Kamen Rider Diavolo: Video Gaming Demons

As the group ran towards Pride and Gluttony in their Sacrifice Mode, their surroundings and themselves froze in place. Three cloaked men, with masks appeared out of the reflected surface of a mirror from a toppled building, one of them walked over to the time stopped Kaiza and Sora, taking a hold of them, bringing them toward the reflected surface tossing them in, the group then moved toward Akumu, Gishiki, Jan, Ryu and Hikari, doing the same to them. The three men walked through the reflective surface, leaving the time frozen, they proceeded to move forward in time to the year 2023, the men tossed the group through another reflective surface, as one of them restarted their time, for them to be able to move freely once again.

The Riders deformed, as the group looked around, after walking the group came to find out that they were sent you the year of 2023.

"Has One Piece finally ended?" Jan asked "Oh God, I left the oven on."

"Is that all that you have to worry about?" Gishiki asked.

"I wander if my Co Captain, still has those waffles, I'm hungry." Jan said.

"Welp he is useless for the time being." Akumu said.

After walking for a bit, Jan sees a best seller book written by himself called How to Not Make Food for yourself. Step 1: Don't forget that the oven is on, Step 2: make the Co Captain cook the food, Step 3: dodge flying projectiles, Step 4: order take out, Step 5: forget that you left the oven on, Step 6: ask for a new base from command, Step 7: realize that there is no oven, Step 8: bring in new one, Step 9: repeat Steps 1-5 and Step 10: enjoy food that you took from the mess hall.

"Damnit all of that is going to my ex wife" Jan said.

"Use the book to fix a wobbly desk" Kaiza said, as Sora hit his shoulder.

"Well its the future so good chances I am dead, so time to crank call the New Warriors and my ex wife" Jan said.

"Wait this newspaper says your the leader of the Netherlands." Gishiki said.

"No that is my brother Jan-Rob." Jan said.

"Unless he changed is name to Robert-Jan van de Dood." Gishiki said.

"Then the Dutch have truly ran out of options." Jan said.

"It says your the hero of the world." Gishiki said.

"Ok that makes sense, but just ask my subordinates outside of fighting I am hopeless at most things." Jan Said. "I'm gonna prank call myself."

Jan prank calls himself, then wastes an hour of both Jan's Prank Calling each other.

"Well while you wasted time, some of the more mature people looked around the area for clues." Ryu said.

"S-Sorry sir." Jan said.

"There seems to be a large Gaming Company, here that's seems to be a big company." Akumu said.

"Games!" Jan said running. toward the company.

"Wait you numb skull." Ryu said. "Someone go after him."

"We will." Sora said, taking Kaiza by the shoulder.

"Hey do I have a say in this?" Kaiza complained.

"Of course not." Sora said.

(Commercial Break)

Sora walked around smiling, as Kaiza followed with his hood up.

"I wonder how everything is fine in the future, compared to our fight in the past?" Sora asked.

"Who knows and who cares." Kaiza said coldly. "Lets just continue finding Jan."

"Were not looking for him, this is our first together that isn't in the beginning or in the midst of a war." Sora said.

"Then why did you take me?" Kaiza asked.

"For a date silly." Sora said, walking over to Kaiza, removing his jacket then puts it on. "I was always jealous of the color of your eyes."

"Why should we go on a date?" Kaiza asked.

"I'm a woman and you're the man I love." She replied, pulling Kaiza along with her.

Sora brought Kaiza to different open food vendors, as they ate together, Kaiza's face started to lighten up, after a bit Kaiza started teasing Sora again, making her mad and punching his arm. Sora smiled, as they laughed like they have been with each other for years, as Sora was busy tossing their garbage out, Kaiza spun her around, catching her yelp, as he kissed her lips, then after a few seconds pulled back.

"K-Kaiza, w-what was that for?" Sora asked studdering.

"It was a thank you, a Thank You for being there for me, I'm glad we are back together." Kaiza said.

Sora smiled, taking Kaiza's hand, as they made their way toward the large building. Sora didn't show it, but she felt on eased, she questioned herself on how Kaiza made of over to her without making a single sound.

They got to the building to find Jan, peering inside the building, looking like a big man child looking for a game to play, which he was and is doing.

"Jan you can't run away like that!" Sora yelled.

Jan looked back at her with his cheek pressed against the window.

"But there so many new games." Jan said, then he spotted Kaiza, moving over to them. "Kaiza Akuma, for removing yourself as a Kamen Rider, I'm here to knock some sense back into you."

"Jan you no longer need to do that, he has returned to being a Rider." Sora said.

"I haven't said that." Kaiza said.

"No matter Miss Ichidame, I'm a man of my word."

"Then why did you leave to come here?" Kaiza asked.

"Shut up!" Jan yelled, swinging a right hook.

