Chapter 10: The Crusader and The Puppet

Robert-Jan hopped off the Crusader Dreadnaught walking over to Ryu, speaking.

"Robert-Jan van de Dood, Kamen Rider of the Dutch Division the New Knights."

"Wait I thought you said he was part of the New Janissaries?" Gishiki asked.

"My bad, my age must be getting to me." Ryu said.

"Maybe you should step back from this fight and let the younger people fight." Jan said.

"I can just send you back, so you can't fight strong enemies like you came here for." Ryu said glaring.

"S-Sorry sir." Jan said, saluting.

"Plus if have problems with some ones age, you should worry about mine, because I have lived for about 666 years." Akumu said.

"Sir this guy should stop joking around, he looks to be only in his mid 20s, he should be more serious." Jan said.

No one said anything, Jan looked at the group, as Akumu's fake body broke away revealing his true form, then let his fake body return.

"Akumu has agreed to fight with us, to bring the end of Sinful Seven, you are not to fight him."

"Yes Sir, also I have a question, the two men are obviously Kamen Rider Ripa and Arch, I have read the reports you sent, but who are the two women?" Jan asked. "One looks to be a cop and the other a regular citizen, with Hell's Access on her hip."

"These women are they lady's of Kaiza and Akumu." Ryu said.

Jan nodded, he was about to ask something else, until a large explosion was heard, they all turned toward the sound.

"Attack on the safe houses are going on." Someone said through an ear piece Jan had.

"Let out Project Hydra." Jan said.

The front of the Crusader Dreadnaught opened as a jeep and three motorcycles drove out.

"Ryu take the ladies and follow our lead." Jan said. "Project Hydra, was put together takes to your notes on Kaiza's Blazing Hound."

"You have no place to order me, but I trust you know what you're doing." Ryu replied.

Ryu along with Sora and Hikari got into the jeep, as Jan, Akumu and Gishiki walked toward the motorcycles, Akumu placed his hand onto it, as the motorcycle started changing it into a skeletal like motorcycle, Gishiki did the same as his changed into a white, with gold rimmed angelic like motorcycle and Jan's own motorcycle was more like a tank, bulky armour, a tread instead of two wheels.

"Quite the vehicles Jan." Ryu spoke through the radio.

"Thank you Sir and command send out the Dogs."

Mechanical sounds echoed through the haul as seven mechanical dogs came out.

"It is time to hunt." Jan said as the dogs growled running toward the area of the explosion. "Follow them and command activate Code Stay at Home."

The three Riders gunned their engines as they followed the dogs, with Ryu following close behind, Sora looked out the window sighing.

"Don't worry Kaiza will be." Ryu said.

Sora nodded, then spoke.

"Yeah I know."

(Commercial Break)

Akumu drove up to a group of Orcs, two blade formed from the sides of the motorcycle, as he sliced through four Orcs. Gishiki spun his spear, pointing it forward, running through a group of Goblins. Jan clicked a button as two cannons appeared at the sides of his motorcycle, as they charged up blasting through a group of Harpies.

The base was being attacked by a large ugly orange fly, a group of dead bodies at his feet, he was holding onto a body, sucking out the person's life force, dropping the body with the rest of the bodies.

Akumu transformed into Ripa, hopping off his motorcycle, launching toward Gluttony, summoning his Death Scythe slashing at Gluttony's back, a wound appeared, as Gluttony looked back at Ripa, showing no signs of pain and knocked Ripa back.

Ripa blocked the blow with his Death Scythe, spun around in the air landing on the side of a building, as the force makes a crater, Ripa launched himself off as he shot toward Gluttony, Gluttony swung his arms toward Ripa, as Ripa kicked off his arms, flipping over Gluttony, jamming his Death Scythe into his back.

Gluttony tried to shake him off, Ripa held on, pressing his feet into Gluttony's back, pulling back as the blade started ripping up Gluttony's body. Gluttony, punched the blade to the side, as it cut through his body, cutting through his left shoulder.

Once the blade was out of his body, Gluttony reached back, grabbing ahold of Ripa's waist, throwing him toward a group of Orcs, while in mid air, Ripa changed his rings, pushing the ring into the Apocalypse Driver, fire shot up from Ripa's mouth, as the flame design covered his head and body as he became Ketsueki Ripa.

He summoned the War Axes, slashing them downwards, creating a shock wave, knocking the Orcs over. Jan drove up, crushing the Orcs with his motorcycle War Horse. He got off taking out his belt Deus Vult, he put it on as a belt strap appears, he pulled out a card of an arm strap, pushes it into Deus Vult, then yelled out.


