Farewell gifts

"Ughh...my head hurts too much."

The boy woke up and found himself in a place which was totally white. He looked around for a while and said, "....Damn, I am never watching anime again."

He then sighed and said, "What is this place anyway? Did someone decided to do some kidnapping during the lockdown? Well, I hope that they get infected by Covid."

He then started to walk around trying to find the exit to get out of the room but even after walking around for a while he didn't find anything.


He then sat down on the ground and took a deep breath and said, "I knew that my fan was better than that anime, this place doesn't even have a fan to stare at."

He then remained silent for a while and then once again stood up and said, "But still where is this place? And why is no one else here?"

He looked around once again trying to notice if there was someone nearby but didn't saw anyone, he remained silent for a while and then said, "...where really am I? HEY ANYONE HERE!!! HELLO!!! IF SOMEONE IS THERE PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!!! THIS PLACE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A FAN TO STARE AT!!!"

But no one replied. The totally white space was totally quiet with him being the only one present there. The boy started to panic a bit but soon started to calm himself down and said, "Calm down, calm down, no need to get overboard, think carefully about the situation. There must be some kind of reason for this? I mean this might be a filming studio with the whole room covered white for shooting and the kidnapper used this room for keeping me here. Or or or or or, it can be that it is just a nightmare, yeah, it must be a nightmare. I probably got too tired of watching my fan that I fell asleep. So I should be able to get out of this place once I wake up, right?"

He then fell silent and then stared at his hand for a while. After staring at it for a bit he gulped his saliva and then he clenched his teeth and used his full power to slap himself.



The boy started rubbing his cheek with his hand trying to ease out his pain and was cursing himself for using so much force behind that slap.

After he was able to calm down himself a bit the boy looked at his hands once again and then said, "That pain was real...then does that mean that this is not a dream as well?"

A visible expression of panic appeared on his face as he clenched his head and thought, 'WHERE THE HELL AM I?!?! I REALLY WANT TO GO BACK!!!'

He then got up from his spot and then started running around randomly trying to find the edge of the space so as to get closer to the exit or atleast try to break the wall so as to get out of this place. He continued to run for hours but was still not able to find anything though while running around he noticed that no matter how much he ran neither did he got tired nor he had any sweat on his body.

He finally stopped after trying for a bit longer and then looked at his body with a shocked expression on his face and said, ".....Am I even alive?" and placed his hand on his chest and after a moment his eyes widend in shock.

There was no heartbeat.

The boy who placed his hand over his chest was not able to feel his heartbeat making his mind started getting covered in dark thoughts. He really wanted to believe that it was just a dream and he will wake up anytime soon. but nothing happened. He even tried to bang his head on the ground but then noticed that he didn't feel any pain when he did so. He became speechless about that incident and once again tried to slap himself and just like earlier he felt the pain.

He then concluded that only when he himself try to hurt himself that he felt some pain making his mind start to get away from the thought that the situation was something normal.

He then sat down and waited and waited for the nightmare to end but even after a few days(According to the boy's mind) nothing happened. He remained in the totally white space awake for all that time as he didn't felt any temptation to either sleep or eat. In fact, he was not able to feel anything other than the pain that he inflicted upon his body from time to time, thinking that height get out of here by doing that.

The boy looked around the space with a blank expression on his face and then soon kept his head back down as he didn't notice anything change from earlier.

He really wanted to cry but no tears were coming out of his eyes, he even tried to bite himself very hard in an attempt to get out of this place but that still was not of any help but he still learnt something from that incident..His body didn't bleed at all, in fact he didn't have any blood inside his body making him more freaked out with himself. The thought of him still being a human started to drift away from his mind and his thoughts started to get darker and darker after a weeks passed by.

The boy just laid there in the white space without doing anything as he was not able to feel anything. He didn't had any desires to either, eat, sleep, etc. and this he just laid down looking at the white space thinking when he would go unconcious. He would also exercise from time to time for a change of pace but that still didn't help him feel even a bit excited and even though he was able to do a thousand push ups without feeling a least bit tired, he still didn't feel happy about it as he was not able to feel the strain on his body or anything.

And just like that a few months passed by.


The boy who came to this white world a few months ago could be seen floating in the space while lying down on his back.

During these few months the boy noticed that the thing which he thought to as floor was not actually one and he was technically floating in air.

Taking that into mind the boy started to try and 'fly' around this place instead of walking and was soon able to do it as well, but he was not able to tell whether he was actually able to do so or not as the whole place was totally white and he was not able to feel anything.

He just laid down staring at the white space with an expressionless face waiting for his time to end.

"Hmmmm...huh, there is still someone left here?!?!?!"

But all of sudden the boy heard a voice making him him Immediately widening his eyes and look around but was not able to see anything. He sighed and shook his head and said, "My mind is playing tricks on me now... actually do I really have a mind now since I don't even have a heart or a blood in my body? Well no way to know that?"

"You seem quite weird to me?"

But once again he heard a voice and this time he narrowed his eyes and started to look around trying to find where the voice was coming from.

"I am here, raise your hand a bit."

The boy then raised his hand and then saw a transparent blue screen above it.