Kaiza leaned back dodging the hit, Jan continued throwing punches at Kaiza, as Kaiza continued dodging, Jan's movement started becoming faster and more strategic. Jan aimed for an upper cut, as Kaiza's eye marks glowed, he leaned backwards, putting his hands onto the ground kicking Jan twice in the chin.

Jan stumbled back holding his chin, then yelled.

"I was gonna go easy on you, but now I'm gonna go all out!"

"That's enough Jan!" Ryu called out.

"But sir, he deserves this!" Jan yelled.

"He went to find you with Miss Ichidame, he was doing his job, if you make a scene one more time, you will hand over your Deus Vult and sit out of this mission!" Ryu shouted.

Jan sank back, then spoke.

"Y-Yes sir."

The rest of the group arrived, as they examined the tower, they went in looking around.

"Welcome to Genm Corp, home of the most successful games in all of Japan, please enjoy your stay and don't forget to check out our latest games." The Man at the front desk said, while bowing.

"Excuse me, but is there a chance that we can speak with your CEO?" Ryu asked.

"He is currently seeing someone, but I will notify him once he is free." The Man said.

Some of the group sat down to relax, Jan was given permission to ease up by Ryu, he left to check out the games. Kaiza was drinking from a water fountain, as he heard a man run over, they nudged each other by accident, a small spark coursed through their veins, as the man ran off, he called back.

"Hey sorry, I was in a hurry."

Kaiza wiped water from his mouth, as he watched the guy run off.

"Who was that?" Gishiki asked walking up.

"I'm not to sure, but I get a feeling, this won't be the last time I see him." Kaiza said.

"Excuse me sir, the CEO agreed to meet with you." The Man, told Ryu.

"Well we don't need the whole group with us, Jan is off somewhere." Ryu said.

"I think Akumu and I deserve a short break, so we are gonna go have a date." Hikari said.

"Enjoy, Kaiza and I already had one." Sora said.

"Ooh love is in the air." Gishiki said.

"Shut up or we will strangle you!" Both Kaiza and Akumu shouted.

Gishiki raised his hands, backing up.

"I'm gonna go for a walk." Gishiki said.

The three of them left, as Kaiza, Sora and Ryu went up to the top floor to meet with the CEO. As they made their way to the office, another man ran by bumping into Kaiza, sending another small spark through his veins, as he held his chest.

"Are you okay Kaiza?" Sora asked worried.

"Yeah I'm fine." Kaiza said.

"What's with this day?" Kaiza thought to himself.

"Hello, welcome to Genm Corp, I'm Tsukuru Koboshi, how may I help you?" Tsukuru said, bowing.

(Commercial Break)

"Hello Mr. Koboshi, I am Ryu Roka, this is Sora Ichidame and Kaiza Akuma." Ryu said, introducing themselves. "This may be weird to say but we were brought into the future, five years to be serious, I would like information on Tokyo and the Heaven's Rite Foundation, around Late March, Early April of that year."

"I will believe you, since I experienced my own set of weird, I can bring up information of Tokyo from then, but I have no clue about this Heaven's Rite Foundation." Tsukuru said.

Tsukuru brought up the information Ryu needed, then printed it, then handed Ryu the papers, Ryu took them and looked through them.

"What is with this!" Ryu shouted.

"What is it Ryu?" Sora asked.

"According to this, there has been no such thing as Heaven's Rite Foundation." Ryu said. "No signs of Tokyo ever being attacked from the Sinful Seven."

"Then how the hell did we get here? Are we in the future or is our time set in an alternated Timeline?" Kaiza asked.

"I have no idea we may need to do some investigating of our own while we can." Ryu said. "Thank you for your time Mr. Tsukuru."

The three of then bowed, they turned to leave as someone bumped into Kaiza, causing another spark to surge through him, causing him to flinch.

"Hey punk watch where you are going." The girl said, moving past him. "Hey Tsukuru, tell me where Taiga is, you should know where he is."

"M-Miss Saiba, Sir Emu was called to deal with Genm, Sir Taiga is most likely out there with him." Tsukuru said.

"Took you long enough to tell me, hasn't Genm already been dealt with?" Nico said.

"M-Miss Saiba that is the thing, Kuroto is here, but Genm is causing trouble for the others." Tsukuru said.

"Ugh that Kuroto messing with everyone like he usually does." Nico said complaining. "Just tell me when he returns."

Nico said leaving the room, as Tsukuru said down wiping his head, the other were just confused as the left, meeting up with Gishiki and Jan, leaving Genm Corp. Ryu explained the situation to the two of them, as screams rang out, the group ran over to the screams.

By the time the group arrived at the scene there were unknown group of enemies attacking people, they had strange orange heads, red body suits, little black devil wings on their backs and they held black pitch forks. There was a monster with a Crimson body, Black Flame like design, standing behind them as the minions attacked.

