Kamen Rider Ex-Aid: Dark-Players Descent

Please note, that I know some things that happen in Brave's might not actually work, but it's a Bugster, so it might don't know, it happened with Para-Dx. Also, items given to Riders are of my own idea, they may have appeared as fan art, but I didn't know of any, the story takes place after the Ex-Aid book, all prior events are still Canon, this is my own spin on a continuation. Please enjoy and let me know what you felt about it.

A round table sat in the middle of a dimly lit room, expect for the two screens showing two different scenes playing out, the table was accompanied by a group of nineteen men and one woman, they all wore clean white outfits, the one elder looking man was looking at a watch. The screen on the right showed a man laying on a bed in a hospital room unconscious, the other screen showed a fight between a set of Kamen Riders, humans and monsters.

The back of each chair, had a symbol that symbolised each man, they were a Demon like Face, a Pair of Wings, a Mirror, a Grasshopper, a Letter A, a Male and Female Symbol, a Worm, XIII, a Bat, a Letter U, a Claw Mark, a Constellation, a Ring, an Unknown Fruit, a Wheel, an Eye, a Microchip, a Bottle and a Watch Face.

"So Number XVIII do you think you can use this group of Riders, to farther our goal?" Number XX asked.

"I think I will be able to use them." Number XVIII said, looking toward the screen of the unconscious man.

Number XX and Number XVIII stood up, then Number XX spoke up.

"Number III please open us a gate."

Number III stood up, then opened a gate for them as Number XX and Number XVIII, stepped through. The screens went dark, as the other members left.

The unconscious man slowly woke up, he looked around slowly, he faintly heard people talking outside of his room.

"I don't care if you own it to him, he has done horrible things." One Doctor said.

"But with his help we were able to save many lives." Another Doctor said.

The man got up out of bed, he found a mirror, looking at himself in the mirror, the doctors opened the door, seeing the man up.

"You're finally awake it's been awhile Dan Kuroto." The First Doctor said.

Kuroto looked at himself in the mirror once again, the looked back and spoke.

"Is that who I am?"

"Don't joke around Kuroto!" The Doctor barked.

"Taiga calm down, it's probably due to the technology we used on him, it was seemed to be made just for him." The Other Doctor said.

"Emu, for the last time he was a monster." Taiga said.

Kuroto looked at both of them, then spoke.

"If I was such a bad person as you said I was, why did you save me?"

"Were Doctors that is what we do." Emu said.

"If he does anything Emu, it is on your head." Taiga said leaving.

"Come on Kuroto, let's take you out of here."

Emu signed Kuroto out of the Hospital, Kuroto looked around as no one looked at him.

"If I was so bad, wouldn't people be worried of me?" Kuroto spoke.

"Only a select few knew the truth." Emu replied.

Emu brought Kuroto to Genm Corp, once they got to the CEOs office, they found Tsukuru Koboshi.

"K-Kuroto!" Tsukuru said standing up.

"Tsukuru, you don't have to worry." Emu replied.

Emu explained Kuroto's problem to Tsukuru.

"Will you please provide Kuroto a Gamer Drive?" Emu asked.

"A-Are you sure this is right?" Tsukuru asked.

Emu nodded, then Tsukuru gave Kuroto a spare Gamer Driver, then Emu gave Kuroto the Proto Mighty Action X Origin Gashat.

Emu's Game Scope rang, he turned it on, a screen popped up showing Taiga.

"Emu I warned you about Kuroto, he just waltzed in took the Proto Gashats and became Genm!" Taiga barked.

"Taiga what are you talking about, Kuroto has been with me since you left and he is still with me" Emu replied.

"This has to be some kind of trick, this is Kuroto we are talking about. Just don't let him out of your sight." Taiga said, hanging up.

Kuroto looked at the Gamer Driver and the Gashat, he put the belt on, the put in the Gashat, his body started freaking out.

"Kuroto!?" Emu grabbed his shoulders.

Kuroto's eyes were shut, but a sly grin crept along his face, with his eyes still shut, Kuroto spoke.

"Well well well, if it isn't Emu, so nice to see you again."

"K-Kuroto!" Tsukuru said hiding.

"Dan Kuroto." Emu said.

Kuroto made is way over to the CEOs seat and sat down.

"It's be forever since I have sat here." Kuroto said.

