Melissa Shield

Soon they reached the Shield residence and were greeted by David's assistant.

David then asked his assistant to show them their rooms so that they can refresh a bit.

All Might didn't say anything but gestured Shun to not interrupt him for a while.

Shun just gave a nod agreeing to it after which All Might asked David that there was something that he wanted to discuss with him and left.

"Samuel don't worry I will show him around, you can go back to the lab if you want." said Melissa with a smile making the assistant smile as well and left the two kids alone.

Melissa then led Shun to the room that was prepared for the guests and soon they saw a clean room with two beds in there along with the other basic furniture in it.

"How is it, it's good right?" asked Melissa to which Shun nodded his head and said, "Yeah, it's way cleaner compared to my room."

Melissa just smiled at that and let Shun keep his stuff.

She then looked at Shun curiously for a while and feeling her staring at him, he asked, "Is there something you want to ask?"

"Hmm, are you tired after the flight?" asked Melissa.

"No, not in the slightest." said Shun casually.

"...Then do you want to look around the island with me....since, you know today might be the only day that we will be free since the camp is starting from tomorrow." asked Melissa.

Shun thought about it for a while and said, "Sure, no problem?...You do know the way around the island right?" asked Shun confirming whether going with her was safe or not.

Hearing that Melissa gave a thumbs up and said, "Don't worry about that."

Shun sighed and nodded his head.

"Even if we get lost I can give out a signal to my father along with our location. So no need to worry." said Melissa and immediately averted her eyes when Shun stared at her.

'I better remember the location on the map.' thought Shun as he used his map feature to remeber the area he was in.

While he was doing that Melissa grabbed his hand pulled him outside and led him to the garage.

Shun who was being pulled by the girl just let her do that as he noticed that she was slightly happy and thought, 'She must not have many friends....just like, I have two friends so my condition bis better than hers....right?'

Soon they were in the garage and Shun's eyes immediately widened once he saw the number of parts that were there in the garage.

Melissa let go of Shun's hand and immediately went to search for something and soon came back with a motorized skate scooter, though Shun could see that it was not a normal one as the parts that were used in it were not simple.

"Hehe, you see it is made by me....though dad helped me a bit...more like a lot, but it was me who instructed him since he didn't allow me to use sharp tools and other stuff back when it was made." said Melissa.

But Shun totally ignored what she was saying and started checking the scooter with his customize create and was seeing it's construction.

Melissa who saw that Shun ignored her and was instead focusing on her scooter didn't know whether to feel happy or be angry at him for doing that.

"It's quite enough to compete with the fastest scooters out there in the market. But it's much more durable and safer than the ones since, the material used is quite durable compared to the normal ones used outside and checks the surroundings with its sensors and warns the rider if there might be some danger ahead. I am working on adding a G.P.S featu-" explained Melissa but stopped immediately once she saw Shun looking elsewhere.

She was about to ask whether something was wrong or did she do something, but before she was able to say anything Vibranium started to come out of Shun's body and took the shape of the scooter that Melissa had with her, though was of different colour.(Melissa's red while Shun's blue)

Melissa who saw a new scooter appear in front of her just that instant had her mouth open wide and was totally speechless.

Shun then looked at Melissa and said, "That scooter of yours is really impressive...I hope that you are not angry that I took its design as the base for mi-"

But before he could finish Melissa grabbed Shun's shoulders and with sparkling eyes said, "THAT WAS AMAZING!!! YOU CAN MAKE THINGS JUST LIKE THAT!!! IS THAT YOUR QUIRK?!?!"

Shun was slightly taken aback by the girl who immediately closed the gap between them and started speaking excitedly.

He held her shoulder made her take a few steps back and said, "Umm....I take it that you don't mind the design thing. Well it is my Quirk's ability that I used just now. What about you? What is your quirk?"

Hearing his question Melissa's body stiffened for a bit but soon became normal and she said, "A-Ah, well I don't have a quirk.....I am a quirkless." and gave forced laugh waiting for the look that she has seen a lot of times in the past from Shun.

But contrary to her expectations Shun just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Is that so....well doesn't matter that much since you have the ability to make something this shall we get going?"

Hearing his answer and seeing him not looking down on her or looking at her with pity, Melissa got slightly shocked and was not able to say anything.

Shun seeing that Melissa was not saying anything snapped his fingers in front of her and asked, "You in there Melissa? If you are not feeling well then you don't need to force yourself. You can rest since we would be going to the camp tomorrow."

But Melissa immediately shook her head and with a bright smile on her face said, "Let's go.....I will treat you to a burger at a place I know."

Shun who saw her smiling nodded his head and said, "I will be expecting it to be good."

Melissa gave him a thumbs up and then both of them got on their scooters and went out.

But soon both of them stopped after a while once Melissa noticed that Shun's scooter was faster and wanted to ride it.

She then looked towards Shun with an expectant gaze and said, "Sure but you will need to put the battery from your scooter in this one, since it works on my energy." and showed some sparks coming out from his fingers.

Hearing that Melissa got surprised once again seeing another application from Shun's quirk but soon became dissapointed since she didn't want to break her scooter and take out the battery since it was sealed and it would take quite a while to take the battery out since the it was quite durable and was sealed complexly.

Suddenly an idea came in her mind and she immediately looked at Shun with a smile on her face.

Later that day two children could be seen on an overly large scare scooter with a black haired boy holding the blonde girl's waist, who was handling the steering.

"Melissa slow down a bit." said Shun with a deadpan look and sighed seeing his nth warning going to waste.

Earlier Melissa told him that since he could make it in an instant, he could make it longer for the two of them to ride together and was thus successfully pushed behind her with him holding her waist to support himself.

Shun honestly wanted to just run instead of riding along with her, but if he did that he would not be able to provide the energy, and there was no battery back at the garage which could give the output required to give maximum output.

Melissa had a huge smile on her face feeling the wind on her face. She just glanced at the boy behind her who have been giving her warnings to slow down for quite a while and said, "It's fine...and if we not rush we will miss the buy one get one free hour at the burger shop I told you about!!"

Shun immediately turned serious hearing that and said, "It's serious then... Melissa be prepared and don't let go of the steering no matter what."

Even though Shun said that he didn't trust her mucha Nd leaned a bit forward holding her hands which were on the handle.

"Huh, what are you going to do?" asked Melissa with a confused tone.

"Speed up" said Shun as he accelerated the scooter a bit more and asked Melissa for the directions who just let go of the handle and let Shun take over while she rose her hands up in the air and was laughing out loud.

Soon both of them reached the place Melissa talked about and Melissa immediately rushed inside to order.

Shun just told her what all he wanted and went to find a space for them to sit and absorbed the scooter back in his body.

Soon Melissa came out with a tray full of things in her hands and moved to where Shun was sitting and placed it in front.

Shun smiled seeing that everything was double just as she said and thought, 'No matter what seeing something other than Taiyaki on my plate really makes me happy.'

Melissa sat down as well and took her share from the tray as well and both of them started eating.