"Hey he kinda looks like a more monstrous version of Diavolo." Jan said.

"Hey, I'm the Original." Kaiza said. "It doesn't matter, we are going to have to stop them."

Jan and Gishiki both got into position.

"Henshin." They said in unison, as they both slammed their cards into their devices, becoming Kamen Rider Arch and Zwaar Heilige. They both ran forward, Sora handed Kaiza Hell's Access, as he pushed it back.

"I'm sorry, I'm not ready yet." He said.

"Kaiza please stop being foolish." Ryu said.

"You don't know what I have been going through." Kaiza replied.

"Kaiza!" Ryu yelled.

"Ryu it's fine, I know he will return when he is needed." Sora said calmly, looking toward Kaiza smiling softly.

Kaiza nodded softly as he summoned the Arachne Blade and Sora transformed into Kamen Rider Puppeteer, they both ran forward. Ryu stood there shaking his head.

The group ran over to the monsters, attacking them, each time they did the words "Miss" appeared, as the monsters seemed have not even damaged.

"Why can't we hurt these guys?" Gishiki asked.

"It seems like it's some sort of game." Jan said.

"They are know as Bugsters." A voice spoke up.

Everyone looked back, seeing the girl they saw earlier.

"For why they have returned, I do not know." Nico said.

"Hey child back away, this isn't a fight you can handle." Jan said


Nico walked up to him and kicked him in the crotch. He groaned falling over, Nico took out a belt, putting it on and then slotted Bang Bang Shooting Gashat in.

"Game Start!" She said.

Transforming into Kamen Rider Snipe Nico, she took out Gashacon Magnum and starting shooting the Bugsters, said the words "Hit" appeared. They others watched, as she removed the Gashat from her belt, slotted it into the Gashacon Magnum, as the belt chimmed.

"Bang Bang Critical Finish."

The barrel charged up, as she unleashed a powerful blast of purple energy toward the Bugsters, it vaporized the minions, the main monster knocked the blast back at Nico, as she dodged out of the blast.

Another blast want off, farther away, everyone looked toward the area, as they saw something flying through the air.

"Sora create enough air, to launch me into the air." Kaiza yelled, running toward the area, as Sora did what he wanted.

Kaiza jumped onto the air pad, launching into the air, as he caught the object, he was caught in a small tornado, he was set down. The thing we caught was Hikari, he set her down.

"Hikari what happen, where is Akumu!?" Sora asked.

"We were both attacked, by something that looked like him but more monstrous."She said coughing. "We need to help him."

"You shouldn't worry about him to much, the CR Team handle these kind of things." Nico said.

The scene moves over to Akumu as Ripa, on one knee, looking toward the monster.

"Hello follow Rider, I'm Poppy Pipopapo, I'm here to fight of this monster and keep you safe." Poppy said cheerful.

"Dear Poppy if he can't fight this off thing, then we shouldn't bother with him." A man said walking up.

"Parado you shouldn't be so mean, you're part of CR Team, remember that." Poppy said, puffing up her cheeks, pretend beating on Parado's chest.

"You need to learn to take a joke." Parado said.

They both took out their belts putting it on, Poppy took out the Toki Meki Crisis Gashat, Parado took out the Gashat Dual Gear and slotting them into the belts.

"Henshin." Poppy said.

"Max Dai Henshin." Parado said.

They both became Kamen Rider Poppy and Kamen Rider Para-DX. Ripa stood up, laying his scythe on his shoulder, then spoke.

"Let's see some action."

(Commercial Break)

The three Riders ran forward, slashing at the Monster, with Ripa fighting, the words "Miss" appeared with each hit, but when Poppy and Para-DX hit it, the words "Hit" appeared.

"Why aren't my attacks working?" Ripa asked.

"It is a Bugster, only we Gamers can hit it." Para-DX said.

"But the strange thing is, this isn't like any Bugster we have ever fought before." Poppy said. "It doesn't look like any enemy from any new game."

"It kinda looks like me." Ripa said thinking. "It's pretty risky, but I think I got an idea."

Ripa opened the small ring box on his left hip, removing the Death Ring and put on the War Ring, then put it into his Apocalypse Driver.

"Henshin." Ripa said.

Fire shot out covering his head, as it draped over him, covering his back, as it wrapped around him giving him flame designs, his Hell Scythe shattered, as two great axes appeared. He spun them a bit, sticking them into the ground, grabbing the ends of them, locking his vision with the monsters.

"Alright, start hitting me. " Ripa said.

"Hit you are you insane!" Poppy yelled.

"Just do it."

"I will do it then." Para-DX said.

Para-DX started hitting the B Button on his Gashacon Parabragun Seven times, as it charged up, then he started hitting Ripa with Red-Energized slices, upon getting hit, an aura starting surrounding Ripa.

"Fine but I don't like hurting others." Poppy said.