"So you are finally back Kuroto?" Emu asked.

"I'm not gonna return, the very reason that my human bodies is without my memories and personality, is because I didn't want to fully return, I have done enough as it is, this Kuroto will be his own person." Kuroto explained.

Both Emu and Tsukuru were in shock, then Emu spoke up.

"But Kuroto I promised that I would bring you back."

"And you have done that, so help my new self live." Kuroto said.

"Then at least tell me about the other you at the CR!" Emu yelled out.

"I have no clue." Kuroto replied, then the Gashat popped out and Kuroto's eyes opened.

Emu hit a wall, then started leaving the room.

"Tsukuru keep an eye out of Kuroto, he is only a civilian now." Emu said.

Kuroto picked up at the Gashat, then looked at it. Tsukuru looked at him, then spoke.

"At least we won't see Kuroto again, he was so full of him."

"But why did he sound so sad." Kuroto said.

Tsukuru looked at him, then Kuroto stood up, putting the Gamer Driver on the desk.

"Keep the Gashat." Tsukuru said.

Kuroto put it into his pocket, walking toward the door.

"I'm gonna take a quick breather." Kuroto said.

Kuroto went to the bathroom, then started splashing water on his face, he looked at himself in the mirror, his reflection then spoke.

"This is for the best, I was the cause of so many deaths, I have to atone for what I have done."

"Let me into your mind, so I can learn what you have done." Kuroto said.

"Very well."

(Commercial Break)

The scene moves over to Kiriya, Hiiro, Taiga and Emu looking for the fake Genm.

"I can't believe that you left Kuroto." Kiriya said.

"He has no help for use." Emu said.

"It doesn't matter, you shouldn't have left him alone." Hiiro said.

"Very true." A Voice spoke up.

The four of them turned around, seeing Genm.

"Who are you?" Taiga called out.

"Well isn't it obvious it is I God Kuroto Dan." He said laughing out.

"I knew we couldn't have have left him alone." Hiiro said.

Genm took out three Gashats, he activated them, tossing them up as they turn into Proto Brave, Proto Snipe and Proto Lazer Turbo. The Four Riders looked shocked, then all began to transform.

"Dai Henshin." Emu said.

"Skill Level 2." Hiro said.

"Tactics No.2." Taiga said.

"Gear Blast." Kiriya said.

They became Ex-Aid, Brave, Snipe and Lazer Turbo, they then summoned their weapons as all eight Riders rushed at each other fighting their Proto Version. Being Proto they were stronger, since there were no humans using them, they had no draws backs.

"Who are you people?" Hiro yelled.

"Isn't it obvious, were the Bugsters of the four of you." Proto Brave said.

"With the Proto Gashats, no physical body, who knows what kind of power we would have?" Proto Lazer said.

"That being so." Genm said, pulling out Proto Drago Knight Hunter Z Gashat, activating it, as it lifted up into the air, splitting into four Gashats, they fell into the hands of the four Proto Riders, they each in turn put it into their Gamer Drivers and each gained the power of the Proto Drago Knights Hunter Z.

"It looks like they have the power of every Proto Gashat." Taiga said.

"Even so, don't let your guard down." Emu said.

Emu took out Might Brothers XX, Hiro and Taiga both took out Gear Dual Beta, Hiro turned his dial to Taddle Fantasy and Taiga turned his dial to Bang Bang Simulations, all three took out their Gashats putting the new ones in.

"D~a~I Henshin." Emu said.

"Skill Level 50." Hiro said.

Tactics No.50." Taiga said.

Fantasy Gamer and Simulations Gamer appeared, circling the Four Riders, as Ex-Aid split into two forms, with the two Gamers going to their respected Riders forming with them.

The Four Proto Riders pressed their Kimewaza Slot Holder buttons, changing the area to a dried lake, each Rider and Proto Rider split up, fighting their own self.

"Kuroto why are you fighting us, after all you did to bring the ones you died from the Bugster Virus, why turn around now?" Emu said.

"That is God Kuroto Shin and I did nothing to stop the Virus." Genm said, pulling out Proto Drago Knight Hunter Z and Proto Mighty Action X, then slotting in Proto Mighty Action X Origin and Dangerous Zombie.

"Grade X-0." Genm said.

