
The next day after the USJ incident the UA high was temporarily closed. The media broadcasted the news about this incident causing a huge unrest amongst the parents who sent their kids to UA and to the civilians who came to know that the attack was aimed to kill All Might.

Shun who was currently in his home was watching the news on the TV and was seeing how much the news was exaggerated. Sighing at the fact that none of his classmates were interviewed about the incident, Shun turned off the TV and started thinking about a lot of things that were currently going through his mind. Most of that though belonged to the black fog guy and the relation that he have with his father's disappearance.

While he was thinking he suddenly heard the sound of his door bell ringing which snapped him out of his trance.

"Oi Shun!! Open the door!" yelled Miyuki who banged on the door.

Shun who probably knew why the mostly composed boy was getting impatient sighed and went to open the door.

"Good morning Miyuki." said Shun.

"Good morning my ass! What the hell was in the news! Are yo-" said Miyuki but he got suddenly pushed away as Kei came forward and looked at Shun from top to bottom with a worried look on her face.

"S-Shun-san a-are you all right? You are not injured anywhere, right?" asked Kei as she flailed her arms.

"Hey I was about to ask the same thing." complained Miyuki.

"Shut up you idiot brother." replied Kei as she looked at her brother.

"You two don't be worried, I am totally fine. Not injured at all. I am very strong, you know." said Shun with a smile as he gave a reassuring smile to the siblings.

The siblings still looked at Shun with worried looks on their faces but didn't asked much since Shun was telling them that he was fine.

"What are you all doing. Don't you two have school." said Papa Shirogane as he came down as well wearing a suit.

All three of them looked at the old man who just came there. The old man looked at his children for a while before his gaze fell on Shun.

"Good morning Shirogane-san." said Shun.

"Hmm, Good morning. That is your class that is currently being shown on the news, right?" asked the old man.

"Yeah." replied Shun.

The old man checked Shin from top to bottom and said, "Seems like you are fine." to which Shun just gave a nod in response.

The old man gave a nod as well and said, "Good, But still take care of yourself. There are a lot of times when we think that we are fine but I'm actuality that is not the case."

Hearing him the three children widend their eyes in surprise and thought at the same time, '...Is he giving an advice?!'

"Luckily for you, I have this charm which can increase ones luck and can help in protecting them. Do you want to buy one." said the old man as he opened his suitcase and showed various amulets that were in there.

'HE IS JUST TRYING TO SELL HIS GOODS!!!' thought the three children as the respect that the old man had in the eyes of the three children fell even more.

"What the hell old man?!" said Miyuki.

"What are you even thinking Papa?" said Kei.

"I am fine without those charms of yours." said Shin with a polite smile on his face.

"Hmph, your loss." said the old man as he closed his briefcase.

"Here." said the old man as he threw something towards Shun.

Shun caught the object in his hand and saw that it was a candy.

"That thing helped me a lot in the time when I was very depressed." said the old man as he looked towards the sky.

Seeing his expression on his face the other three just fell silent and looked at the candy that was in Shun's hand. Shun just decided to follow the old man's advice and put the unwrapped candy in his mouth

"Needless to say that thing is a medicine wrapped in a candy wrapper to make it look appealing. It is very bitter and it will distract you from having depressing thoughts because of its awful taste." said the old man as he turned back to look towards the kids.

Hearing that both the Shirogane siblings widend their eyes in shock and turned towards Shun, only to find him crouching on the ground and coughing loudly.

"Shun/Shun-san!!" said both the the siblings as they looked at their friend with a worried look on their face.

Shun raised his hand to gesture that he was fine and looked up and glared at the old man.

The Shirogane siblings did the same and Miyuki asked, "Why the hell are you even carrying such a thing?"

The old man took a deep breath and said, "Well there are times when I see women playing around with younger guys and for some reason I start thinking about my wife who most likely is doing the same. This thing help me in those times."

Hearing his story the other three fell silent once again not sure whether they should ask any further than this.

"You guys it fine, I will just go and grab something to clear my taste buds. More importantly you guys are getting late for your school so get going." said Shun as he gave a pat on the siblings' back.

The siblings felt a bit hesitant but still decided to go to their school but they promised to have dinner together in the evening.

Once they were gone Shun felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see the old man still standing there.

"It's good that you are fine after all that. Take care." and then gave a pat on his back before he decided to go on his work.

Shun just sighed and decided to get something to eat as his taste buds felt like they were dead and went inside.

As the time went by Shun recieved calls from a number of people like Neito, Itsuka, his grandpa, Rumi, Melissa all of them asking whether he was done or not, though his grandpa was more worried as he probably heard somethings from All Might making Shun feel a bit pissed at his idiot of a senior.

Making sure that he conveyed that he was fine Shun sighed and decided to distract himself and play some games.

But just as he thought that Shun heard his door bell ring once again which made him curious about the ones who were outside.

Checking the surroundings with his customize create Shun came to know that there were three people in front of his door.

Preparing for the worst Shun was ready to attack as he moved towards the door carefully.

Just as he was about to open the door a head popped out in front of him through the door.

"Hey Sh-"

Not even thinking twice Shun punched with full force towards the face that was in front of him.

His hand immediately passed through the head and the door making a fist sized hole in his door.

"Mirio! What the hell!" said Shun as he recognised the person whose head just popped from his door.

"Hahaha you pierced my head." said Mirio with a laugh as he pulled his body back and stood straight seeiy which Shun opened the door and saw his three friends Mirio, Tamaki and Nejire standing in front of him.

"Shun!! You were surprised just now right?" asked Nejire with a cheerful smile.

"Surprised? I was shocked!" said Shun as he massaged his temples as he heard Mirio and Nejire laughing out loud.

"Shun sorry about that. I wanted to stop the two of them b-but...." said Tamaki as he looked at Shun with a worried look on his face.

"Anyway leave that! There is something we want to show to you." said Nejire as she came in front of Shun and looked at him with an excited expression on her face.


"Hehe you will like it. Tamaki do it." said Mirio as she patted Tamaki's back.

Tamaki who heard this two friends turned nervous and looked at Shun and gulped his saliva.

"S-S-Shun...." said Tamaki hearing which Shun looked back at him.

Tamaki stared at him for a while before he suddenly crouched down and said, "I cannot do it!!!"

"Hey be like a lion and just say it." said Nejire as she complained and pouted.

"Don't trouble him Nejire." said Shun as he poked he poked the blue haired girl's cheek making her turn around and look at him with a smile on her face.

"Here catch this." said Shun as he threw something towards Mirio.

Mirio caught the thing that Shun threw at him and then looked at it before he smiled.

"Nejire say aah~" said Shun as he held a small candy in his hand and moved it towards Nejire's mouth.

Nejire smiled brightly and opened her mouth.


Shun smiled and put the candy in her mouth while at the same time Mirio put the one Shun gave him in his mouth as well.

Not even a moment later both of their faces scrunched up as they immediately crouched down and spit it out of their mouth and started coughing.

"Yeah, it really is easing my depression." said Shun with a smile on his face as he looked at the two of his friends who shocked him a few moments ago.