane, here I am, thinking about Sora, being in here, just like she would always be." Kaiza said softly.

An arm gripped his, looking up, seeing Sora was gripping his arm.

"This has to be one of Wrath's tricks!" Kaiza yelled, hitting Sora.

She stumbled back, as Kaiza jumped at her, rapidedly punching Sora's head.

"Stop teasing me Wrath!" Kaiza yelled.

"Kaiza did you get all your anger out?" Sora asked.

Kaiza looked down at her, as his eyes went wide, Sora was still there, but there were cracks, all over her face, the left side of her face caved in, but inside there were no organs, there were nothing, Kaiza looked at his hands, finding only his blood, from punching glass.

He shot backwards, looking at Sora, as she slowly sat up.

"Sora, is that really you?" Kaiza asked.

"It is really me." Sora replied.

"Are you like this because what Wrath did?" Kaiza asked.

Sora looked down, looking at the shards of glass on the floor, the shards of glass, that were her skin.

"No, Kaiza I'm sorry to tell you, but I died the day you were taken from the Orphanage." Sora said. "Before I died, I prayed to God, to give me a body that could see you again."

Kaiza looked at her, saying nothing.

"I heard the reason I died was because, from you leaving my body, started to give out, I don't know if I was mentally making my body worse."

"You have lied to me." Kaiza said.

"I did that to ..." Sora was saying as something was thrown at her.

"You did it for me, my ass!" Kaiza yelled. "Get out of here you monster."

Kaiza started throwing more things at Sora, she got up, covering her self, running out if the room, shutting the door. Before leaving, she could her Kaiza thrashing around the room and crying.

Sora, went to where the others were waiting.

"No luck it seems?" Hikari asked.

Sora shock her head, Hikari was still treating some of Akumu's wounds, the battle was roughly two weeks ago, but no one was the same, Kaiza was an emotional wreck, Akumu could hardly move, Gishiki doesn't come out of the local chapel and everyone learned of how Sora really is.

"Who can blame him." Akumu said.

"Hey that's not nice, I went through the same thing." Hikari said.

"No I told you our past and you went along with it." Akumu said. "Kaiza meets the one he loves, able to spend time with her, sees her die, then come to find out, she has been dead for years."

"Seeing what has happened, I think it will be good to call the New Janissaries." Ryu said, walking up.

"Who are the New Janissaries?" Hikari asked.

"The New Janissaries, are similar to our own New Samurai, but the are our Middle Eastern Unit, they are more militaristic, with their very own Kamen Rider." Ryu explained. "He is a bit on the odd side, but he is a good man."

There was the sound of glass shattering, as everyone looked toward the sound, they saw a nurse run up.

"Sir Ryu, Kaiza has run away." He said.

Everyone's eyes went wide, as Akumu spoke up.

"Guess you're gonna have to call that unit after all."

Ryu nodded then spoke.

"You may be right, well at least Kaiza has his belt, in case he needs to fight."

"About that sir, he left his belt, with a note saying that he is done being a Rider." He said.

Sora's eye widen as she ran to Kaiza's room, finding him indeed gone, with the note being his blood on a wall, she made her way to his bed, taking Hell's Access, she looked down at the device, tears dropped onto the belt, her face fully healed. She fell down to her knees, holding the device in her arms, crying hard.

Hikari was about to walk in an comfort her, but Gishiki stopped her, she looked at him, his eyes looked hurt, he cared for Sora like his own friend, even though they haven't encountered each other much, they were on good terms.

"Go back and help Akumu." He told her.

She nodded, going back to Akumu, he was sitting up, as his body disguise was slowly returning. She examined if there were any wounds that shown in his human disguise. Akumu looked at Hikari, then kissed her left cheek, she looked at him and smiled, Akumu's fake lips, felt real but cold.

Ryu was a couple of feet away talking on the phone, he got off walking over to Akumu and Hikari, as Gishiki walked over.

"The New Janissaries are on their way, but it will still take some time." Ryu said. "Akumu and Gishiki, you two will have to do double the work."

They both nodded, they noticed Sora walk in, still clutching Hell's Access, she walked up to Ryu and spoke.

"I have something, I would like you to do for me."

(Commercial Break)

Kaiza walked the quite streets of Tokyo, only a few months ago, he was being brought to prison, so much has changed for him, his faced was covered by his hoodie, but the New purple cracks under his eyes, were like headlights. He saw some people salvaging for some food and other goods, there were hardly any monsters in sight, some were lazing around or asleep as the people snuck by.

Kaiza looked up seeing Heaven's Rite Foundation, what was designed to protect the people of Japan, was actually the hideout for the Sinful Seven, Seven loyal monsters to the Mysterious Master. Kaiza breathed in the air, Tokyo will be saved, but no longer by him, the other are more worthy to fight the Sinful Seven, him being a Rider was all thanks to Wrath.

Kaiza pulled out the Diavolo Contract Card, he still wasn't sure where he got it, he thought Wrath gave it to him, but no matter how much he thinks about it, he can't remember who gave it to him. He pocketed the card and made his way through the streets, he heard humming that sounded like a young girl, as he came up the the location of the humming, he saw a young girl playing around the local park, his eyes widened as he saw a Harpy, hopping around near her.

