Antonio defeated?

Just as Antonio said that the red gooey substance that was scattered around him started to move on its own, as if it suddenly came to life and started rushing towards 17 whose tongue was still connected to tentacle which was just cut by Crust.

Gran Torino who noticed that immediately grabbed 17 and flew up in the sky, while Crust who was now back to his stance put his shield in front and started running towards Antonio who was still lying down on the ground.

17 who regained the light in eyes after a moment noticed something attached to his tongue and immediately frowned. He also felt that some of his energy was missing and concluded that it was absorbed by his father.

He then carefully touched the tentacle and got it off his tongue and threw it away.

Gran Torino who was holding the small boy in his arms was looking intently at the villain who was still not moving, but then noticed small projections arising from his back.

Seeing those projections both 17 and Torino frowned and 17 said, "Tell everyone to back off Immediately."

Torino who heard 17's words got a bit confused but still decided to do what the boy said.

All the heroes who were still behind immediately got away from the man and just a moment later a lot of tentacles sprouted from his back and started moving moving in a circular manner a very high speed causing a very strong gusts of wind, which made the heroes who were still on the ground to cover their eyes.

17 and Torino who were in the sky got a bit more from him since the speed at which the tentacles were moving was getting quite dangerous to the limit that even just one hit would have been enough to break their arm if not for cutting in one hit without any effort.

17 who saw that wanted to use his quirk and take actions immediately because he noticed that the reds gooey substance was attaching back to Antonio's body.

Torino who saw that as well frowned as he didn't want to k ow whether he was healing or was doing something else which could be quite dangerous. He then looked at the boy in his arms and asked, " you know a way to deal with him?"

17 who heard that question continued to stare at Antonio and said without a slightest bit of hesitation in hiss voice, "Kill him." with a cold tone.

Hearing the child's voice which was accompanied by a killing intent Torino widened his eyes in shock, not believing that a child who was not even 10 talking about killing the man without a slightest bit of hesitation in his voice.

Not knowing how to respond to the child's answer Gran Torino didn't say anything. He just focused on the villain and asked, "Do you know a way to get close to him or better stop those tentacle like projections?"

Hearing that question the killing intent coming from 17 dropped as he looked towards the man who was holding him and then looked back at the tentacles. He thought about it for a while and was about to shake his head in denial, but just at that moment his gaze fell on a certain hero who was trying to block the tentacles using some sort of shields made up of rocks.

He immediately looked towards the old man and said, "Bring that guy here." and pointed towards Crust.

Gran Torino looked towards where he was pointing at and was surprised to see what crust was doing.

"That idiot!!! does he want to due or what getting so close those tentacles!!! Wait a bit kid, I will stop him immediately!!! Thanks for pointing that out."

Thinking that the kid was warning him about Crust's negligence, he immediately decided to stop him from doing such a risky thing.

Just as he was about to shout and stop him 17 pulled his beard stopping him from saying anything and making groan in pain. "OW OW OW OW OW OW!!! STOP THAT KID!!! STOP PULLING MY BEARD!!!"

Seeing that the old man was not giving his attention to the other man, 17 stopped and explained what he meant to him.

Understanding that he jumped onto conclusion the old man gave a slight bow and immediately rushed to pick Crust and bring him close to 17.

Once Crust was brought to the boy he looked at him curiously and said, "KID!!! I HEARD THAT YOU HAVE A PLAN TO STOP THAT MAN AND IT REQUIRES MY HELP!!! DON'T WORRY I WILL TRY MY BEST TO STAND UPTO YOUR EXPECTATIONS!!!" yelled a pretty enthusiastic Crust who was happy seeing that such a young kid was trying his best to save the society from such a dangerous villian.

17 who was taken aback by the over enthusiasm of the man standing in front of him was praying for Rumi to come as soon as possible as she was more easy to approach to compared to the hero standing in front of him.

He then took a deep breath but Immediately apained expression appeared on his face as he once again realised that his body was in a pretty fucked up state right now.

Seeing the pained look Gran Torino immediately supported him as an he started to feel angry knowing that they were not even able to defend a small child, and were even depending on him to deal with the villain.

Same thoughts were arising in Crust's mind as he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists in anger.

17 looked at Crust and asked, "How fast can those shields of yours rotate?"

Crust hearing that question enlarged his shields and started rotating them at the max speed possible to give a demonstration to the kid.

17 seeing that narrowed his eyes a bit and then asked, "Can you throw them as well?"

Crust gave a nod in approval and immediately a small smile appeared on his face

He then asked him to stop rotating the shields and placed his hands on top of each of them, soon Vibranium started to come out of his palms and started gathering on top of the shield.

Once he thought that it was enough he used customize creat to coat the entire shield in Vibranium while making sure to make the edges extra sharp and durable.


