Going on a trip

After Chiyo gave the souvenir to Rumi Shun met with Sorahiko who was sitting in the taxi and said his goodbyes to Rumi.

Rumi just waved her hands and said, "Let's play some games the next time you come here."

Shun nodded his head and then got in the taxi as well after which they left.

All Might has already gone back to his hero agency as he was absent for quite a while needed to go back to his hero job. Both of them dropped Chiyo at her home after which they returned back to their old house.

"Did you go to the old cat's in the morning?" asked Sorahiko looking at his grandson.

"I told him that I would not be coming for two weeks since we were on a vacation and his son and his family came at his place." said Shun opening the door and getting inside the house.

Shun and Sorahiko got in the house stretched their bodies and Shun placed the old man's luggage in his room and said, "I will be in my room then." and got up stairs.

Sorahiko nodded and went to his room and decided to take a nap since the trip exhausted him a bit.


A week later after coming back from Rumi's home Shun decided to ask for somethings from Torino and was currently sitting in front of him with a plate full of Taiyaki in his hand.

Sorahiko looked at the plate that his grandson was holding and asked, "...What do you want...?"

"I want to buy some things.... here's the bribe." and pushed the plate forward.

Sorahiko sat down on a chair, placing his hands on the table and resting his head on top of them and asked in a serious tone, "What is it that you want?"

"Well I want to get my hands on some scraps, you know old and worn out goods...Night eye fold me that he will sell the ones that he have in his hero agency at a cheap price.....and currently I am a bit short on cash so....."

Sorahiko stared at his grandson for a while and took a Taiyaki from the plate and took a bite and said, "The cheapest ones from the shop down the road....bribe, huh. And what happened to your earnings?"

"No, I have enough to buy the stuff, but I will have no money after that, so I was wondering if you could give me some....I will return it back, promise." said Shun.

Sorahiko remained silent for a while and then asked, "What is it for?"

"Well you know my quirk allows me to customize and create things right? I was thinking of training that and learn to fix various kinds of things and improve the quirk.....and machines are the best to do that since furniture is really easy to make."

"So quirk training, huh...sure I don't mind....but all that stuff will be in your room, the space here is already very less for the two of us."

Shun nodded his head and called Night eye telling him about the things that he wanted.

Once the things got delivered Shun payed him and and brought all the stuff to his room by the night.

"Hmm, by the way, you could have asked Toshi for the scraps, right he could have given you those for free." said Sorahiko while watching the news.

"Hmm, Well I could have and he might have given me those for free as well.....but I believe the things that costs the most are the ones that are given for free...plus All Might was gone with you and grandma Chiyo when I discussed this with Night eye." said Shun while checking out a video on repairing the things that he got.

Sorahiko looked at Shun and thought, 'He is still too guarded against others...I hope that gets better as he grows.' and just patted Shun's back.

"What?" asked Shun looking towards his grandfather.

"...Nothing, just do your best with your quirk training." said Sorahiko and then he went back to watching T.V.

Shun just nodded and then took one of the devices that he bought and started to use his customize create on it to check it out.



Currently Shun was in his room sleeping with his head resting in the table and some drool coming out of his mouth.

"-un...un....SHUN!!! GET UP!!!" shouted Sorahiko barging into his room without even knocking. He then looked at his grandson who was sleeping on the table with a lot of parts present all around the room, to the point that it looked like a repair shop.

Sorahiko shook Shun a bit making him frown a bit and said, "5 minutes."

Sorhiko then picked up the alarm clock that was fallen down on the floor and said, "Look at the time, you will be running late if you don't get up soon." and forcibly made him glance at the clock.

Shun stared at the clocks with an absentmindedly expression for a while when suddenly his eyes opened wide as he immediately got up from his chair and "Just give me 5 minutes, I will be ready by that time." said Shun as he teleported from his spot and appeared inside the bathroom.

During the past one year, Shun, learnt quite a lot of skills by training and one of them was the teleportation technique. In this technique he simply uses customize create over a specified area and then customize his location from one spot to another.

He also learned fixing various appliances and could now just create many devices with his vibranium.....though he needed to use his own energy as a power source, since batteries and the like were only possible to be made if he had the materials for making them.

He also opened an online site by the name of "Thrift shop" where he sells the things that he fixed and thus was constantly making money which was good since All Might found out that he was selling the articles that he signed and refused to do the same thing again.....thought after constant convincing he said that he would sign only one article a month.

Shun also went to Rumi's house from time to time whenever she invited him for a game night or something like that. Rumi also rose up in ranking during the past year making most of those who were slandering her for working all alone without being a part of an agency shut up. Currently she was in triple digits and was close to being in the double digits.

Shun also continued to play with Mirio and Tamaki and also visited their houses from time to time making them very good friends with eachother. Something which Tamaki's parents were very grateful about since their son didn't have many friends.

Shun also visited Rei once a month on days where both the Todoroki siblings were also free so as to have a fun time with all of them. Though he also vists her alone sometimes when both of her children were unable to go there because of certain things and Fuyumi requested him to do so. He also once sneaked her out of the hospital using his teleportation technique, since the weather was fine and the lady was interested in watching the cherry blossoms. Though he later got scolded a lot by Fuyumi for doing that but knew that she was not that serious and was happy for her mother.

Shun then suddenly came out of the bathroom after taking his bath and immediately dried his body using the quirk and then wore his clothes.

He then immediately packed up some snacks and other stuff and took the luggage that he packed up last night from his room and came down stairs breathing heavily, clearly showing that he rushed through all that.

Suddenly the door bell rang and Sorahiko opened the door and a buffed up All Night wearing a suit came in and said, "I AM HERE!!!!"

He then looked at Shun and asked, "Ready to leave Shun-shounen?!" with an enthusiastic expression on his face.

Shun just gave him a thumbs up since he was still panting.

"Seems like you did some last minute packing and all, but anyway let's get going." and held the boy and in luggage in his hands and got out and said, "Good bye sensei, see you after a week."

Sorahiko nodded and said, "Have fun there, and Toshi make sure to look after Shun."

All Might nodded and said, "Leave it to me." and then put Shun and his luggage down and said, "Then let's get going to the I-island."

Hearing which Shun nodded and the loaded his luggage in the car and got in.