All Might and his successor

Shun and Hayasaka continued their chat as they walked towards the station. By the time they arrived at the station and had to part ways, Hayasaka asked him about his social media info which Shun gave it to her without much worry.

Currently in his way back Shun who was in a train sat back and thought, 'Its been a long time since I travelled in a train.

He took out his phone and decided to play a game for the time he was in there.

'...What? Don't judge my's going to be true soon anyway...' though Shun.

Shin nodded and got ready to play.


Shin played for a while and then got off at his stop before he teleported back to his room to continue playing. After a while he went down to give the Taiyaki to Sorahiko and then went back to his room.

He then took out his phone and called someone.

"Hello Melissa.....yeah I am don't so that your dad will blame me for eternity if you did that....I wanna give 'it' a final run after all the adjustments are over can you book a place for that?...Thanks, you are a big help."

He then cut his call and then teleported to his underground workshop to work on something.


A few months passed by since then and Shun didn't have much change in his life except for the occasional 'relieving' exercises with Rumi, though he still haven't lost 'that' yet. He did plan to do it on Christmas, heck even Rumi was prepared for that as she wore a that was outright erotic Santa and rabbit outfit, but the moment they were about to start the motherfu*king phone rang and told Rumi that they needed her help in taking care of the villian.

In the end nothing happened except for the Villains to be beaten up quite badly by the rabbit hero.

And right now, early in the morning Shun saw something that made him question why he woke up so early in the morning.

"Eat it." said All Might as he held a piece of his hair towards the green haired boy.


"I told you about my quirk that could be passed down, right? You see the way of doing that is giving my DNA to the person whom I want to transfer my quirk." said All Might in his buffed body and a smile on his face.

Hearing that Shun's eyes widened in surprise as he realised something and said, "Hang on, doesn't that mean he don't actually need to eat your hair....even saliva will work, right?"

Hearing that both of them looked at him and widend their eyes in surprise not knowing what to say...he was correct theoretically afterall.

Seeing them shocked Shun had a bright 'smile' on his face as he thought, 'Ah it was well worth waking this soon.'

"Now Uncle Might, give your successor a deep passionate french kiss."

All Might gulped his saliva hearing that and so did the green haired boy as he looked towards All Might with am expression of horror.

"So what will you choose, a deep passionate kiss from your idol, or to eat his will make you gay and the other will make you an overobsessed stalker who even easts Uncle Might's hair." said Shun with a totally calm voice making both All Might and Izuku even paler than they already were.

Shin smirked and said, "Or you can even bend Izuku down and make him take the mini Might in his mou-"

"JUST EAT THIS MIDORIYA-SHOUNENEN!!! AND STOP THAT AT ONCE SHUN-SHOUNEN!!!" yelled All Might preventing Shun from finishing what he was about to say before he shove his hair in Izuku's mouth and made him eat the hair strand.

Shun just looked away and whistled acting innocent seeing which All Might's brows twitched.

"... Anyway why isn't something happening to him?" asked Shun as he looked towards Izuku.

"The power assimilation will take some time, but it will be fine by the time of the practical exams, now go home and prepare for the exam Midoriya-shounen." said All Might hearing which Izuku looked at his phone and panicked as he saw that he was about to be late.

"Anyway since all this is done I will be going now." said Shun as he turned around but stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"What happened Uncle Might?"

"Umm... see....*inhale* I am sorry Shun-shounen."

"Huh? What was that? Why the hell are you sorry?"

"...I apologize because I didn't choose you as my too must have wanted that power as well right?"

"Nope, not at all." said Shun making All Might look at him with a surprised expression on his face.

"Sure it would have been a great power boost but that quirk have a lot of responsibilities and enemies for my taste, so no need to apologize. I know you cannot give that quirk to someone who can be dangerous, like me whose father is still searching for him to kill him. So it's all fine." said Shun as he patted the deflated All Might and said, "It doesn't matter whom you give your quirk to. I will still respect you all the same anyway. So cheer up and smile." and gave a small smile himself as he looked towards All Might who had some tears built up in his eyes. He hugged Shun and thanked him praised him for being a good boy and all much to Shun's embarrasment who soon left the hero alone and the went back to where he wanted to go.