
In a room filled with various instruments a chid was lying on the bed with various devices attached to his body. Suddenly a frown appeared on the boy's face and a free a while the boy's eyes opened but the surroundings were still blurry for him.

"No. 17 has gained consciousness. No physical side effects noticed."

A group of men wearing a mask over their mouth along with a lab coat looked towards the boy while noting down the something in their notepads.

On the other hand the boy suffered from an extreme headache and kept on frowning from the pain and was clutching his head.

In the boy's mind a lot of information is being filled up at a very high speed causing him extreme amounts of pain. He started to roll around and feel from top of the bed pulling various machines which were connected to him.

The group of men when saw that stared at the turn of events seriously and one of them said, "Hmm, seems like the subject number 17 is suffering from a headache. A different side effect from the ones seen previously."

The boy didn't even heard what the man said and just kept on massaging his forehead trying to ease out his pain.

But all of a sudden a blue aura started to come out of his body seeing which the men wearing labcoats took a step back and one of them said, "If you would-" hearing which one of the men took out his glove and pointed his finger towards the boy.

All of a sudden a thin needle like thing appeared over the tip of his finger and he fired it towards the boy.

Just as the needle hit the boy's back all the movements that the boy was making stopped and he simply fell on the floor, though he was still conscious.

"Alright, No. 17 has calmed down now. We can now check for the other side effects in his body." The group of men then went towards the boy and picked him up and placed him back on the bed, only this time his whole body was strapped to the bed.

After making sure that the boy was strapped tightly, the men started placing various devices back on his body in addition with a few new ones and started checking out what they wanted to know.

Meanwhile the boy whose body was totally numb was still going through some excruciating pain in his head but was unable to do anything, but all of a sudden the numbness in his body disappeared and he soon started screaming in pain and tried to move away but was unable to as his body was totally tied up. The blue aura once again started coming out of his body seeing which one of the man said, "His quirk is getting out of his control, use the quirk suppressors and you(pointing at one of the men who was wearing the lab coat) numb him again."

The man nodded and once again a needle appeared at the tip of his finger which was soon shot at the boy making him numb once again.

The boy once again stopped struggling and the blue aura disappeared immediately.

A few men then came in with some sort of thick bracelets which were tied around the boy's hands.

The men in the lab coat gave a nod and then one of them said, "No other side effect aside from the severe headache, though it would be better if we lower the dosage a bit or there is a chance that subject number 17 will lose his life."

The men gave a nod after which one of them said, "Monitor his actions, his quirk is getting out of his control." and then left the room after freeing the boy out of straps.

The boy soon got rid of the numbness once again and started flailing around but this time no blue aura surrounded him.

After half an hour or so the boy calmed down and started to take deep breaths and clutched his teeth as he suddenly experience a huge amount of pain in his body.

After a few minutes the pain started to subside making the boy sigh in relief and once again take deep breaths. He then looked up at the ceiling and with a tired voice said, ".....So I still am in a white room,huh."

He then closed his eyes and lied for a while and tried to sort out the information that got combined in his head and after he was done only one thing came in his mind, '.... Isn't my situation way too fucked up?'

He then opened his eyes and looked around his surroundings and saw that except for the bed which was made up of metal without even a mattress, the rest of the things were all equipments which were either used by a doctor or a scientist.

He then slowly got up from the ground and tried to walk towards the bed, but the pain that he felt was way too much making him fall back on the ground.

He clenched his teeth and then once again got up and slowly tried to moved back towards the bed in a way which didn't cause him much pain.

After sitting on the bed he looked at the thick metal bracelets placed on his arms and thought, 'So they put back the quirk suppressors once again. Looks like my quirk went out of hand once again when they used 'that'.'

All of a sudden he heard something and slowly turned his head in the direction he heard the voice from.

There he saw the metal door open and a man wearing a brown suit with a white shirt underneath the coat coming towards him.

The boy looked at the man without any change in his expression and didn't say anything.

The man kept on coming closer to the boy and then noticed the iron bracelets on his hand and said, "Seems like your quirk got stronger once again. Hmm, the enhancers are working wonderfully I guess." He then looked at the boy and asked, "Any sort of discomfort? The others told me that the rest of the parameters were normal just you experiencing some headaches and bodyache."

The boy's expression didn't change and he said, "No discomfort at all.... 'father'."

The man showed a 'smile' on his face and patted the boy's head and said, "Look at 'you' 'growing' right in front of my eyes. It must be because of how much we love each other that 'you' are 'growing' so wonderfully."

He then crouched down to the boy's eye level and gripped his head a bit tighter and said in a low voice, "You must feel happy having such a loving 'father', right? And don't you want to use your quirk only for your father? 'You' must grow up nice and strong and make your quirk so strong that your father would be happy about it."

The boy's expression didn't change after he heard all that and he didn't say anything but just stared at the man in the eyes.

The man then stood up from the ground and said, "You must be feeling tired after all this 'growing' up. I will send someone with food for you. After which you should go and undergo the regular physical routine. Afterall a healthy quirk reside in a healthy body." and then took out a Walkie talkie and said, "Send some food for my dear 'son' and did you recharge the 'batteries'? How much were you able to extract from him this time around?" and then walked out of the room.

The boy stared at the closing door and once it was closed he lied back on the bed as he was feeling a bit pain while sitting.

He then thought, 'This body is going through a lot right now. No wonder the previous one died....combined with me? Whatever so the current situation is the man who is my father.... probably is experimenting on me to make my so called quirk stronger and then extracting something out of it.'

He then stared blankly for a while and then thought, '.....I should've never watched that cartoon.'

But all of a sudden the door opened once again and this time a man wearing a lab coat came in with a tray in his hand.

He placed the tray in front of the boy, and then lifted his body up in a sitting position and then took out the metal bracelets off his hands.

The boy stared at his hands for a while and then looked at the man who took off the bracelets.

The man then took out a notepad and wrote something on it and said, "Seems like the quirk is under control." He then looked back at the boy and said, "Finish the food soon. A call for the physical training will be heard shortly." and then walked out of the room.

The boy then looked at the tray and thought, 'Even for a 9 year old, isn't this food pretty...bland. It seems like this is made to make sure to provide the perfect nutrition to the body while ignoring the taste.'

He didn't think anything after that and soon started eating the food and even though he thought it was way too bland he was still accustomed to it and soon finished his meal.

Once he was done eating he got off his bed and placed his tray at the corner of the room from where the tray will be taken away and got back to his bed so as to rest for a bit before the training. Soon a buzzer was heard and the metal door opened automatically.

The boy then got off from his bed and then walked out of the room.