A day at Shirogane's

Shun left All Might alone at the beach since he knew that he would be going on his hero duty soon and then headed back to his house.

After having his breakfast together with Sorahiko he left the house once again and soon arrived in front UA highschool.

'Its even more crowded than the recommendation exams.' thought Shun as he looked around the building.

He then began looking around searching for someone and soon found the people them standing in a group.

He walked towards the said group and said, "Itsuka, Neito, Shouyo."

The said group of students turned around and saw Shun coming towards them.

"Shun? I thought that you already got selected for this school?" asked Itsuka since she heard from Shun about him passing the recommendation exam.

"Wait? Shin already got admitted?! But how the heck is that possible, the exams have not yet started?" asked Shouyo a brown haired boy.

"Shun gave the recommendation exams where students recommend by heroes or other higher ups try to get selected directly into the hero course....and as you can guess Shun got selected without any troubles." said Neito with a shrug, he don't need to think much about it since he know about Shun's capabilities.

"I just came to say Best of luck to you all.....and I would have gotten bored at home anyway so I just came here." said Shun.

"Don't joke around you probably came to cheer Kend- ouch, what was that for!" said Shouyo as he got elboelwed by a slightly blushing Itsuka.

Neito came beside Shun and asked, "Any idea what is going to be there in the exam?"

Shun shook his head making Neito give a tired sigh. He then looked towards Shun who was looking around and said, "Many boys were eyeing Kendo, you know?"

Shun looked towards Neito and said, "It is obvious that she would be checked out by others considering how cute Itsuka is."

Itsuka who heard that became motionless and had a slight blush on her cheeks. Neito and Shouyo on the other hand looked at Shun with their eyes widened from surprise and both thought at the same time, 'Shun really is a natural lady killer.' They then saw some of the girls coming to Shun trying to ask him out only to get politely told off by him. 'He is a Thot slayer too....though a polite one.' thought both Neito and Shouyo.

Neito then nudged Shouyo and pointed towards Itsuka who was moving like a robot.

Shouyo nodded and said, "Looks like it is going to start, we will be on our way Shun."

"Later Shun." said Neito as both him and Shouyo started pushing Itsuka towards the exam hall.

"Eh? What are you two doing?" asked a surprised Itsuka.

"We can't have you failing the exam because you got overheated from Shun's compliment." said Neito with a slightly teasing tone which resulted in him recieving a punch from Kendo big and hard fist.

Shun started at his friends goofing around and sighed. He then turned around deciding to leave until he saw a familiar green haired boy.

'Here comes the successor, looking towards the school building with such hesitation as if he was going to enter a brothel...but is the quirk assimilation complete, doesn't look like there is that much change in him. Let's appraise him.'





'Well he got the quirk I guess....what about All Might then, don't tell me he is going hero in his skinny form.' thought Shun with a slightly concerned look on his face.

'...Wow, first step and already falling face first....that girl must have something like telekinesis or what.' thought Shun as he saw the girl preventing Izuku's fall.

'... Gravity control....powerful if used correctly.' thought Shun as he looked at the girl for a bit before looking back towards Izuku who was acting all embarrased and blushing.

Shun decided to not know what was going on inside his head and decided to go out.

"... Kazami-kun?" asked Izuku as he saw Shun amongst the crowd.

"Izuku, well your first impression right now to the students who came today was totally shit....still best of luck for your exam." said Shun

Midoriya got embarrased after he heard what Shun said but then with some shine in his eyes asked, "D-Did you come here to wish me luck?"

"....Yeah." said Shun taking a bit of time to answer him.

Hearing that Midoriya felt happy. He really respected Shun since he was the person who told him that he can be a hero even when his idol All Might told him that it would be unrealistic to think around those lines,and after hearing about him from All Might and knowing how even All Might had respect for the boy Shun became Midoriya's new idol, though he still respected All Might more than Shun there was no denying the fact that he felt happy whenever Shun gave him pointers or help him in his combat training.

Seeing Midoriya smiling brightly Shun just felt a bit guilty since he originally came here to wish luck to his schoolmates.

He patted Midoriya's shoulder and said, "Do your best since you now have a chance." and then turned away.

Midoriya who understood what Shun meant clenched his fists and looked towards Shun's back with a determined look in his eyes.