The ground broke under him, as armour digitized in front of him, Jan walked through the screen as heavy Teutonic Knight armour covered him, white armour, gold framed and red cross covering his chest. A large broadsword digitized in front of him, he reached his hands through gripping the handle, he pulled it back resting the handle on his sword.

"Kamen Rider Zwaar Heilige." Jan spoke out.

He made his way over to Gluttony, taking a step forward swinging his broadsword toward him, as Gluttony saw this he blocked with his right arm, punching Jan into the gut. Jan doubled over, as Gluttony grinned with glee, then he felt a alight tinge of pain, he looked toward his arm, seeing the blade had cut through his skin and the wound was burning.

"Hurts doesn't it?" Jan said, leaning up. Gluttony's punched dealt no damage to Jan. "Holy Water can be a bitch to demons."

Jan pushed all his strength into pushing through Gluttony, as he severed Gluttony's arm and cut the right said of his face. Gluttony scrambled back, clutching his burning wound, backing away from Jan. A hand touched his back and a soothing voice spoke up.

"Shall I end your miserable life from the wretched plains of life?" Gishiki was standing behind him.

Gluttony was so focused on his fight between Akumu and Jan, he completely forgot about Gishiki until he was to close. Gluttony looked over, seeing Ryu, Sora and Hikari helping people out of the wrecked safe house.

"Don't think I didn't have a backup plan!" Gluttony yelled out.

He raised his remaining hand up, as a mouth opened up, he plunged his hand into his throat, the mouth ate through his insides, eating his heart in one bite. Gluttony fell to his knees, as a strange aura shot out.

"Everyone get back now!" Akumu yelled.

Akumu, Jan and Gishiki jumped back, as a swarm of flies covered Gluttony, destroying his body, leaving what looks like a human husk. It's eyes opened up revealing yellow eyes, with an octagan design spread throughout, he removed his hand from his throat, standing up as two large insect wings broke out from his back, the husk body broke away a slim orange body, with black cracks covering his legs, arms and chest, along with a more monstrous fly head.

Gluttony looked around, as he took a step forward the ground under him was absorbed into his body. He looked toward the safe house, raising his new arm bringing his fingers together, making a slashing motion toward the safe house, as the entire second floor was wiped from existence, someone landed next to Ryu, setting down a young harpy.

"Kaiza is that you?" Ryu asked.

The man stood up, as the wind blew off his hood, revealing it was indeed Kaiza.

"Kaiza where have you been?" Sora said coming over asking.

He looked at Sora with tired eyes, it has been a few days since he last saw her, he really hasn't been sleeping well.

"Sora I ..." Before Kaiza could finish a woman rushed up asking for Kaiza's help.

"Sir I know our last meeting was rushed, but Koko is in danger!"

The Harpy Kaiza set down, shot up, trying to say something. The Mother looked at her, she could see it in her eyes that she wants to help.

"Follow me." The Mother said, leading Harp and Kaiza to where Koko is.

"Kaiza." Sora said watching him leave.

"Sora, just go to him." Hikari said.

"But ... " Sora was about to say, until Hikari interrupted her.

"No buts, just go to him."

Sora nodded, then left to follow them.

"It was a wise choice to let her go." Ryu said. "We have more to worry with the new form of Gluttony."

Hikari took out her gun, as Ryu took out his katana, making their way to the fight.

(Commercial Break)

"Mother help me!" Koko yelled out, trapped behind rubble.

"Don't worry dear I have your friends here to help you." The Mother said.

She and Kaiza, started moving out of the way, making sure not to move away cornerstone, to keep the rubble from falling and crushing her.

Harp hopped side to side, not sure what to do, she wanted to help but she didn't have hands, Sora placed her hands onto Harp's shoulder, as Harp looked up to Sora, Sora gave a gentle nod.

"Kaiza I have come here to finish you off, you have ruined my Pride!" Pride roared.

"Damn it this isn't a good time Pride, go cry in a corner or something." Kaiza said. "You're no longer a threat."

Pride roared out, launching toward Kaiza pointing his two remaining spider legs toward him, Sora stepped in the as the legs, went through her shoulder.

"Sora!" Kaiza yelled out.

"Kaiza save Koko, I can hold him back." Sora said.

"Don't stop me from killing this bastard." Pride roared, pulling the spider legs apart, ripping Sora's arms off.

"Pride don't ... " Kaiza was about to say.

"Kaiza help Koko, she needs you!" Sora yelled out. "Trust me please."

Kaiza bite the inside of his cheek, working his best to save Koko.

