"Rescue" training

Shun who was just sent to other end of the USJ facility found himself falling down towards the ground.

Not even caring about how he would land Shun looked towards the place where he fought against the villains but was not able to spot the black fog and the hand guy.

Using customize create once again to get rid of the heavy armour and absorbing the Vibranium, Shun changed to his armour's flight mode and rushed towards Aizawa and the others.

"Where is that fog guy?" asked Shin with a serious tone as soon as he reached the place where Aizawa and the others were.

"Kazami-kun, are you oka-" asked Uraraka but Shun cut her off and asked, "Where is that fog guy?"

Most of the students flinched after hearing Shun's cold tone but Aizawa looked back at him with a serious look and said, "Kurogiri....the fog guy and the Shigaraki probably got away. The moment that Nomu thing got defeated by you, the black portal appeared below Shigaraki and sucked him away. They probably ran away because their secret weapon was defeated."

Hearing that Shun got enraged as he clenched his fists but soon he forced himself to calm down and took a deep breath.

He deactivated his flight mode and landed on the ground and stomped his feet once.

"Damn it!" said Shun with a frustrated tone. It was the first time he got so close to getting a clue related to his father's disappearance but now that opportunity was gone.


Suddenly all of them heard a loud noise making all of them flinch from surprise and turn around ready to protect themselves from the villains.

"I am here!" declared All Might with a serious look on his face as he entered the USJ facility.

Seeing that it was the All Might all of sighed in relief except for Shun who stared at All Might and thought, '...They said that they were here for Uncle Toshi, right? Then does that mean that using him as a bait could lure that fog guy out?'

All Might suddenly felt a shiver run down his spine as he looked around the USJ facility.

'...What was that feeling?' thought All Might but soon shook that off his Might and instantly vanished from his spot as he started defeating the remaining small fries.

"Phew, All Might is here. We can relax now." said Kaminari as he gave a relieved sigh but immediately after that two fists went past him and a loud explosion was heard.

""DON'T RAISE A FU*KING FLAG!!!"" yelled Shun and Bakugo at the same time as they dealt with a villain that was about to use a sneak attack and most probably take Kaminari as his hostage.

"...Umm.....S-Sorry...." said Kaminari with a frightened tone as he looked at Shun and Bakugo with a stiff expression on his face.

"Don't let you guard down, until everything is confirmed. Stay aware of your surroundings." said Aizawa as he looked at his students.

They all just nodded their heads and kept their guard up. Shun on the other hand just kept silent as he thought about various things mostly related to the fog guy and multiple quirk user.

"You alright?" asked Aizawa who came towards Shun to check on him. He noticed that his student suddenly changed his dreamour in the middle of the fight and wanted to know if everything was fine or not.

"... Physically yes." said Shun.

"Then that means you are not mentally? I knew that you had a few screws loose." said Aizawa.

"Sorry but I am not in the mood to roast you right now, so please don't bother me." said Shun as he went back to his thinking.

Aizawa looked at him with a deadpan look on his face and was about to say something but stopped as he noticed that All Might coming towards them which meant that he was done dealing with the villains.

Aizawa gave one last glance to Shun and sighed. He then patted his shoulder and said, "Don't stress yourself too much." and then went towards All Might to explain the situation to him.

Soon the other heroes from UA appeared as well along with the police and the situation at USJ was finally over.

Shun and the others were called at the front gate but on the way Shun felt a tap on his shoulders making him stop and turn around only to see All Might looking at him with a serious look on his face.

But before he was able to say anything Shun stopped him and said, "Let's talk later, I heard earlier that your limit for today is over. So rest up." and then walked away leaving behind All Might who stared at Shun with a slightly guilty look on his face but still followed what Shun asked him to do.

Later Shun and the others were led to the ambulances while being escorted by police and heroes to get them patched up a bit if it was needed.

Aizawa and Thirteen, the only pros at the site were immediately taken to a hospital as their injuries were a bit severe.

The students who were not that injured got first aid that was needed and waited for the police to question them and all, but Shun who knew that most of them were quite shaken up after the incident decided to intervene and let the matters proceed faster, which was not a big problem as Shun was aquatinted with a lot of them since he was quite famous vigilante and got up in trouble from time to time.

With the questioning and other things done the students were allowed to go back and were even offered to be escorted back by police, which was readily accepted by most of the students.


Currently sitting in the school infirmary, Shun looked at All Might and Midoriya lying down in separate beds while being scolded off by Chiyo.

He had no idea how Midoriya got to break his hands once again when hai hands were totally fine till All Might came in.

All Might on the other hand was being scolded was working over his limit for the day, though it was not that bad and would recover with a few days of rest, though that was something that All Might was not able to do often.

"..and finally you." said Chiyo as she came towards Shun and looked at him.

Shun whi looked back at his short grandmother was expecting to be scolded by her too but instead of that he found the small old lady wrapping her hands around him and taking him in her embrace.

"...You really do get involved in many dangerous things. Care about your life you idiot." said Chiyo with a slight angry noise, since she heard from Aizawa and Midoriya about the villains that Shun was dealing with and knowing that it was something made to kill All Might frightened her up a bit.

And yet, her grandson was sitting in front of her totally uninjured, without even any scratches on his body. But despite all that she was worried about him and was just glad that he was safe.

Shun sighed and bent down to hug her back and said, "Don't worry, I care about my life a lot."

"That doesn't seem to be the case after taking your actions into account." said Chiyo as she looked up at Shun.

Shun just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Those actions were not life threatening from my point of view. I am awesome afterall you know."

Choyu snorted buy still felt glad tha that Shun was fine and just hugged him tighter for a bit before she broke the hug and looked back at All Might and Midoriya.

All Might was looking at the grandmother and grandson pair with warm eyes with a smile on his face while Midoriya was totally confused about what all was happening in front of him.

"She is my grandma." said Shun as he pointed at Chiyo making most of the doubts in Midoriya's mind clear up as he nodded his head.

"Shun-shounen....can we talk now?" asked All Might as he looked at Shun.

Shun who already knew what All Might wanted to ask shook his head in denial and said, "Let's talk when you are all healed up....and alone."

All Might who heard that widend his eyes a bit but still nodded his head.

Shun gave a grateful look on his face as he looked at All Might. He didn't want to worry Chiyo anymore and knowing where their talk might head to, Shun was sure that Chiyo will get worried. Plus there was Midoriya as well. And as much as All Might close to the green haired boy, Shun was not like that and was also not that much close to him to reveal his secrets to him.

Knowing what Shun meant Midoriya just gave a wry smile while Chiyo frowned a bit and smacked Shun with her injection staff which was easily dodged by him.

And just like that their first "rescue" training at USJ was over.