
Shun who just saw the two villains falling into the hole turned his head towards Aizawa and looked at his condition.

"Your arm looks pretty bad." said Shun.

"Nah, just a flesh wound. But you should make sure to not get touched by the man with hands all over his body. His quirk is something that decays anything on contact." said Aizawa as he sat up and tried to move his limbs.

"All right." said Shun as he took his stance and saw the muscle bird and hand guy coming out of the hole with the muscle bird carrying the hand man.

"He is healed? What the fu*k!" said Shun as he saw that the arm that he cut off the bird man was there once again.

'Appraisal' thought Shun as he looked at the two villains in front of him.


NAME: Tomura Shigaraki

QUIRK: Decay(Unlocked)



NAME: Nomu

QUIRK: Super Regeneration(Unlocked), Shock absorption(Unlocked)


"...No way..." muttered Shun as he saw the information on the translucent screen in front of him.

"That's it!! Nomu kill that bra-" yelled Shigaraki with an angry tone as he pointed towards Shun.

But before he was able to finish Shun appeared in front of the two villains while the Nomu guy was still carrying Tomura.

"You two must be related to him." said Shun in a cold tone as he gripped his sword tightly and slashed the bird man without any hesitation.

Tomura who saw that the red armoured guy appeared all of a sudden stopped his command and immediately jumped of Nomu's hands which were cut off once again by Shun.

"Y-You!!!" yelled an irritated Tomura as he pounced towards Shun with his hands forward.

Shun just looked towards the man who was coming towards him and side stepped, dodging the man. He then looked at the still moving Tomura, grabbed his head with both his hands and bashed it to his knee making a bloddy mess out of Tomura's pale face.

"Gwehh!!!" yelled Nomu as he used his regenerated hand to punch Shun and free his master.

"AHHHH!!!" yelled Tomura who was used as a meat shield by Shun and took the full force behind Nomu's punch.

"There, now step aside." said Shun as he threw away the beaten up Tomura and looked at Nomu who stopped moving all of a sudden.

"K-Kill h-him..." said Tomura with difficulty as he pointed towards Shun.

Hearing his command without even thinking Nomu started attacking Shun with full force.

'Fu*k what is this strength?' thought Shun as he felt that he and his armour moved back a bit after some punches.

Deciding to take this matter more seriously, Shun started attacking back and started matching Nomu's speed intercepting all the punches that were coming towards him.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha try all you want but you cannot defeat him. He was made to kill All Might you know!!!" said Tomura while laughing like a mad man.

Shun who heard that snorted and yelled, "Like this piece of shit could ever do that!!!" and punched the Nomu with some extra force from his quirk behind his punch, sending him 10 meters away.

"What?! But that's impossible. Nomu was made to be able to defeat All Might!!" said Tomura with a panicked tone as he saw the red armoured guy overpowering his Nomu.

Scratching all over his body with his hands Tomura began mumbling something, seeing which Shun wanted to say something but before he was able to Nomu appeared once again and started attacking him without any hesitation.

Though this time Shun too decided to not think about his MP usage and started using more energy behind his blows making Nomu take a step back every once in a while.

"It's useless!!! Nomu had shock absorption quirk and regeration quirks!! Your attacks are meaningless to him!!" said Tomura.

"Well yes, but actually no." said Shun as he gave Nomu an uppercut making the guy stumble a bit showing all the wounds that were on his body.

"You see, I have some backup as well." said Shun as he looked back towards Aizawa who was looking at Nomu while using his quirk.

"Eraser head!!!" yelled Tomura as he ran towards Aizawa.

Seeing that both Aizawa and Shun narrowed their eyes but before Shun could rush into help, Nomu came back once again.

"Fu*k!! Even your not staying down after all those attacks is reminding me of that 'man'. Are all multiple quirk users like that." said Shun as he blocked the attacks coming towards him.

Aizawa who saw the villain running towards him, erased his quirk as well and wrapped his bandages all around him and started attacking him as well.

Tomura seeing that didn't stood still and tried to counter attack as well, making Aizawa's hold on him loosen up and freeing him.

Seeing that he was free, Tomura attacked Aizawa making sure to aim for his injuries.

'Shit!' thought Aizawa as he winced in pain and closed his eyes for a bit once Tomura was successfully able to land a hit on his wound.

"Die!!!" yelled Tomura as he moved his hand to touch Aizawa.

"Die!!!" yelled Bakugo who appeared above the two of them while propelling himself with his explosions and glared at the man who copied his tagline.

"Don't yell when doing a sneak attack." said Todoroki in his cold and emotionless voice as he froze the ground with his quirk trapping Tomura in his ice as well.

"Ugh..." groaned Tomura as he recieved an explosive punch on his face from Bakugo while he was trapped in ice.

"Damn it Damn it!! NOMU!!!" yelled Tomura, hearing which the bird man immediately stopped his fight with Shun and rushed towards Tomura and the others.

"Oh no you don't." said Shun as he Rand towards Nomu as wel. But since he was faster than him, Shun arrived before Nomu and kicked him on his waist sending him away.

"Take some distance it will be troublesome to save you while dealing with him." said Shun as he gave Bakugo who was coming forward a glance.

Before even getting a reply Shun turned around and said, "Let's finish this with a smash. Initiate Heavy smasher." said Shun.

Immediately more Vibranium started coming out of his suit and started wrapping around him once again.

Soon instead of regular sized red armour a bigger and heavy looking grey armour appeared.

Seeing his new armour Aizawa and the other two widend their eyes in surprise but before they could say anything Nomu appeared in front of Shun and punched him with all his strength.

Expecting a huge aftershocks to come after the attack Aizawa grabbed his two students and jumped back.

"...Is that all." said Shun as he just stood at his spot without showing any signs of discomfort since the Vibranium absorbed all the energy that was behind the punch.

"Huh, what the?!?! That strength was something even All Might couldn't hold against." said a shocked Tomura as he saw that Shun was still totally fine.

"That was weak." said Shun bas he took his stance and gave a simple punch to Nomu.


A thunderous noise appeared just as Shun punched the Nomu sending it flying and making a very strong gust of him follow after the punch.

".....That was even beyond my expectations..." thought Shun as he looked at his fist which just sent the shock absorbing bird man flying and Shun was pretty sure that the guy also spat a lot of blood once the punch connected, though it got blown away with the gust that followed his punch.

"KAZAMI!!!" suddenly out of nowhere Shun heard Bakugo's yell making him turn around.

"DAMN YOU DAMN YOU ALL!!!! OI KUROGIRI!!! RELEASE ME!!!" yelled Tomura who was being pulled inside the black portal.

"No you don't." said Shun as he jumped towards the pale hand guy to catch him only for another portal to appear in front of him sending him all the way to the other end of the USJ facility.