Harp scratched Pride's face, as Sora's arms reconnected to her, as she pulled out a loose pipe, running over to Pride, cracking him over the head with it. Purple blood dripped from Pride's mouth as he roared out to the both of them. He ran his spider legs threw Sora, abdomen, her insides glowed as, Pride was creating a energy beam in her body.

"Die bitch" Pride roared, unleashing the blast.

Sora blew apart, Kaiza heard her scream, but didn't look, he kept focus. Sora reformed, smacking Pride across the head, Pride looked over then seeing Koko was almost freed, he grinned unleashing an energy beam toward her area.

Koko screamed as the building dropped down, Kaiza pulled Koko's Mother back from dying also, she screamed to be let go, a blur went by them, as the building dropped fully crushing Koko.

Koko's Mother starting crying, as Pride burst put laughing, Kaiza looked at Pride furious.

"Pride you bastard!" Kaiza screamed.

"Mother help me!" Koko yelled out.

Everyone looked toward the destruction, Sora's eyes went wide.

"Kaiza, where is Harp?" Sora asked.

Kaiza's eyes went wide, as he started tearing the rubble away, until he found Koko, he was stunned by what he found, Koko's Mother gasped. Koko was safe, Harp used her body to save Koko, iron poles were run through her body, stopping them from hitting Koko.

Kaiza pulled Koko out slowly, giving her to her Mother, he looked at Harp.

"Thank you, for protecting my daughter." The Mother said.

Harp smiled looking toward Koko, then spoke for the first and last time.

"Thank you for being my friend."

Once she said her last word Harp faded away, Koko cried hard into her Mother's chest. Kaiza gripped the ground and screamed. He thought of taking Hell's Access, to beat the hell out of Pride, but so much he know could happen if he does.

"Kaiza man the fuck up!" Sora yelled.

Kaiza looked up at her, she took out Hell's Access, putting hit against her waist, as the belt formed around her waist, then pulled out a card, sliding it into the belt.

"Henshin." She said.

Strings dropped from the sky, touching the ground, Sora raised her hands, she moved her hands and fingers controlling the strings, smooth White Ceramic Armour, with tan frame came out of the ground, Sora raised off the ground, the armour started connecting to Sora, her face we blank aside from facial imprints. Kaiza stared at her in disbelief, Sora sat down on the ground looking toward Pride.

"Kamen Rider Puppeteer." Sora called out.

(Commercial Break)

"I don't care if a hundred of you fucking Kamen Riders appear, I will destroy you all." Pride roared, shooting energy beams at Sora.

Sora moved her hands around, her white ceramic body, became an earthy brown, as two Golems formed from the ground, blocking the beams, as her hands continued moving, her body then became a airy green, she then clapped her hands together, as wind picked up, cutting through Pride, as his purple blood trickled down his body, Sora set the Golems to fight him.

"Sora, how are you able to to Henshin?" Kaiza asked, still in disbelief.

She tilted her head in a happy tone.

"I had Ryu's team make modification to the device and created a card, that I thought would fit me well."

"I see, you have more control then I ever could." Kaiza said softly. "You're more fit to be a Rider then me."

"No Kaiza you are more fitted, you have changed for the better, once you became Diavolo, you met great allies, you have come to love the world, where you have come from." Sora spoke softly. "Kaiza, I truly love you, you are a great man."

"Don't fucking ignore me!" Pride yelled.

Sora looked toward Pride, he was panting, very wounded, bloody, he was held up by one leg.

"Fuck I want to last longer, before using this." Pride said, moving over to a mirror.

"Running away now Pride?" Kaiza called out.

"Hah far from it." Pride said.

He looked into mirror, his reflection shown a healthy version of himself, it stepped through as the original Pride stepped back, the new Pride's spider legs, dripped purple venom, then snarled, each leg ran it's self into Pride. He grunted, as the new Pride, fused into Pride.

Pride gripped his body yelling out, as venom trickled out of his wounds, the venom proceeded to cover him, as he slumped over. Kaiza and Sora watched what was happening, as eight spider legs shot out of his back, they pressed against the ground as Pride new healed body, was pulled out of the venom, revealing a corpse like venom purple body, a long and wide head, with black cracks around his eight eyes, two big fangs dripping venom.

Kaiza and Sora both looked in horror, as the body walked around, looking for something, there was movement off to the side as a group of came out of hiding, Pride's body hobbled out with freaky speed, his eyes looked into the people as black cracks surrounded their eyes, as they screamed out tearing apart their bodies with inhuman strength. He preceded to eat the bodies, growing in size.

"This will be a problem." Kaiza said, sliding a card into Hell's Access, summoning Arachne Blade, gripping it.

"Ready when you are Kaiza." She replied.

They both ran toward Pride.