Kaiza then ran forward, as he gripped the Harpy being the throat, the Harpy was trying to remove his hands from her throat, as she was having trouble breathing, Kaiza was close to killing the Harpy, until he felt tiny fists beating his back, he looked back seeing the young girl.

"Don't kill her she is my friend." She said.

"She is a monster." Kaiza said.

"I don't care, she hasn't tried to hurt me." She replied.

Kaiza released his grip, as the Harpy started gasping for air, Kaiza got up, moving over to a bench sitting down and looked at the girl helping the Harpy up.

"Wait a second I remember you, your the girl that I saved from the Harpy and Orc." Kaiza said.

"I would have remembered you, if you did save me." She said.

"I'm Mister Monster Man." Kaiza said.

The girls eyes lit up, as she hopped over to Kaiza, holding his right hand.

"Mister Monster Man, I finally found you, I tried to look for you, so I could give you something." She said happy.

"You don't have to do anything, plus I will never be Mister Monster Man again, I gave that up." Kaiza said.

"Nope I won't have that, Mister Monster Man, is Mister Monster Man, in Monster or Human form." She said, fishing something through her back pack.

Kaiza couldn't believe he is being lectured, by someone half his age, she came back over, handing him a card. He took it, opened it and then read it. Thank you for saving my family and I, we are all safe thanks to you, but not only us, there are many kids, that are grateful for your help, so from all of us, we Thank You.

Kaiza covered his face with is free hand, trying to not show his tears, he tool a breath then wiped his eyes, looking at the young girl.

"Thank you, I'm Kaiza by the way." Kaiza said.

"I'm Koko, I bet you have someone you love, that you want to protect." Koko said.

Kaiza looked down at his hands, thinking back to Sora.

"I'm not so sure anymore." Kaiza said, shaking his head. "Any way, what's the deal with the Harpy, if I remember a Harpy injured your mother."

"Yes, but Harp wouldn't hurt anyone, she is an outcast, she has been a true friend, she keeps me company when I'm out by myself." Koko said. "She doesn't talk, but she listens and I'm happy to have someone to talk to."

"I'm sorry for hurting you Harp." Kaiza said.

Harp cowered behind Koko a bit, still afraid of Kaiza, which was understandable, but she did nod a bit, showing she forgives him a bit.

A woman yelled out, as she made her way over to Koko, pulling her away from Harp, as Harp freaked out a bit, reaching for Koko, as the woman swiped a piece of wood at the Harpy.

"Get away from my daughter you monster." The woman said.

"But mom, she is my friend." Koko said.

"You don't need to be friends with a monster." She said, taking her away.

"Mom the man is Mister Monster Man, the one who saved us." Koko said.

Her mother looked over to Kaiza, nodding her head a bit, hurt back was still messed up from the Harpy attack, the pulled Koko away from the park. Harp looked down sad, as Kaiza walked up behind her, placing his hand onto her head.

"Come along let's find someplace where we monsters can eat by ourselves." Kaiza said, leaving with Harp.

(Commercial Break)

Akumu and the others geared themselves up, as they were going to go out, to fight any monsters that are still out there. Akumu is wearing combat gear that he could move around in, along with a dark cloak, Gishiki had on the same, but with a white cloak, Hikari had on her police uniform, with protective gear underneath.

"Alright our goal is to kill as much as we can, as we make our way, to every small base, that the New Samurai, occupy." Ryu said.

Sora was wearing a lighter amount of gear, with a pistol on her hip, with Hell's Access on her opposite hip, Ryu was wearing his Gold and Purple coloured Shogun armour.

They all walked out of the base, as they were swarmed with monsters, Akumu, Gishiki and Ryu, slashed away at the monsters, as Hikari and Sora, shot for the monster's heads, mostly the smaller and ones in the air. they made their way slowly to each small base.

With every stop, they had the Soldiers at each base, follow the path back to the main base, Sora picked up a picture that a child dropped, looking at it, what it showed made her sad. The was of Diavolo holding hand with different people around the world.

"I should get a picture of myself like this." Gishiki said.

"Says the guy who has the least appearance in Rider Form." Akumu said.

"Hey, you stole the belt that was mine." Gishiki replied.

"Actually it was designed for Akumu, for his family rings." Hikari spoke up.

"I miss him." Sora said.

They stopped arguing, looking at her.

"For being so rude, he has a good heart." Hikari said.

"We will pick up where he has left off." Akumu said.

A large rumbling shock the ground, Ryu picked up the phone.

"I'm sorry Sir, he was so eager to for a good fight, he had us get here sooner, with the Dreadnaught." The man on the other side said.

A large moving base like Structure, drove along the ground, a lone man stood on the edge of it with his fists on his hips laughing, with the loud speaker playing the song, We Will Rock You.

Ryu, sighed hanging up, then spoke.

"Everyone that is the New Janissaries and their Kamen Rider."