Genm changed into Zombie Action Gamer Level X-0, he charged up his self, with the Dangerous Zombie Gashat.

"Dangerous Critical Strike." Rang the Gamer Driver.

Zombie Gamer rose from the ground swarming Ex-Aid, as both Mighty Brothers XX, fought off swarm as they were slowly nullified by the ability of Level 0, Ex-Aid Removed the Mighty Brothers XX, then put in Maximum Might X into the Gamer Driver.

"Max Dai Henshin." Emu said, pulling the Gamer Switch, letting Maximum Gamer appear, Ex-Aid jumped back being engulfed by it and became Maximum Gamer Level 99. "Genm you have caused to much trouble, I will stop you before you spread the Bugster Virus again."

"Fooless Mortal you can not stop me." Genm said, taking out a medal book, using the Halt Energy Item, on the field, using his Level 0 ability to not affect the riders. "Hojo Emu your game ends here."

(Commercial Break)

"If you only kept watch of her, Saki would still be alive, you caused her death." Proto Brave said.

"Quit your talking, I have made my piece with Saki, i'm moving on." Hiiro said.

Their Gashacon Swords clashed against each, as Brave used the Fire Mode, Proto Brave would counter it with Blizzard Mode.

"Come on oh brave hero, you can use the power of Kamen Rider Chronicle, to go back in time to save your dear princess." Proto Brave said, launching Ice Shards at Brave, as Brave cutting them down.

"Even if Kamen Rider Chronicle could do that, but I will never do it, because Saki would never forgive me if I used the power to go back in time to save her, which could cause the death of people!" Hiiro yelled.

Proto Brave removes the Proto Taddle Quest Gashat from the Gamer Driver, pressing the button on it, putting it into the slot on Gashacon Sword.

"Taddle Critical Finish." Gamer Driver chimed.

Proto Brave froze Brave in his place, as he slid toward Brave slaying through him, as Brave dropped to the ground, as his belt fell off, with both Taddle Fantasy and Taddle Legacy falling towards Proto Brave.

"You do not deserve these Gashats, you're not worthy to take up the mantle that Saki have left behind." Proto Brave laughed. "She was not worthy to be with you."

"Shut up!" Hiiro yelled, propping himself up onto the Gashacon Sword. "I will not letting you take advantage of Saki!"

"Genm give me the Mighty Brothers XX Gashat." Proto Brave said.

Genm knocked Ex-Aid to the ground taking away Mighty Brothers XX Gashat from him, tossing it toward Proto Brave. Once he caught it, he removed both Proto Taddle Quest and Proto Drago Knight Hunter X, putting the Mighty Brothers XX splitting into two versions of Proto Brave.

"Fear the true power of the Proto Gamers body." The Two Proto Braves said laughing.

The one on the right, took out Mighty Brothers XX, putting in Gear Dual Beta, the dial turned to Taddle Fantasy, putting it into the slot on the Gamer Driver. While the one on the left removed Mighty Brothers XX, putting Proto Taddle Quest and Taddle Legacy.

Fantasy Gamer and Legacy Gamer appeared floating around both Proto Braves, until both formed with the two Riders becoming Fantasy Gamer Level 50 and Legacy Gamer Level 100.

"Take the Dark Side Hiiro, force all of your enemies to kneel before you, force all of them to follow Saki's will, become the Lord of Darkness!" Devil Proto Brave yelled.

"Take the Light Side Hiiro, cleanse all of your enemies to bow before you, allow all of them to follow Saki's will, become the Lord of Light!" Angel Proto Brave yelled.

"One more item Genm, you know which is needed." Devil Proto Brave said.

Genm opened his medal book, pulling out the Separation Energy Item, tossing it toward them, once it them they split up into three extra Fantasy Gamer Level 50 and Legacy Gamer Level 100. Making a total of Four Riders each, they activated their Critical Finishes.

"Taddle Critical Slash" All Four Fantasy Gamer Drivers chimed.

"Taddle Critical Strike" All Four Legacy Gamer Drivers chimed.

The Four Fantasy Gamers lifted up into the air, then started spinning, as the Four Legacy Gamers formed white wings as they jumped into the air, the Fantasy Gamers launched their Rider Kicks toward the weaken Hiiro, as the Legacy Gamers launched their Riders Kicks at him.

Hiiro weakly stood up, then shouted.