Once Shun was done with U.A. he decided to check his apartment and teleported there.

"Well looks like Grandma brought most of her stuff here....I will shift soon too once high school starts....let's go and visit Miyuki and Kei." said Shun and got out of his house.

He then went to the first floor where the Shirogane family lived and took out his phone.

"Hello Miyuki, you home?.... Perfect I am standing in front of your house open the door." said Shun as he ended the call and kept his phone back.

Soon the door opened and Miyuki with his eyes looking more tired than usual came in front of him.

"Dude, you look like you are struggling to live." said Shun as he saw Miyuki's face.

"*sigh*. Just come in." said Miyuki as he got inside letting way open for Shun go enter as well.

Shun got inside and close the door and said, "Thank you for having me. So what is the problem that is eating my dear friend away?"

"...Exams are coming and I am aiming for the top this time, needs effort you know?" said Miyuki with a tired voice.

"Yeah, but seeing the shape you are in you need rest more you know?" said Shun.

"I will rest all I want after the exams." said Miyuki as he stretched his body.

"Want me to help you?" asked Shun.

"Really? Well there were some doubts I would like you help with. Damn you really came at a pretty sweet time." said Miyuki.

"Onii are to talking to yourself?" asked Kei who suddenly peeked out if her room.

"Oh, Kei-cha, no I am not. Shun came over and I was talking to him."

Kei's eyes widened in surprise as she saw Shun and said, "S-Shun-san!! W-w-wait a minute!!!" and then immediately got inside her room and slammed the door.

Both the boys looked at the door and Miyuki said, "Sorry Shun, Kei is just behaving like that for a while now, she stopped get angry at no reason at all from time to time."

"SHUT UP AND DROP DEAD!!!" yelled Kei from inside as she heard what her brother said just now.

The door soon opened and Kei came out looking all refreshed and beautiful.

"Good morning Shun-san." said Kei with a smile on her face seeing which Miyuki was so shocked as if he saw her grow a second head.

Shun smiled and said, "Good morning Kei, sorry for intruding."

"It's fine, I am happy to see you here. Would you like to have some tea?" asked Kei.

'Who the hell is she? What did she do to my sister?' were the thoughts inside Miyuki's head.

Shun shook his head and said, "It's fine Kei, no need to trouble yourself, I was going to help Miyuki anyway." and then looked towards Miyuki.

"I will get the things ready and clean my room a bit." said Miyuki as he went towards his room leaving Shun alone with Kei.

Kei who realised that she was alone with him blushed a bit and asked, "A-Any way Shun-san, what highschool are you going to this year?"

"U.A. I already got selected too." said Shun.

"Wow, you really got into one of the most prestigious hero school in Japan." mutter Kei with slight awe in her tone.

"You and your brother at the best schools of Japan too you know. If I have to say, you are even more amazing to be attending the best school even when you are in junior high." said Shun making the girl feel happy at being complimented.

"Shun you coming?" asked Miyuki making Shun nod at him while Kei glared at her brother.

'Read the mood you idiot!!!' mentally yelled Kei.

"Coming, see you later Kei." said Shun as he patted her back at then went to Miyuki's room where they did all sorts of....questions that Miyuki had a problem with.

Later that day around lunch time Kei peeked inside her brother's room and saw Shun helping her brother with studies and thought, 'Shun-san really is amazing to ba able to help my brother with his studies....it's almost lunch time. Good, I will impress him with my cooking.'

Kei then went to the kitchen and checked what was available for her to cook.

'....The only thing that I can make is curry from the ingredients that are here.' thought Kei as she took up a pan.


Suddenly hearing a voice from behind Kei yelped and turned around with a surprised look on her face.

"S-Shun-san...don't scare me like that." complained Kei with a pout.

Shin apologized and then took a cup to get some water and then said, "You were going to cook something?"

Kei who saw the pan she was holding nodded her head and said, "Yes, it's around lunch time, so I was thinking of making something....you will join us right?"

Shun who saw her asking shyly smiled and said, "Well if you ask me like that, how can I say no to you. C'mon I will help you too."

Kei smiled happily and nodded her head but was surprised to hear that Shun will help her too and got even more excited.

On the other hand at the entrance of the kitchen a pair of eyes was looking at this scene with shock not able to believe how the hell was the girl acting so sweetly.