Poppy hit the B Button on her Bugivisor II, Poppy charges herself with rainbow energy, before she floats in the air and twirls around continuously, sending pink heart and yellow star shaped energy attacks rapidly at Ripa, once Ripa was fully charged, his device went off.

"Apocalyptic Finisher: Self Damage."

Ripa roared out as blades, shot out of his body from all over, as the same thing happened to the Monster. The Monster's broke away as a man fell to the ground, with what looked like a watch with the Monster's face on it started to fall, as a cloaked man grabbed it.

"It's you, you're the guy who brought us here!" Ripa yelled, but fell to once knee.

"We may look the same, but I am not him, but we work together for a new tomorrow." The Man said.

Para-DX and Poppy charged at him, but he rose his hand, as the two froze in place.

"Your move looks quite serious, but it looks like it can't be done one after the other." The Man said.

"I can still fight you!" Ripa shouted, moving forward falling to the ground.

"Don't try, you won't be able to defeat me any way." The Man said. "Well let's see how the other goes, it was fun talking to you, we may never see each other again."

The Man left laughing, the other two were able to move, then looked around, going over to Ripa helping him up.

"We have to get to the others, they were near GENM Corp last I knew." Ripa said.

"Emu where you?" Poppy asked confused.

The scene pans back over to the rest of the group, as the only one who could fully hit the Monster was Nico.

"What is even this thing, this isn't a normal Bugster." Nico said.

"Very observant Bang Bang Shooting." A man said, clapping.

Everyone looked back seeing two cloaked men.

"It's you!" Kaiza yelled, running at him, until he was stopped in place.

"A man who can't become a rider, can't think you can stop me." The Other Man said.

"Who are you!" Gishiki yelled.

"You wouldn't know who I am, but" The Other Man said, pointing toward Snipe Nico. "She knows me all to well, now where is your precious Bang Bang Simulations?"

"No it can't be it's impossible!" Snipe Nico shouted.

The man removed touched his mask, as his cloak vanished, then he removes his mask revealing Masamune Dan.

"Good to see you again Bang Bang Shooting, now tell me where is Bang Bang Simulations." Masamune said.

"Oh you should know, since you said Genm after the others to take them out." Snipe Nico said.

"Don't make fun of me, Dangerous Zombie is dead like .net should have been the entire time." Masamune said, not pleased.

An explosion went off, as the four missing Riders appeared, seeing Masamune.

"Masamune!" Ex-Aid yelled.

"Ah Hyper Muteki, it is very good to see you again, now tell me where is Dangerous Zombie, so I can end him with my own hand." Masamune said, calmly.

"It was false news." Brave said.

"Taddle Legacy there is no need to be lying." Masamune said, snapping his fingers, as GENM Corps blew up. "I will drag out my dear son, I planned everything."

"Tsukuru!" Snipe Nico yelled.

"Masamune!" Yelled Para-DX, slashing behind Masamune, until he was frozen in place.

"Sneak attacks don't work on me Perfect Knock Out." Masamune said.

"Father." Someone said.

Masamune looked over, seeing Genm walking there direction.

"Genm how dare you kill Tsukuru!" Snipe Nico yelled.

"He is safe, now Father get out of our sights, you know the outcome of our last fight." Genm said.

"But I am stronger." Masamune said.

Bugster energy swirled around the destruction of GENM Corps, flowing toward Masamune.

"What the hell is going on!?" Arch shouted.

As the Bugster energy vanished, Gemdeus Muteki stood, he looked toward Arch, moving fast elbowing him in the chest, as Bugster Energy flowed into him, he gripped his head yelling as he became a Chronicle Bugster.

Both Para-DX and Kaiza were freed, seeing what happened to Arch, as Gemdeus Muteki moved fast, infecting both Heilige, Hikari and Ryu. They all became Chronicle Bugsters, Gemdeus Muteki did the same, to Puppeteer, but it didn't infect her.

"I'm no human." Puppeteer said.

"No problem." Gemdeus Muteki said, punching her in the abdomen, breaking Hell's Access, Sora eyes went wide as she coughed up blood.

"B-Blood!" Sora said shocked.

"There we go, I'm the true Game Master, I made you human, so time to get ride of you." Gemdeus Muteki, said slashing toward her.

Kaiza dove grabbing her, rolling away as both Poppy and Para-DX slashed as Gemdeus Muteki. He blocked their slashes, then punched them in the chest, turning them both into Chronicle Bugster.

"Now my toys go out and feed." Gemdeus Muteki said laughing. "Let's begin our new game!"

The Other Cloaked man, jammed his hand into the monster everyone was fighting before Masamune appeared, removing a Watch device, the man inside went unconscious, as the Chronicle Bugsters started feeding on humans around, turning them into Chronicle Bugsters, as Gemdeus Muteki stood there laughing.

To Be Continued.