"Shut up, this is my path, I will follow Saki's will down the path of Light and Dark!"

Brave held back the Level 50 and Level 100 abilities with the Gashacon Sword, he was being pushed back, the Gashacon Sword started breaking away, he let out one last roar, deflecting the blasts. Hiiro fell to one knee as the Gashacon Sword broke apart, the Riders made their way toward, Hiiro took the handle of the broken Gashacon Sword.

"I will show you my path is right!" Hiiro yelled.

The Riders were reduce to one being, the Proto Taddle Quest Gashat, Taddle Fantasy Gashat and Taddle Legacy Gashat lifted into the air, the spun around as the pieces of the Gashacon Sword were sucked in forming a new sword, one side dark purple, the other side white.

"Gashacon Excalibur, fused with the power of Taddle Fantasy Gashat and Taddle Legacy Gashat, with the untold power of Proto Taddle Quest Gashat." Proto Brave said. "Your will would make Saki truly happy."

Proto Brave broke away as Hiiro caught Gashacon Excalibur, along with Taddle Fantasy Gashat and Taddle Legacy Gashat, with Proto Taddle Quest Gashat breaking.

(Commercial Break)

Proto Lazer knocked back Lazer Turbo, mocking him.

"You had the power of the Bugster, why would you ever want to return to be a human?"

"You don't know how it feels, to die and come back as a Virus." Kiriya said.

Proto Lazer shock his head, then spoke.

"Kiriya, Kiriya, Kiriya you have no clue the torment of a friend killing you and to return as a Bugster Virus."

"What are you evening talking about?" Kiriya asked.

Proto Lazer's head digitized showing that he was Jungo Aihara, Kiriya took a step back.

"No this can't be, you can't be Jungo!" Kiriya shouted.

"Kiriya you remember don't you, you're the cause of my death, if it wasn't for I wouldn't have to be brought back as ungreatful Bugster!" Jungo yelled. "You shouldn't have gone snooping where you shouldn't belong. Now Genm revived me so I can kill you with my own hands."

Kiriya grabbed his head, shaking it.

"This has to be a lie, this is a sick joke from Genm!" Kiriya shouted.

"This is all real." Jungo said.

"No Genm has changed, he risked his life to find return the ones who died from the Buster Virus, let me help you bring you back." Kiriya said.

Jungo walked up to Kiriya, then asked.

"Is that so I can come back?"

"Yes." Kiriya said softly.

Jungo walked up, pressing the Dragon Gun against Kiriya's abdomen firing it off launching Kiriya back a bit, having the Proto Lazer head reform around his own.

"You simple fool, don't you you remember, I died before the Bugster Virus did me in!" Jungo yelled.

Kiriya looked at Jungo, getting back up.

"I knew Genm didn't change, you're not Jungo, you're a fake." Kiriya said.

"Did that blast scramble your mind, I'm the real Jungo, that you betrayed!" Jungo yelled.

Kiriya shock his head, speaking up.

"You just said you died before the Virus got to you. So you're not the real Jungo."

"Shut up!" Jungo yelled charging at Kiriya.

Kiriya summoned Gashacon Sparrow, splitting it in two for the Sickle Mode, putting Giri Giri Chambara Gashat into the slot after activating it.

"Giri Giri Critical Finish." The Gamer Driver chimed.

The Sickles charged up, as Kiriya cut through Jungo's Gamer Driver destroying it. Proto Lazer's armor broke away, as Jungo fell onto Kiriya.

"It's good to see you again Kiriya." Jungo said softly.

"I'm so sorry, for causing your death Jungo." Kiriya said.

"It wasn't really your fault." Jungo said coughing. "If you're right about Genm, then you should help him, I felt your trust in that Finish."

Jungo's body breaks away, as Doctor Mighty XX Gashat appears in Kiriya's hands, as Proto Bakusou Bike Gashat breaks away, with the lingering voice of Jungo.

"The power of the Proto Bakusou Bike Gashat has unlocked a new power, only you and Genm can truly use the power."

Kiriya looked into the sky, as a tear went down his cheek.

"Farewell Jungo." Kiriya said softly.

(Commercial Break)

"You miss her don't you?" Proto Snipe asked.

"Shut up!" Taiga yelled, shooting at Proto Snipe. "You don't know nothing."

