It's Over Now

I have no comments on how the performance other than this.

It was a disaster, I also have no idea what Kurata-san was thinking. Maybe the sight of the cameras intimidated him, during the performance he even changed his playing, in the third verse of the song, it was as if he was trying to overshadow Tani-san. At the end of the song the air was odd charged by that awkward display, no one could look at each other.

The judges looked just as confused as me who tried to process what just happened.

Pansy-san, a hot-pink0haired female vocalist and guitarist from the band Tattletail was present. Back in her day of fame she constantly compared to Lorraine-san as they both loved hot pink hair and were often confused to be the same due to their similar voice. She was the first to break the silence. "What just happened?"

When no one could answer her she asked again. "What was that? Hello? Why is no one saying anything?!" She twisted her seat and huffed. "I'm angry."

Renjiro-san stroked his eyebrows as he went over his clipboard. "Were the roles not clearly established? It seems like the guitarist and violinist got confused towards the end."

A bald man with glasses and pierced ears known as Judge adjusted his glasses and sucked in air. "I was going to say that to choose to do an original during the short timespan you had was either very brave of you or very stupid. I guess I'll have to say the latter. It seems like you all needed more practice before you performed that ending. It was a good start, and an interesting song, good lyrics, good vocals, good start. Honestly, it's a waste."

"Relax." Yureka, the younger sister of Yumena from Blacklist! Who was more well-known for her ballads from tv dramas than anything was perhaps the only one who smiled. Compared to her older sister she seemed to be much more down to earth for she said.

"The test was to force others not used to each other to cooperate and play well together, what better shows this than making an original together? You were close but at the end of the day you still showed that you can do it, and you have done it." She stood up to clap for us. "I enjoyed your performance, good job!"

Her function on this show seems to be the band-aid. Although I didn't need one.

Our walk backstage was quiet, I honestly don't remember our score and didn't care.

After all this, I could finally go home and return to Amara and Izanagi.

I put away my guitar in its case when I heard Tani-san scream and heard a crash. Sosuke-kun and Hachiro-kun were fighting. The camera men flew back here surrounding them to cover the scene.

"What the hell was that?! Do you think this is all about you?! You fucker! How could you ruin it like that?"

"What about you? Because of you, we lost a day of progress! We could have spent more time on the roles!"

"Are you honestly blaming me because you fucking took it upon yourself to try and show off!"

"We could have focused more on the song! I want to play! I just want to fucking play alright!"

Renjiro came and intervened, ripping the two away from each other and glaring.

The cameras soon flew to hover around us like flies, fishing for some kind of reaction or clue as to what the two could possibly be arguing about.

I could understand Yoshida-san but Kurata-san... I hadn't the faintest idea what he was on about. If he was dissatisfied with something and is only now speaking up about it I had no words and didn't have the wherewithal to give it any more energy than I already had. I did my best. So I had no regrets.

"What happened? Why were they fighting?" Pansy-san came to us to get details.

Tani-san was tearing up, I don't know why, maybe from the shock of seeing two guys giving each other bloody noses. She looked to me.

So so did Pansy-san and the rest of the cameras. I shrugged.

"They said it themselves, didn't they? How would I know what they're thinking?"

I had no idea how popular the show was until we left the location.

"What's this?"

Tanjiro sat next to me on the bus ride home and saw something in his feed.

"What? WhaAAAT? WhaAAAAATTTT?" His reaction eventually peaked my interest on the fourth outburst as he began to fidget in his seat.

From the sound it seemed to be a clip of a popular song as he replayed it over and over.

When I looked over my eyes widened.

Dancing on the screen with cute, cool and deadpan expressions was Claire, a individual wearing designer sunglasses that borea a striking resemblance to Izanagi, with his signature wristbands, and bracelets, and on the far right wearing a deadpan expression but performing the moves accurately in sync with the others was Amara.