Finally free

17 who looked at the three headless people standing on front of him became motionless as his eyes started to widen in shock. He then looked towards 35's body, seeing which his thoughts started to turn negative as he started to blame himself for not accompanying him when 35 asked him to go with him earlier.

He looked down towards ground not knowing what to do now, and while he was in that condition he didn't notice one of the person grabbing the back of his collar and pulling him up.

17 who finally felt uncomfortable around his neck looked towards the person who was holding him and saw a cold look on the man's face.

The said man then looked towards the other one and asked, "Hurry up and turn him to a puppet too."

The other man nodded his head and lifted his hand which immediately transformed into a blade. He then brought the blade near 17's neck and said, "Hmmm, aren't you boss's kid? Well, whatever we it's not like we can not extract energy from you if you are not alive? Just that no more progress in your quirk...Anyway, just take a deep breath, and I will over it quick and without any pain for you since you are boss's kid."

17 who heard the man's words understood that he was the one who was responsible for 35's condition and unconsciously started to get angry.

Seeing what was happening the other heroes immediately rushed towards them but 21 & 28's bodies kept them in check by and prevented them from getting closer.

17 who felt the cold touch of the blade near his neck didn't even flinch as his eyes were coldly fixated on the man in front of him.

"Heh, that look is really like that of boss, y'know. Well you are his son afterall." He then moved his hand behind him and then swing it with full force aiming to cut it without any waste of time.

Seeing the blade coming towards him 17 willed the area near his neck to be covered with Vibranium, and soon the silvery Vibranium formed a layer around his neck.

The man didn't expect that to happen and found that his attack didn't even left a scratch on the metal like substance around the boy's neck.

Not wasting anytime 17' whole body was covered in a blue aura and he released a shockwave made up of kinetic energy from all over his body causing the already destroyed ground to be destroyed even more while the other two people along with the children who were near them to be pushed away.

17 who was now free from the man's grasp decided to get away from them and tried to run, but before he could even take a single step, the blue aura around him vanished in an instant and blood gushed out from all over his body, and at the next moment he fell down on the ground.

Seeing that the boy was now free Gran Torino immediately took charge and rushed towards him and widend his eyes in shock seeing the blood gush out from all over the body of the small child in front of him.

Seeing him in such a state he didn't waste anytime and immediately took him in his arms and brought him a safe distance away from the villains.

He then handed him to one of the heroes and looked towards the villains with a serious look in his eyes.

"Don't let even one of them come near the boy." said Gran Torino preparing to deal with the headless 28 who was firing very deadly pressurised aqua jets, preventing anyone from getting close to them.

Crust nodded his head with a serious look on his face as he prepared himself to take on 28's body who was punching away the people who were getting close to them.

Mirko who was standing beside him had a her fists clenched as her body trembled in anger looking at the people who killed the small children and of them being someone she protected earlier.

Without waiting anymore the three of them rushed forward and the other heroes who were keeping them occupied immediately formed a path for them while still distracting them with their attacks.

Gran Torino dashed all the pressured jets aimed at him as he crashed into 21' body and grabbed his hands preventing him from firing anymore. He then restrained the body from moving by pressing his own body on top of the headless boy's while keeping his arms in check.


Crust, also ran towards 28 with his shields in front of him blocking the incoming fists with them while also finding chances to get a hit or two from time to time. But soon his consciousness started to fade a bit and then realising that he won't be able to go on much longer he decided to end this quickly and smashed two of his enlarged shields into 28's body from both sides and then started rotating them at high speeds causing majors damage to the body. After a while, when he made sure that the body was making no other move he stopped and retracted his shield. Some tears then started to come out of his eyes as he apologized, "Sorry about that kid...I had no opti...on...s...." and slowly his body fell down on the ground as he lost consciousness.


Gran Torino who when noticed Crust falling down on the ground looked towards 21's body who was still struggling a bit. After seeing that the bodies stop moving after taking enough damage, he furrowed his brows and said, ".....sorry kid...." and grabbed the body and flew high up in the air. Once he thought that he was at enough height he threw the child's body towards the ground with full force, and then rushed after it.

Seeing that the body moved and tried to use its aqua jets to slow down the fall Gran Torino grabbed the hands once again and now started to speed down their decent. Once he felt that the ground was close he let go of him and changed his direction so as to avoid crashing to the ground.