Proto Snipe stopped the energy bullets with his Gashacon Magnum, shooting at Taiga's feet.

"I know everything we Bugster of the Proto Gashat, have the engraving of your Gashats, when we were in the CR office, we engraved your groups memories." Proto Snipe said. "You are nothing without Nico, you were lonely and ruthless, she makes you whole."

"I said Shut Up!" Taiga shouted, activating his finish.

"Bang Bang Critical Finish." The Gamer Driver chimed.

Taiga raised his cannon barrels, as the cannons charged up, then shot toward Proto Snipe. Proto Snipe dodge rolled out of the way, slotting the Proto Bang Bang Shooting into Gashacon Magnum.

"Bang Bang Critical Finish." The Gamer Driver chimed, as Proto Snipe switch it to Rifle Mode, unleashing the blast into Taiga's back.

Taiga yelled, as he hunched forward, taking out Bang Bang Tank.

"So you're finally taking out the Gashat that Nico specially made for you, so you admit that you miss her?" Proto Snipe asked.

"Shut up!" Taiga yelled again.

Proto Snipe rushed toward Taiga, knocking the Gashat out of Taiga's hang, taking it for himself, removing Proto Bang Bang Shooting, then slots it into Gashacon Magnum.

"Kimewaza! Bang Bang Critical Finish!" The Gamer Driver chimed, as an orb of energy formed at the end of the barrel.

"Admit it, Admit it that you're nothing without Nico!" Proto Snipe yelled.

Taiga fell to his, smashing his fists into the ground.

"Fine I admit it, Nico means so much to me, I miss her, but I'm to stubborn admit, but it was her choice to go to America. I truly miss her!" Taiga yelled, closing his eyes waiting for the impact of the blast.

Proto Snipe fired the blast past Taiga, creating a crater near him. Taiga opened his eyes looking up at Proto Snipe, seeing his body break apart.

"Congratulations Taiga, you passed your test." Proto Snipe said, removing Bang Bang Tank. "Your connection with Nico is connected with this Gashat, maybe your connection will strengthen with your new Gashat."

Proto Snipe's broke away completely, along with the Proto Bang Bang Shooting, dropping a gray Gashat in front of Taiga, he picked it up seeing that it blank.

"I will grant your wish." Taiga said.

(Commercial Break)

"Kuroto stop this at once call off your men and get out of here, you have done to much damage!" Emu yelled.

"Hojo Emu, you cannot command God, I am a being who will have all bow down to me!" Genm yelled, laughing loudly.

As Maximum Mighty X, Emu launched his fists forward, damaging Genm badly, as Genm got back up like the Zombie he is, summoning Zombie Gamers, to attack Emu. Emu jumped up, launching his feet down into the crashing them.

"Kuroto I'm through of all your trouble, leave and never come back."

"Hojo Emu, this isn't like you, it's like you have been hiding an annoy emotion towards me."

"My Father may be the real person who created the Bugster Virus, but it was your Pride that was crushed by me, who made a game that was better then anything you could have ever make." Emu said.

"You dare speak of that filth, I was right on sending you the Bugster Virus, you are only a puny mortal, compared to I, an immortal being." Genm said, laughing like a maniac.

"I will end your life once and for you, then send the other Kuroto to prison for the rest of his life, I hate you Dan Kuroto!" Emu yelled.

Genm stopped laughing, looking toward Emu.

"So he has finally woken up, I guess this is why we are here." Genm said.

"What are you talking about!?" Emu yelled.

"You don't know that this was all a test, to prepare you for the upcoming threat." Genm said, creating God Maximum Mighty and a Purple Crystal Colored device that looked like Hyper Muteki.

"You have to trust the new Kuroto, give these to him, when the time is right, you will know when that time will be." Genm said, breaking away leaving the two Gashats, as the Proto Mighty Action X broke away.

The game area broke away, as the Four Riders, got together, Hiiro handed Emu Mighty Brothers XX. Has everyone looked at what they were given.

"I need answers." Emu said.

"I have someone I need to call." Taiga said, leaving.

Emu and the rest headed for Genm Corp. In the main office of Genm Corp, Kuroto sat on a couch, he slowly opened his eyes, as Purple Bugster Virus flickered in his eyes, the computer screen shown Gemdeus' Face, as the screen went black, showing the words.

To Be Continued.