He then tried to touch the screen but his hand just went past it making the boy surprised by that.

"....Umm, what are you?"

A face of sorts appeared on the screen and then he once again heard the voice, "Me, I am the care taker of this dimension.....or you could say, I was, I got promoted and someone else came in place of me a few billion years ago."


The screen remained silent for a while and asked, "You are not weirded out at all bu what i just said?"

"I have been here for more than half a year without being able to feel anything at all....Nothing you say will surprise me now, also, it is a long time since I met someone, so even of you are playing a prank then too I am ready to accept that."

The face on the screen started at the boy for a while and then said, ".....Well, then you should be grateful that you are able to hear me out. Anyway, what are you doing here?"

The boy stared at the screen blankly and then said, "I don't know, I just found myself here quite a while ago and since then I am here.....waiting to get out of this place."

"Huh, you don't know....wait a minute." and then a blue light came out of the screen and went from head to toe of the boy looking like he was being scanned.

Once the scanning was complete the light died down and after a while the screen said, "Oh, so your soul is the only thing that was left here and it seems like your body got degraded and got destroyed while you were unconcious here...Hmm. so you have been here for a few billion years as well, probably around the same time when I left this place."

The screen said all that calmly but for the boy who just heard all that was a bit surprised but still was still calm and said, "So I have been here for a couple of billion years..."

The face on the screen nodded and said, "Yup, and now only your would is left behind and your body is degraded. Furthermore even if you were to go back to your planet now, it would be much more different as we are a couple of billion years ahead since you were there. Hell there might be even new species instead of yours on your planet."

The boy fell silent when he heard that and after a while he sighed and said, "Looks like I am stuck here for eternity then. Well anyway thank you for telling me all this screen. It was very good to finally be able to meet someone after such a long time."

"No problem it used to be my space when I used to govern this area anyways, so in a sense you are my responsibility as well."

The boy just nodded his head and said, "But didn't you say that there was someone who came in your place to look over this area when you were gone?"

The face inside the screen nodded and said, "Yeah, there is but that person must be in his own dimension."

The boy nodded and said, "So that's why I didn't meet him here. Anyway, do you know a way to get me out of this place?"

The face shook its head and said, "Not possible, since your body is destroyed now, there is no way to send you somewhere.....well not you entirely."

The boy who heard that perked up a bit and asked, "What do you mean by that, there is a way to get out of here?"

"Yes and a no. You can get out of here if I send you to one of the world's that o govern which is similar to yours but at the same time it won't be you as I will send your soul to another person's body who is about die in that world and your soul resonates with his body."

"Wait....there are other worlds out there.....well considering that there are so many planets in the universe that are still unknown to us, it is not impossible for another planet to support life. So what's the big deal, a planet with people similar to me and me being in a new body doesn't sound all that bad to me. In the end it is still me after all and since the said person is about to die or so you say then I won't feel that guilty of taking someone else's life.....I guess?"

But the screen shook his head and said, "It's not that simple boy, there are chances of your resonating with a body of an animal, or insect as well, and in that case you would have to live as them. Not to mention, even of you got a human body doesn't mean that you would be you."

The boy heard him and then thought for a while and said, "I got the first part but what about the me not being me part?"

The screen thought for a while and then said, "Just think of this as some kind of mixture, even if two individual substances of different properties are combined, then there is a case that the product might be very different from both the individual substances. Like this chemistry example, even though water is non-combustible but oxygen and hydrogen burns readily."

The boy nodded and then said, "Soooooo, what does it have to do with me?"

"Idiot!!! Just think about it.....the body in which you will be sent will have its own set of memories and personality which when combined with your memories and personality will result in something different from the either two.....or if you want I can even clear your memories before sending you."

The boy then started thinking for a while and then said, "Even if they got mixed up then too there will still be a part of me in it, right? Fine then please take me with you screen. I am fine with the merging process. Deleting my memories is of no use as it will simply wipe my existence. I don't want to feel that after all this.....but wasn't I willing to die just a few months ago....but why should I really die now, I am getting a chance to get out of this place, doesn't that mean that I should take this chance."

Before he was able to think any further the screen interrupted him and said, "Just so you know I still have some work to do so choose quickly or I will go and this time I am certainly not coming back to check this place to see if I left anything behind."

The boy immediately got alert after hearing that and said. "Please take me with you as it is, without wiping my memory."

The screen blinked in response and then the voice said, "Fine then I will send you to the last fictional world that you saw back in your world." and once again started scanning him but this time it only scanned the head.

"Hmmm.....My Hero Academia.....fine now time for the farewell gifts here push this button." and then a button appears on the screen besides the head in it.

"W-wait isn't it goi-"

"I don't have much time, so finish it soon or you will be here for eternity."

And then without a second late the boy pressed the button feeling terrified of being left here for eternity.




After the sound was heard the screen changed and three names appeared on the screen.

"Hmm, customize create(skill), low level appraisal(skill) and wakandan vibranium (unlimited)(item), hey this one is from MCU I know this on-"

But before he was able to finish a black hole sucked him once again and both the boy and the screen left the white space.