Hearing the familiar voice all of them turned around and saw a familiar rabbit eared hero standing in front of them with a serious look on her face.

Gran Torino immediately started to explain the situation to her while 17 focused on preparing the shield.

Once he was done with the shield he looked towards Crust and said, "You will get just one chance don't blet it go to waste, if he realizes what happened he would immediately take countermeasures for that."

Crust who saw the serious look in his eyes turned serious as well and asked, "Don't worry, just tell me what do you want me to do?" After seeing the look of seriousness on the child's face Crust promised to himself that he would try his best to stand upto the child's expectations.

"Just aim that shield nicely in a way that it chops his body in half." and immediately after Crust made such a promise 17 placed the most dangerous condition for a hero.

He looked towards Gran Torino who inturn had a frown on his face, not knowing how to respond to this, since he himself had no other plans whatsoever.

He then looked at the other hero who was present there and saw Mirko checking whether the boy was alright or not.

Not wanting to straight up deny the idea that the kid just gave him Crust started hesitating about what to do.

Seeing that the man was not saying anything at all 17 stared at him and saw him hesitating and immediately an ugly expression appeared on his face, 'Shit, I forgot that these heroes have way too much morals and would not kill anyone unless it is absolutely necessary.'

Mirko who was done checking on the brat who save d her earlier punched her fist in her palm and asked, "So what role am I playing in taking down that fucker?! guys have already find a way to deal with those tentacles right? Just cut those down after that I will drop kick him. How does that sound!?!?"

Hearing her answer all three of them widend their eyes in surprise, seeing which Mirko just became even more excited.

Deciding on that plan, Gran Torino held her up in her arms and got up in the sky and would work in order to increase Mirko's speed which inturn will increase the damage that she would deal with her kick.

Crust as well took his position standing on ground aiming to cut all the tentacles at once by targeting the area just above Antonio's back.

"I will not let that child's effort go to waste." and started spinning his shield at high speeds. Once the speed was at max he took a stance and with the preparations done he threw the shield with all his might.

The shield we t flying through the storm of tentacles cutting each and everyone of those tentacles.

Once Mirko noticed that the shield has reached the point they talked about Gran Torino immediately picked up the speed and started rushing downwards.

Mirko too prepared her leg to land a strong solid hit on the man to finish all this mess once and for all.

Antonio, who noticed that his tentacles that he was using to gain a bit time till his body heals up were getting cut one by one at a very fast pace and immediately a frown appeared on his face.

He was about to use a quirk which he could still use in such a condition but before he could try anything he saw a whit blur rushing towards him with a maniac like grin on her face.


Just as the kick connected to Antonio's face the whole ground below him cracked up and the shockwaves caused by the kick immediately destroyed the ground making the ground around him to rise up.

Though Mirko who was now aware that the man was not that easy to defeat continued to kick him with full force till her breathing became rather irregular.

The other people who were looking at the rookies hero acting like that felt a shiver down their spine and decided to tell their superiors to stop asking her to join their agency.

Mirko the looked down and saw a totally unrecognisable Antonio who was still able to breathe somehow with a look of disgust on her face. "*Tch* Just fucking give up already!!!" said Mirko spitting at the unrecognisable face before taking a safe distance away from him.

Not wasting this chance 17 immediately formed a cage around him with Vibranium not willing to take anymore risks. He also decided to absorb back anymore Vibranium that was lying around here and there as he didn't want anyone else to know about it.

Looking at the unconscious Antonio 17 finally took a deep breath before immediately his eyes widened in shock when he felt someone behind him.

He was about to take actions but before he could do anything he received a strong kick in his gut which sent him flying away towards the cage in which Antonio was lying down motionlessly.

The other heroes who saw that felt that Antonio was still not down, but seeing his condition they realised that he could not do anything and immediately started looking around.

"A new enemy?"

"Where is he?"

All the people started looking around with a serious look o. their faces trying to find the possible new enemy.

Gran Torino on the other hand immediately decided to bring back the kid back before he falls into some kind of danger immediately heard something coming towards him and stopped before using his quirk to immediately code the sudden incoming attacks.

Seeing the old man dodging all of them looked at the one who tried to attack him and were surprised to see five people more like two men and three children who were standing near Antonio and 17.

All of them who now noticed the enemy were totally shocked on seeing them, or more specifically the children who were with them.

Mirko who looked towards the new enemies with piercing gaze suddenly realized something and said, "Wai- those clothes? Isn't that th-"

17 who heard the sudden gasps from all around tried to look up with great difficulty, but once he looked towards the people who attacked him his eyes widened in shock and he forgot to even speak what he wanted to.

The children whom 17 saw were none other than the three boys who ran away earlier, 21, 28 and 35. And it was not the fact that they were her what shocked 17 and the others, the fact that shocked them was that those not have any heads on top of their bodies.