Grandma power

Two weeks passed by since Shun was left with Mirko and needless to say that after Mirko found about Shun's strength his daily life changed greatly as the rabbit eared hero, asked him for a spar..... literally anytime she was not busy.

Though Shun, thought it was troublesome he also asked her to teach her somethings in return to which she promised to train and improve his footwork.

Shun and Mirko also had a blast playing games since Mirko had a collection of great games and having someone to play against her made her very enthusiastic about that to the point that there were a lot of times both of them just fell asleep in front of the T.V. screen with weird postures much to their annoyance. Shun really hated the part where he was literally used as Mirko's pillow since her rabbit ears irritated him a lot whenever he tried to sleep.

But in the end, despite all the troubles both of them could say that the two weeks that they spent together were great and the were now both of them were more open to eachother, to the point that Rumiko started to call him Shun instead of brat or twerp and Shun was allowed to call her Rumi.

Shun also went to the park where he met Mirio and Tamaki during the time Mirko was on hero duty, and though both of them were quite unusual interacting with them was kind of unique and fun for Shun and he started thinking that this time he can make friends who will not 'disappear' because of 'someone's' experiment. And the fact that both of them welcomed him to be their friend without any ulterior .prices made him quite happy about it.

Mirio would go on and on about what kind of hero he was going to be and Tamki who was quite shy and would easily get depressed were people that were hard to deal with but Shun honestly didn't hate their company, and started trusting them a bit.

Just like that his time with staying at Rumiko's house was over as Shun was standing with his stuff outside her house both were looking at each other.

"Oh! Here a farewell gift from me." said Rumi holding out a box in front of Shun.

Shun took the box from her and said, "Is that the carrot cakes from your favourite bakery."

Rumi puffed out her chest and said, "Yup, afterall I a person with huge heart and great legs, heart for awesome people legs for the enemies."

Shun just rolled his eyes at that and safely covered the box in Vibranium so as to protect the cake from shocks and all.

But just as he was doing that he was grabbed by Rumi who held him tightly in her embrace and said with a tone full of malice, "You dropped your guard Shun!" and then violently started to ruffle his hair making the black haired boy annoyed.

"Ugh, don't do that!!" said Shun as he tried to get out of her hands but she just tightened her grip. Shin thought of using his quirk but just let her do what she wanted since they would not be meeting anytime soon.

"Hmm, aren't you being quite submissive today? Don't tell me that you started liking this?" asked Rumi with a teasing look on her face.

Shun who for some reason felt slightly pissed at the tanned woman, turned his head and blew air directly in front of her eyes taking her by surprise and got out of her embrace.

"Looks like you dropped your guard Rumi~" said Shun with a polite tone.

Rumi rubbed her eyes for a bit and then looked at Shun with a smile and said, "Not bad...for a kid atleast." and then bent a bit and did a low sweep making Shun fall down on the ground and then straddled him by sitting on top of him.

"Aghh, get off!!! You are heavy!!!" said Shun as he struggled for air and started hitting her butt in panic.

Hearing him call her heavy, Rumi for the first time in his two week stay glared at him and said, "Heh...heavy...get me off if you can then!!"

Immediately Shun strengthened his body using his quirk and thought, 'You asked for it." and started emitting heat energy near the area where Rumi was sitting.

Rumi looked down at her bottom feeling hot and thought, "You think this little will do anything to me? Heh, don't you know that rabbits are always in heat. This will not do anything to me."

'... That was too vulgar to say in front of a nine year old kid.' were the thoughts that came in Rumi's mind.

Shun who totally ignored the useless part and only heard the fact that this heat was nothing to her said, "Don't blame me then.....bunny." and in an instant the heat transformed to electricity making the rabbit jump off him because of...litreal shock.

Shun immediately got on the ground and kicked the woman who was straddling him a moment ago but to his surprise instead of being shocked Rumi had a smirk on her face as she intercepted his kick with her own and said, "Looks like those footwork I taught you are coming in handy, eh? Your reaction and kicking posture was better than last time."

But then immediately Shun's vision changed as now was not able to see Rumi's face and instead saw her sitting on top of him with her legs wrapping around his neck.

"But I am still better!" said Rumi with a prideful tone.

But all of a sudden something struck Rumi's head as clear and loud sound of something hitting was heard.

"Arghhh! WHO THE HELL DID THAT!" and turned around only to recieve another hit on her head.

"What are you doing assaulting a 9 year old kid." said an elderly voice which Shun immediately recognised his and said energetically, "Grandma Chiyo!"

Chiyo looked at the kid calling her grandma with a smiled and hit Rumiko again with her injection like stick telling her to get off him.

She then checked Shun for injuries since she knew that the person he stayed with was quite a battle junkie.

"No need for that hag, Shun's fine, I am not that irresponsible." said Rumiko.

"Then aren't you claiming that you are very irresponsible." said Chiyo without looking at her making the tanned woman feel like she was hit by a major blow.

Shun smiled at Chiyo and said, "I am fine grandma Chiyo, Rumi is not that strong to hurt me."

"Huh, what the hell did you say!!! You picking a fight with me!!!" and immediately got another hit from Chiyo's cane.

"Hey! he was the one who started!!" said Rumi pointing her finger towards Shun, but Immediately stopped once she saw Chiyo raising her cane once again.

Standing behind Chiyo who was looking towards Rumiko Shun was was provoking the rabbit eared woman making her groan in anger.