Once 21's body fell on the ground, it stopped moving just according to what Gran Torino had thought. He stared at the motionless body for a while before turning around and walking towards Crust.


Mirko, who rushed towards the two people who were responsible for the death of the three children, didn't waste anytime and kicked one of them away. She then turned around to kick the other one but then noticed that the man was gone. She halted her movements a bit thinking that the man was hiding somewhere else, but to her surprise suddenly the she felt a lot of pain in her gut and felt that as if someone had punched her there.

Crashing on the ground before she could even get a chance to recover a series of blows welcomed her causing her body to get stuck deeper and deeper into the ground

'Shit, where the fuck are these attacks coming from. Even my nose isn't picking any scent.'

Mirko who was not even able to sense where the person who was attacking her was got even more angrier and said, "FUCK OFF ASSHOLE!!! SHOW YOURSELF IF YA CALL YOURSELF A MAN MOTHERFUC*ER!!!!" and tried to get up without caring for the blow when suddenly her knee felt that it touched something.


And just as she felt that a shriek filled with pain was heard by her which widened her eyes in surprise. Suddenly a malicious smirk appeared on her face as she said, "Heheheheheheheheh, that's why that touch felt familiar, huh? Hey asshole!!! Got hit in the 'balls' eh?" and then moved her feet once again in front of her and felt that her kick indeed touched something/someone even thought there was no one standing in front of her.

'Invisibility, huh...' and then prepared herself to hear the sound near her very carefully. Just as she heard someone crashing down on the ground, she jumped in that direction and drop kicked at the location where she felt the body fell.

The invisible man who got hit by Mirko's kick started to turn visible once again and had his eyes turned white and lying down unconscious.

Suddenly Mirko who was on top of the man tilted her head a bit avoiding the blade of the other man and punched his face with full force sending him flying in a nearby wall.

She then looked at the man who got stuck in the wall and said, "...Assholes." and then got off the other man.

She then looked around and saw how uch destruction was caused in the area near them and then looked at the people who taken serious injuries.

Her gaze then fell on Crust whose body was being supported by the short old man. Seeing them she snorted and said, "OI CHIBI GEEZER, ATLEAST CONSIDER YOUR SIZE BEFORE SUPPORTING HIM!!!" and then jumped up in the air and landed near them. She then took Crust from Gran Torino and then supported his body over her shoulder.

Gran Torino who had the heavy load oof his shoulder took a deep breath and looked around and said in a grim tone, "A lot of destruction occured today, huh. Not to mention the casualties..."

Mirko who heard the old man talk like that turned serious as well and said, "Not to mention that the only person whom we were able to save was that kid with black hair who is in a critical condition as well.....speaking of the kid....where is he?"

Mirko then started to look around trying to find the kid, but was not able to spot him. Seeing that the kid was nowhere to be found both her and Gran Torino turned serious and started looking around while also ordering the other to look for him.

Suddenly as if Gran Torino realised something, his eyes widened in shock as he looked towards Antonio who was being held in a cage, and noticed a thin tentacle extending out of the man's hand whose other end was tied to the leg of an unconscious and severely injured 17.

Before he could take any action the tentacles stopped pulling 17 and started to crumble away.

"Not on my watch." was heard by the two concious heroes as they turned around and saw a man wearing dark clothes with his hair standing up and his eyes covered by goggles.


The said man looked towards Gran Torino and said, "Oh, you are here as well huh..... anyway get that child away from him first." said the person who just arrived to which Gran Torino nodded his head to bring the child away from the villain.

Erasure head then came in front of the caged villain and said, "You have cause enough destruction already, just stop it." and then the white cloth wrapped around his neck unfolded and wrapped around Antonio's neck tightly making it difficult to breathe. Once he he made sure that the villain was now unconscious he stopped choking him and took out a pair of hand cuffs and put it around Antonio's arms with some difficulty thanks to the cage.

"I hope those will be enough to stop his quirks."

He then looked at the other heroes who were covered with serious injuries and sighed thinking that he would have to take care deal with the other unconscious villains so that they won't pull some stunt just because of a group of tired and injured heroes.

Soon ambulances and other heroes started to arrive at the location and the villains were then sent away to the prison while the injured were taken to the hospital. During this whole ordeal 17 was lying unconscious not knowing that he was finally free.


A/N: Phew, this arc is finally over. Seriously it took way longer than i had imagined, but do tell whether it was good or not.